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Everything posted by IrepDC

  1. Kurl and McCain are a nice cover safety combo
  2. Chargers OC just carved us up. We better have some adjustments.
  3. U Street looks like any other week in DC. People are waiting to see how the Team looks imo. If they play well that stadium will be packed by years end.
  4. If all of these potential QBs come out next year, in this "weak" draft class, there will be a potential starter on the board when we pick, no matter where we pick, in the 1st round. There isn't a clear top QB this year either, so we could have the guy who (turns out to be) one of the better choices in the end. Similar to how Mac Jones fell into New England's lap this year, but with a "weaker" draft class, that QB could slide to the end of the round. I'd give it a 90% chance we go QB in round 1. This is all dependent on who eventually declares for the draft, of course. I'd be happy if someone like McCall, who is playing Kansas right now, slid to us.
  5. They moved him around. He did rush the edge some. When playing MLB though, Brady gave him an appropriate welcome to the NFL. That's not a huge surprise, but it was amusing to see. There were plays where Brady had Parsons fly to the LOS off play action, only to drop it off right behind him(first TD of the game was one of these plays). On another play, he had Parsons take a slow read step backwards into coverage(like a FS in cover 4), on a play that was actually a run up the middle. He had him doing the cha cha slide instead of read steps. I expect Parsons to improve, and he did make some flashes. The growing pains of a rookie were just on display. This is Brady though, and he's who he is. Tonight was an easy example to point to the struggles of transitioning to such a mental position on the field. The mind games are at a max with Brady, and I enjoyed how he broke down Dallas' defense. All rookies get picked on to some extent when they're initiated. Jamin to me will end up being used how Tampa uses Devin White in the middle. He has that type of athleticism and he seems like he has the mental makeup to be that kind of player. White played a great game tonight and was used to his skillset(flying around in run support, exotic blitzes, and coverage on the RB/flats). Jamin could develop into a similar role.
  6. Micah Parsons has guessed wrong on just about every read in the first half of this game. He's an amazing athlete, but the transition to MLB in the NFL is no joke. It'll be fun to see Jamin develop this year. I expect similar moments from him, but I have a suspicion he will correct his mistakes faster than the other young linebackers.
  7. Giants do love poaching our LBS, don't they.
  8. Cam Sims will have an 800+ yard season with 5+ TDs
  9. Agreed. Louisville wasn't able to get much pressure on him. I'd like to see how he handles a situation like Howell faced week 1.
  10. I'll add that some of the manipulation that Corral did, other QBs do as well. The draw pump fake being something that's common. The difference is you see Corral actually move defenders with his fakes and eyes. He is believable and not just going through the motions. The smoothness of ball skills reminds me of Mahomes. It's only against Louisville and 1 week, but I'm pretty sure I'll be watching every Ole Miss game the remainder of the year to see if what I think I saw was legit.
  11. Matt Corral had the most impressive (highlight) tape from week 1 in my opinion. You could see his arm talent, but that's just a part of it. I saw him moving defenders with his eyes even on some of the quick read option slants where most QBs stare down that first read. His overall manipulation of the defense looked really good to me. I'm watching his tape from the perspective of a defender like "Okay this guy is sneaky. You have to be careful with him." I saw him doing the little things that keep pressure on a defense i.e. he attacks the defender on every read option play when he hands it off, basically taking the decision from the defender and making him respect him as a threat. On draw plays, he shows good ball skills and will even throw a pump fake just to try and get his RB that extra split second. He generally looked good going through his reads as well, and got the ball out fast and on target when he found his guy. He has an NFL arm for sure. He could end up being the fast riser this year(or fade as better comp comes). It'll be interesting to see how he plays against those SEC defenses this year. I'm intrigued after what he showed week 1.
  12. I have a bias against USC QBs that I'll need to get over before looking at Slovis. Those guys always get overhyped in my opinion so I am slow to buy in when they have another "top QB prospect." Slovis may be legit, though. We'll see. My favorite sophomore QB prospect is still Grayson McCall from Coastal Carolina. The way he has elevated that program is a lot more impressive than being the "next" at one of the big schools. I've been a fan since he, in my opinion, outplayed Zach Wilson head to head last year in the win over BYU. There's nothing to really evaluate from CC's win over Citadel, in my opinion, because the competition was that bad. Two more QBs to keep track of this year.
  13. Spencer Rattler's decision making worries me a bit. You can tell he trusts himself to make every throw and fit the ball into any window. Sometimes that leads to a beautiful completion you didn't think he could make, and sometimes it leads to an INT in triple coverage. If he can be a bit more cautious, I'd like him more, but I'm not sure that's his game. He seems like the classic gunslinger who's going to give his receivers plenty of opportunities to make plays. I see the arm talent. He can zip the ball in or throw it with touch when he needs to. I would like to see him improve the consistency of his accuracy. Overall I'm lukewarm on him right now. Tulane wasn't really a good test and he threw from a clean pocket majority of the game. I want to see him against better competition, although the defenses he will face, including his own in practice, are all pretty terrible. My early thought is hopefully he is one of the QBs taken before our pick, allowing someone else to fall to us. For now, he is a bit too boom or bust in my eyes, but that can change as the season plays out. Sidenote, the OU kicker should be on our radar too. The way he confidently kicked 50+ yards made me jealous.
  14. Is Virginia Tech's front 7 that dominant or is UNC's OL that bad? It's tough to evaluate Howell with his OL getting dominated like it was this week. With that said, Howell has plenty of room to improve his own performance. I didn't love his eyes this game. He would've thrown more INTs if he didn't have such good accuracy. I noticed his eyes bringing a lot of defenders around the ball on several plays. He also looked to predetermine his receiver a few plays where, if he went through his progressions quick enough, he had someone open. He didn't have much time, though, so I try to cut him some slack. V-Tech was in the backfield harassing him all game, and it looked like he lost trust(understandably) in his line and started to get happy feet. His mobility impressed me. I didn't realize he was as athletic as he showed. Announcers mentioned it's something he has worked on a lot this offseason. He also made some clutch 4th down conversions in the final quarter. I belive it was the 4th and 11 where he was rolling left, defenders chasing him, and he makes an off platform throw perfectly to his WR going the opposite direction for the first down. That was impressive. Overall I was underwhelmed with UNC's offensive gameplan. They abandoned the run too early and failed to adjust to their OL getting abused. I did like when they finally found ways to get the ball to Josh Downs. He looked like the best player on their offense this game. It's only one game, and I'm not off the Howell bandwagon just yet. I do hope we getter better play from his OL, and maybe a better gameplan, so he has more opportunities to showcase his talent the rest of the year. He's one of the many QBs I'll be following closely this year. We need to find our guy; hopefully in this next draft.
  15. When you're essentially playing Russian roulette with your body, pulling the trigger "just one more time" can't be downplayed. Just my opinion, though. I get what you guys are trying to say.
  16. One extra week of car crash like collisions is definitely going to wear on players bodies. They are already pushing their bodies beyond reasonable limits as it is. We literally see devastating injuries year after year, game after game, even in preseason games, injuries that sometimes effect players for their lives, and you're acting like an extra week of that is nothing. It's not like player health wasn't an issue and all of a sudden one game is being blamed for their "combustion." We already see player health is an issue and they're adding the extra game on top of it. We already see a rise in younger players retiring because the wear and tear is just not worth it. I don't think you had bad intentions, but this take comes off as really out of touch in my opinion.
  17. Curtis Samuel is expected to return to practicing with the team on Monday. Good news.
  18. I'm not that big of a Mac Jones fan to call him elite. He doesn't need to be elite to singlehandedly swing the tide, in my opinion. If he just continues on the trend he's on, in a copycat league, you will hear his season talked about throughout the draft process when looking at pocket QBs of his mold. "After Mac Jones success in New England last year, blah blah blah." I do think he'll have a relatively successful season. I did mention I expect it to be up and down, but he looks to be trending up. That doesn't mean mobile QBs lose their momentum, it just means pocket QBs might be more in style off the back of Jones early success.
  19. The way Lamar Jackson, among others, made mobile QBs start getting more attention in recent years, Mac Jones will likely swing the tide some back towards traditional pocket QBs. Seeing how fast he's taken over that starting job is impressive. I still see him having some ups and downs this year, but I do believe scouts will once again start magnifying the traditional pocket QBs again after this year. We will be one of those teams.
  20. Expanding his role on ST might be using him as a blocker on returns, but he doesn't seem like a return guy himself. He can still use that speed to set up a cross field blocking assignments or something. He may already be doing this. I have to start watching him more.
  21. When can we resign AGG etc to our practice squad?
  22. I actually like special teams. I need to start watching Apke more it sounds like. The best in the league is high praise. There are some really good gunners around the league who consistently get down field and make ST plays. If they're saying Apke is the best, he must be killing it at gunner, on punt team, and coverage on kickoff. I'll start watching him more closely so I can appreciate what he's doing. As many have been saying, if he's THAT good on special teams, he's worth keeping around. Just keep him far away from the defense.
  23. I would wait and see how Davis is used in the first few games before judging his use in the preseason. They have him learning the most complicated position on our defense so they could have been bringing him along slowly with less packages- since any package he's in he'll need to know the entire defense. My comments were based on ability, though, and not necessarily how he's been used so far. You're right. Davis not being in the nickel package midway through the season would concern me. I agree more could have been done at LB this offseason. In the draft, a mid round pick on Derrick Barnes(Lions) or Jabril Cox(Cowboys) would have really added to that room. I'd expect us to go back to that well in the draft next year.
  24. Jamin will be our primary coverage LB. He is well equipped to develop in that role. For our reserve/ backup LB, I'd like someone to help solidify our run defense and help get us to more 3rd and longs. You're likely only going to get a specialist this late in the process so a run support guy would be my vote.
  25. Bernardrick sounds like the complimentary LB we are looking for. It sounds like he'd be comparable to Bostic, if not an upgrade. That's about all we could ask for 2 weeks before kickoff.
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