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Everything posted by lavar1156

  1. Should Dyami Brown be active for the rest of the season? Tinsley can't be any worse.
  2. Ok seriously if we win the next two weeks I think we make the playoffs. No shame to losing in Dallas on Thanksgiving.
  3. Howell keeps trying to throw to his buddy. Ain't gonna work.
  4. I disagree. He had them beat. Would have ran past both with a well thrown ball.
  5. Well. Even if it were true they would deny it profusely for numerous reasons.
  6. Sheehan has been ranting and raving about who leaked the disparaging Chase Young quotes after we traded him. Says it reeks of the old regime. I doubt it was Harris' people.
  7. Are people aware of the numbers Sam is putting up? He's basically top 10 in every category. And he hasn't even played a full season. Some people in the media still be like, "I'm still not sure he's the guy yet." Do you they see the QB play around the league? Unless Sam somehow sucks the 2nd half of the season I don't think there's any debate that he is QB 1 next season.
  8. Do whatever ever you got do to get OT Olu Fashanu. Howell is our guy.
  9. I honestly don't know why Chicago would do this. Their GM must be desperate.
  10. I would keep Curl at all costs. Could be the leader of the defense.
  11. I highly doubt Ron has any say in personnel decisions at this point.
  12. I think trading Fuller would also make sense. Not sure what we'd get in return.
  13. I hate running on 2nd and long in general. But especially since we're more effective throwing the ball.
  14. Why TF did Ron let 10 seconds run off the clock there?!?!?
  15. I'm about 2 minutes away from going to hit a few golf balls at the driving range.
  16. This is the end of the Gibson era. Time to move on.
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