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Everything posted by moondog

  1. I agree 100% that rosters should be changed - all can be active or a higher number then 53, etc. But my point was that many posts here and football news articles now often have an obligatory mention of the 17 game schedule in terms of more injuries and players rights and benefits etc. It’s one game. But people act like players bodies will implode from all that extra work. I just don’t get it. Again, I’m all for a bigger roster or other similar proposals but I think the argument about more injuries or people bodies breaking down from ONE additional game is a little crazy. It’s not like playoff teams that go an additional 2, 3 or 4 games suddenly have to sign 23 players cuz everyone on their squad spontaneously combusted from their additional games.
  2. You’re dead player touched the ball 15+ times in 7 games last year. In zombie math, that’s half the games he played, in a rookie year while trying to figure out being a RB and still amassing over 1000 yards and 11 TD’s from scrimmage. He averaged 15 touches (14.7) per game. But yes, it’s asking way too much. He’ll turn into the walking dead with a few extra touches per game rather then continue to produce at a high level. We should totally ignore other needs and draft another RB in the first round next year.
  3. What in the world are people drinking around here? Upset that Barber got “poached” and saying we need to replace him...he was on the MFing PS. Last time I checked that means he wasn’t gonna get his 3 carries a game for 5 yards folks. People are ACTUALLY discussing AP. Folks are losing their heads about our SIXTH CB who won’t see the field on defense. Also, Mctyer had a concussion, almost a week ago. Last time I checked, unless he’s Jordan Reed, given nearly 3 weeks between games, he should be just fine for the Chargers. It’s ONE MORE GAME. Folks are losing their mind like we need another 53 players because omg now everyone is gonna tear their acl given ONE more game. Everyone’s body is going to break down. Did I miss something? Have all these teams that typically make the playoffs have their RB’s legs magically explode on week 18? Did the packers or patriots have to carry an entirely different playoff roster all these Years? My God, how will we ever make it? Extreme 🤡 sometimes around here lol calm down people. It’s almost like the Monday threads after a loss around here With all the craziness being thrown around and the season hasn’t even started.
  4. Like others have said, turf toe is about the furthest injury you could get from “breaking down” and he was catching fire leading up to that as his torches also increased. He has minimal wear and I simply disagree with everything you’re saying here. Including the backups. McKissic is about as good a pass catching RB as there is in the league and has shown that he can be very productive/efficient carrying the football in a limited capacity (4-5 carries per game but drops off if he’s seeing a lot more). Patterson is unproven as a rookie obviously but given his college workload and what we saw with the ones this preseason I would be completely comfortable with him getting a chance as the lead back with 20 touches a game if Gibson missed time. But again, Gibson seems completely fine handling the workload and you’re basing this all on turf toe when really he was on the upswing at the end of the year as he started to figure RB out and was excelling with more touches.
  5. Another wall? The dude was turning it on and getting BETTER during the time frame you say he was “hitting a wall.” Would have broken our all time rookie record for TD’s but missed TWO games with a weird injury that really has nothing to do with the body conditioning and position you’re talking about. No RB averages 20 carries a game anymore except Henry, that’s why McKissic sees touches and so will Patterson.
  6. How, exactly, was Barber going to punch it in for us from the PS? Reality truly is dead for so many. This should factor at about a .2 on the 10 point give a **** scale for fans. Good luck to Barber. Positive impact here in that if Gibson misses time it ensures Patterson will actually get the ball and a chance to grow and prove himself rather than us elevating Barber who’s at his ceiling and would steal those potential reps. Win win for us and Barber.
  7. RSJ is more game ready but how often do you actually use a third tight end in a game? They’re almost exclusively used in short yardage and goal line as an extra blocker like I said previously so you’re not giving anything away and he’s our best blocking tight end. If you’re going to keep a third tight end active I feel like Reyes provides more in that role but if Bates or Thomas got hurt then RSJ would leapfrog him to the #2 spot. I know Flowers got some more time with the ones but are we sure that was indicative of him being the starter? This staff routinely plays guys with the ones (Patterson, milne, etc) to see how they play against better competition while surrounded by better players. It was my understanding Schweitzer was still seeing 1 reps as well. We kept Carter purely as a returner, he provides us nothing as a receiver. There’s no chance we kept him just to be inactive or share returner duties.
  8. It’s been a little back and forth. Both have seen time with the ones but I think Schweitzer, while less talented, produces at a higher level because he plays with a mean streak and maximizes his talent and flowers really hasn’t. Either way, if one starts the other likely will be an active backup unless they consider Charles to be the utility backup.
  9. You expect RSJ to be active over Reyes? Patterson has never been a returner before and despite them asking him to see if he could do it, he only saw reps as a kick returner to my knowledge, not punt returner. We’ve always kept 3 RB’s active in the past so not sure why it would be either/or with him and Carter. David Sharpe was cut and wasn’t even signed to the practice squad. Allen RSJ Roberts Flowers Milne Toney Mayo I see these as the options prior to any injuries. The first three I see as essentially locks. Assuming Schweitzer starts, Larsen is active as the backup center, Lucas the backup swing tackle and Charles is a backup utility guard/tackle. Or he could be inactive and Flowers active as the backup but I think Charles may be more versatile. Toney and Mayo would really come down to who ST wants up or if all the above are down then both could be active. Regardless, these are my expected inactives.
  10. I don’t think RSJ is on the roster when it’s all said and done. But even if he is I think Reyes would be active over him. Bates showed some talent to play the H back role as well and is the #2 so that 3rd guy is there for just a couple reasons IMO. As an emergency in case someone gets hurt and to be an extra blocker in short yardage and goalline and/or maybe ST. Not sure if Reyes did a lot of ST work but it sounds like coaches already feel he’s our best blocking TE and after seeing some of his work as a blocker, he’s exactly what you want out there in those situations. Not a bad option to leak him or Bates out around the goalline for play action too…although Bates is much more sure handed so he’d have my vote.
  11. I wouldn’t worry too much about that. That was really only the case in the Ravens game playing behind our 2nd and 3rd string oline. I’m glad we got to see what he can do with our ones against other teams ones. That’s a better barometer. He’s compact and stout I’m not worried about durability with him.
  12. One of the biggest preseason mysteries is that Jamin has almost exclusively played in 3 LB defenses. In nickel and packages with 2 LBers it’s mostly been Boston and Holcomb. Which seems to be a complete 180 from what we expected when drafting him and your statement. We’ll see soon enough but it’s been a bit confusing how we’ve chosen to deploy Davis so far. And I’ll echo what KDawg has said. My mind is kind of blown at how we all know LB was a massive problem last year and Ron said as much too. As of this moment, we invested in a raw 1st rounder there, asked him to play a LB role that is probably the biggest adjustment for him, he doesn’t seem ready to play at a 1st round level yet and outside of him we signed a few cuttable castoff types that has resulted in our LB depth somehow looking worse than last year. My mind is kinda blown at this so I’ll try to be optimistic about a few things. Holcomb showed continuous growth as a rookie and last year and by all accounts is still on that path. He’s not an all-star but seems to be growing into a solid starting level three down backer. He’s also been a durable player as has Bostic. For the love of Tanya Snyder, can people finally stop with the Collins at LBer talk? The dude DROPPED weight, has admitted he didn’t buy in at first and struggled last year, but is all in now and looks back to being an absolute friggen missile at SS which would be huge for us. IF we are going to be a mostly 2LBer defense with extra secondary players that provide quality near the LOS (Collins/Curl) then I think that minimizes the hole we left ourselves in once again at LBer and is a reason for less depth and attention there. That being said, I’m still pretty down about our lack of effort this offseason to address the position group (zero outside of Davis) because we REALLY need a starting quality guy that plays downhill and can punish RB’s through the Dline. We knew this and so far it seems still are completely devoid of that player.
  13. Mylne sponges all Humphrys has to offer?
  14. Listen, I don’t know what’s so hard for you guys to wrap your head around. Troy Apke is the kind of guy you want to date your daughter. He’s gritty and makes the most out of his talent. What else could ya want?
  15. Why is everyone so up in arms about Allen? Lol. He has no trade value but he does have value. More so to us then other teams because he knows the offense. I get trying to play games with roster spots and put him on the PS and maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t. But think about this - Fitz has been a very healthy guy throughout his career but is also 37. If he misses any time, what’s the over/under on how long Heinicke (regardless of how good or not good you think he can be) can stay healthy? Because if Fitz goes down I would feel much better knowing we spent a roster spot on Allen and he’s available should Heinicke get hurt then, say, cutting Allen to keep 7 receivers. You’d be hard pressed to convince me to only keep 2 QB’s when one shows a tendency of being injury prone and playing in a way that’ll get him hurt. Allen ain’t great, he’s also about as good as we can do for a #3 this year and I think for the above reason he’s much more valuable then a 7th receiver or 10th DB or whatever it is folks are so worried about.
  16. On the contrary, I’m actually slightly aroused 😂
  17. Well, didn’t we come out flat until the great DeeWain Haskins engineered a comeback from 17-0? This, of course, I believe was karma for the Eagles doing the same to us the year prior.
  18. At least the only injury we had, even to potential backups on this team was Mctyer’s concussion. That’s a huge plus. For now, this team is pretty damn healthy. Hopefully in a couple weeks Samuel and Jackson are ready to go too. If I was a ravens fan I would be absolutely livid with dumbass Harbaugh playing the starters. Dobbins looks like he’s done for the season then Jackson sacked on 2 of the next 3 plays. I know it could happen any given play but damn that’s frustrating. I feel really bad for Dobbins if it is what it looks like.
  19. Woof. First time I caught a glimpse of the dance team. Y’all weren’t kidding. Woof. I literally have nothing positive to say lol.
  20. Every team has some things they wanna see in these games. My guess is they’re trying to figure out which receivers standout in the downfield passing game. Baltimore likes to run it down people’s throats then go deep so it makes sense to see which receivers fit that mold.
  21. Wtf Kyle it’s preseason with 15 seconds and you’re throwing passes at the line of scrimmage. Take a shot.
  22. Lol thank you MD, I should have put that in my original post, I just assumed most had already seen that and enjoyed the hell out of it like I did. Pretty telling what Tomlin really thinks of him when he’s not even playing Rudolph in this game. And after that jazz game I saw a couple articles talking about him replacing Rudolph as Ben’s backup and how they may have found their QB of the future as he fits perfectly into Pittsburgh’s system and has been doing all the right things, great attitude and work ethic, blah blah blah. Snap, back to reality lol
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