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Everything posted by TradeTheBeal!

  1. Nonna Maria is my spot. https://www.nonnamarianpb.com/home
  2. Has to be seen to be believed. https://mobile.twitter.com/search?q=jennifer
  3. Speaking of Florida... Here’s what the Clematis district of West Palm Beach looked like last night.
  4. I did not have “The Burning of Minnesota” on my 2020 Apocalypse Bingo card.
  5. I feel like Ivanka is salvageable. I could fix her.
  6. Y’all quit talking about blackjack. I haven’t played a shoe since October. I will get down on some Roulette too.
  7. Might have a few drinks tonight. Youve been warned...
  8. If the season gets officially cancelled, you should get your bet back.
  9. Trump’s “Warp Speed” October Surprise vaccine? Ehhhh....prolly not gonna be on the tip of the spear for that one.
  10. The Pelosi mention was a twitter trash drive-by. Nothing more or less, and it completely dissolved any point he was trying to make. Pelosi encouraging her constituents to ignore right-wing yellow peril bull**** was the right thing to do. Then, now and forever.
  11. DeBlasio was definitely late to the party. The day he gave the all clear for St Patty’s Day in NYC was the day before my brother and I closed our boutique...in Richmond, Virginia.
  12. Your specific problems with Pelosi encouraging folks to patronize Chinese-owned businesses in her district as a pushback against “Wuhan Flu” nonsense?
  13. Btw, Virginia’s numbers are in for today. And they are unpleasant. Northam’s decision to re-open the restaurants on an 82 degree Friday isn’t looking very smart right now.
  14. We have to maintain and foster economic activity to some degree. State tax revenue funds our police, our fire depts, our utility infrastructure and many, many other essential municipal services. As we do this, we have to acknowledge the terrible outcomes that this disease can manifest if left unchecked. So, schools/packed pubs/concerts and especially churches (they pay no taxes) must remain closed or highly regulated. And we will do this tap-dance until there is an effective treatment/vaccine or until the virus mutates in a way that gives us a break. There are no easy answers or solutions...none. No amount of inflexible political bluster will make this reality go away.
  15. We? It was done on a state by state basis. Often in direct opposition to the President’s Twitter account. You really think Arkansas and Alabama have spent the last 6 weeks legitimately “ramping up” for a worst case scenario? Cause I would be very skeptical of that assertion.
  16. Good lord, she is disgraceful. Do your work internet and CANCEL this chick.
  17. Already happened. https://www.motorauthority.com/news/1128209_hertz-is-having-a-fire-sale-on-2019-chevrolet-corvette-z06-models
  18. Almost certainly, at some point Hertz will dump some fleet. They’ve already started moving some of there newish luxury stuff on their website. Soon, an extinction-level cataclysm of Kia Souls and Nissan Sentras will rain down upon us.
  19. Hertz filed Chapter 11 over the weekend. https://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/2020/05/nice-weekend-aint-it-youre-probably-not-renting-from-hertz-though-hence-the-bankruptcy-filing/
  20. COVID is vastly, vastly more destructive any “flu” in our lifetimes. That should be obvious to everyone. The moment you play the “flu” card you lose all credibility.
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