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Everything posted by TradeTheBeal!

  1. Jazz gonna win 45 in the West after losing Hill and Heyward? I'll take that bet.
  2. Not sure I'm ready to cut bait on Boogie & Brow because they couldn't get Jrue & E'Twaun to the playoffs in the West, @stevemcqueen1. You gotta have some kind of juice in the backcourt these days.
  3. Just watched Ronin for the umpteenth time. I love it so much...never gets old.
  4. I picked up the slack once the Obama administration kicked in.
  5. I hope you stuck around for that top-notch post fight interview.
  6. Broner getting put in the grinder.
  7. Charlo is beating the brakes off this poor kid. Like watching a cat playing with a mouse.
  8. 1. Congress critters DO pay taxes on their salaries. So they do pay for it just as we pay for Medicare or would like to pay for Single-Payer. 2. What makes you naive is that you dismiss the actual truth of the matter. There are now, and ever have been, elected representatives from all parties that act in the best interest of the nation(quite likely outnumbered at this point in time). Your personal inability to cut through the partisan propaganda and take measure of them leads you to endorse platitudes such as the one we are unfortunately discussing now. 3. It's a much less strenuous course in life to yell "Throw the bums out", than it is to grind the data.
  9. What does this have to do with anything besides just being a low-minded, mush-mouthed Dank Meme talking point?
  10. I knew you wouldn't leave me hanging Sacks!
  11. I'm never one to squander an opportunity to see Boner get beat down. Garcia TKO7
  12. An all time fave! Killer soundtrack and Deneuve/Sarandon are ridiculously sexy. The book is great too,
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