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Everything posted by FrFan

  1. "Leaving this agreement, British fishermen themselves will lose the right to work close to the coasts of five other signatory countries: France, Belgium, Germany, Ireland and the Netherlands. By 2015, some 708 000 tonnes of fish have been fished by British vessels, worth 775 million pounds (nearly 900 million euros), according to the British government. By comparison, foreign vessels working in British waters under the London Convention fished 10,000 tonnes of fish, the source said." Link I hope they know what they're doing here.
  2. The evil empire interested in Coutinho !!
  3. Business France: the mail that involves Muriel Pénicaud "EXCLUSIVE JDD - In the Business France survey on the organization of an evening on the sidelines of a trip of Emmanuel Macron in Las Vegas, justice has seized dozens of e-mails internal to Business France. Among them, an e-mail seems to show that Minister of Labor Muriel Pénicaud, former director of the public agency, had been informed upstream of certain budgetary problems........"
  4. Despite PSG and Fabinho agreeing on a deal, Monaco turns down their €45 mil offer ! Florentino Pérez activa una venta bomba en el Real Madrid (¡Y no te lo esperas!) "The countdown for Karim Benzema is under way. Florentino Perez has an eye on the post today and another on tomorrow. No one is eternal. Karim Benzema has given an excellent performance in the white club that values like no contribution of a key player. Now, with the footballer 'flirting' with his thirties, a greater debate is required." I'm shocked Perez selling one of his darlings ! C'mon Arsène I know you can't resist the urge to make a move
  5. The lastest news from King Machiavel ! I won't even mention the unprecedent turmoil and violation of democracy which happened yesterday in the upper house. The thought of Emmanuel Macron "too complex" for the interviews To justify the president's decision, an amazing - and condescending - answer was provided. As the evening paper says, the Elysée states that the " complex thinking " of the president " lends itself poorly to questions and answers with journalists ." Medias, you've been trying real hard to manipulate us to vote for him, now eat this ! Here we go again with the medias lecturing by the Macronian spokeman of arrogance ! Castaner calls on the press to "not try to weaken" Pénicaud "Government spokesman Christophe Castaner on Wednesday urged the press to "not try to weaken" Muriel Pénicaud , "because we are in an important moment for the reform of labor." The Minister of Labor, former head of Business France, Is targeted by an investigation into an evening organized in Las Vegas by Havas, where Emmanuel Macron had visited......"
  6. Bravo to Bravo with the 3 deflections in the penalty shootout !
  7. Coming from the hood with their codes of behavior, having little education despite the tutoring from the educators and sport trainers. They're coming from poor families and when they get their first big paycheck they're loosing their minds. They get way too much money for playing a game. Some of them keep on seeing their childhood buddies, who are wrongdoers, former convicts, drug dealers (Benzema). Some of them need boot camps ! I believe the parents do have their share of responsabilities too. They don't respect the jersey, are lazy, weak-willed, arrogants who don't sing the national anthem. The fans have changed also, they don't only hail or shout, now they insult the players. The only former trainer who never had a problem with them was Guy Roux, because he was tough as nails and real mean when necessary. Even Cantona never tried to screw up with him.
  8. Macron invites Trump to attend the 14-July parade "The American president replied that he would "examine the feasibility" of this trip." Edit: REM lecturing us about respect of the democracy in our national assembly (congress) The democratic rule being that each group members elect their leader, while REM is the only one which doesn't respect the rule, their leader was named by Macron ! Moreover it's Ferrand who was forced to resign from his ministry, has little experience (only one term) and was well known for his absenteeism !!! Turncoat De Rugy (former ecologist) elected president of the national assembly We've got another turncoat former prime minister Valls leaving the socialists to be close to REM, some people wouldn't hesitate to sell their soul to get a position
  9. La Massia have been raided recently following the 2015 FIFA ban: Eric Garcia, Kays Ruiz (PSG), Lee Seung Woo (wants to leave to get playing time, €3 mil clause), Jordi Mboula (Monaco). Out of the 21 players of Barça B, only 12 are eligible for a U21 national selection and two are over 25 years old.
  10. Here we go again with another headcase ! Kingsley Coman placed in custody for domestic violence
  11. "According to Bild two million dollars would have been paid to the 10-year-old daughter of a FIFA member before the 2022 World Cup Qatar. The report apparently reveals that "a former executive member of the international body congratulated members of the Qatari Federation and thanked them by mail for a transfer of several hundred thousand euros. Two million dollars of unknown provenance have also landed on the savings book of the 10-year-old daughter of a FIFA member. " Private jet, party in Rio ... New suspicions of corruption at FIFA Meanwhile, the German daily newspaper said that "three FIFA executives with voting rights went to a party in Rio in a private jet of the Qatar Football Federation before the vote for the award of the competition" . While Aspire Academy, a Qatari organization, has also "been decisively involved in the manipulation of FIFA members with voting rights", here are new revelations that are unlikely to improve the reputation of FIFA." Link
  12. Some medias are claiming he already has a deal with Real, that's where he wants to play. They're going to drop €130 mil or something for him and let him play one more year for Monaco. They might sell Gareth Bale to make room for him. Now Enrique is pushing hard to sign him, latest rumors saying the evil empire is ready to drop more than €135 mil and sign his younger brother too (they're both from Paris). PSG looks like a familiar NFL team, thinking they can get anybody they like with a huge paycheck only to face the reality check. Latest rumor: PSG willing to drop €90 mil for Dembélé !
  13. He scored 28 goals last year, his best performance. He's been struggling in the CL during the past two seasons 10 games 3 goals, in Europa league last year 8 games 6 goals, I guess that will do with Arsenal . Question is has he reached his ceiling ? Baring any injury he doesn't have to catch Deschamps attention as much as others, he's one of his darlings. Latest rumors here are talking about trading places between him and Giroud. The gones (Lyon fans) pricks hate Giroud, they're already fuming
  14. EU expats condemn Theresa May's 'pathetic' offer on Brexit rights
  15. Clean energy in a 4x4 V8 Cadillac Escalade Schwarzy ?!
  16. He has the reputation of being one of the best scout/talent evaluator, from FC Porto like his new boss in Paris Antero Henrique. Now the evil empire got his own version of SMC, a GM who has a top worldwide young talent finders network, both of them being in total opposition with the big names splashy players the qataris are desperately looking for ! I'm wondering if Emery will have anything to say about the players they're going to sign ?
  17. When Castaner said he was certain that MoDem ministers would remain in government ! Macron in Las Vegas: Minister Pénicaud in the turmoil after a search
  18. Zizou's former impresario Alain Migliaccio was sentenced in 2012 by the Spanish court to five years in prison and fined €9.2 million in tax evasion. I believe Zizou and CR7 don't care, Perez is going to pay the fines of his darlings Not sure about this dude though : Ronaldo not alone: Mourinho accused of tax fraud
  19. Typical socialism, you screw up as a government employee they give you another position with a promotion ! Absolute zero accountability. They're peeing on our shoes and don't even bother telling us it's raining ! FN in serious turmoil again, as former leader JM Le Pen was denied the entrance at the party HQ while he is still honorary president. He's asking Marine Le Pen to resign. Old Roman empire rules here, Macron killed the "father" Hollande, Marine wants to do the same with her father, and maybe Marion will do the same to aunt Marine in the future.
  20. "I hope that the new Members #LREM will not forget where they came from and that they were elected thanks to the dynamic Macron." After filtering/sensoring some medias, here comes the first threat, obedience. Serfs bow down to king Emmanuel Machiavel ! The Fraud studied and made a dissertation about Machiavel (DEA in philosophy). No wonder why he won't do anything new, he's just using the very old divide and rule strategy on the socialists and republicans: "gaining and maintaining power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into pieces that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy. The concept refers to a strategy that breaks up existing power structures, and especially prevents smaller power groups from linking up, causing rivalries and fomenting discord among the people." The medias manipulators were talking about the so called macronmania ad nauseum, now they're stopping thanks to the second round of the legislatives elections. macronmania took a huge hit with 57.36% record abstention REM 16.55% representing 7,826,432 votes resulting in 306 congressmen out of 577 !
  21. Liverpool sobe parada e avança com €50 milhões por Gelson "Liverpool did not give up on Gelson Martins and after letting the Lion officials know he was willing to pay between 40 and 45 million to hire the leonine winger, in a first unsuccessful negotiating approach, he is preparing to raise the price to 50 millions of euros. With this proposal, the leaders of Liverpool hope to convince definitively Bruno de Carvalho to sit at the negotiating table in an attempt to reach an agreement that allows the player to leave the Premier League. "
  22. Operation Puerto blood bags must be released to authorities, judge orders "One witness at his trial in Madrid, the former cyclist Jesus Manzano, said he had seen Spanish and Brazilian footballers at Fuentes’s clinic." Update: The court in Madrid decided Friday to block the identification of Dr. Fuentes' clients: the 211 blood pockets seized in 2006 can not be used to launch legal proceedings. Typical spanish PED cover-up.
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