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Posts posted by MattFancy

  1. Everyone keeps saying no... But I have a feeling he's going to be in the ring again.

    And now with HHH and Undertaker back at least for now, the WWE has gotten an injection of life. If they can somehow get Stone Cold involved they may have themselves a full jolt of vitality. At least for a bit.

    If they can get The Rock and Stone Cold in the ring again, it would be just like old times. I guess I shouldn't hold my breath, but I can hope!

  2. Williams didn't even start though. Also, I doubt Barnes will go as high as second overall in this class and I was thinking of moving up to get him if he were in an 8-12 range.

    One of the guys at SI talked to some scouts who thought Barnes was less Marvin Williams and more Sean Elliott. That'd be fine in an 8-12 range. He was a fringe All-Star and that's the kind of player that's your third best guy on a good, winning team.

    Yeah Williams didn't start, but that's because he was a freshmen on a National Championship team.

    Maybe moving up to get him in later 1st wouldn't be bad, but I just think it would be smart for him to stay another year. Maybe that's because I'm a UNC fan and want to win, but IMHO, I just think he needs more work. There's no doubting his potential, he's started to live up to in late in the season, but he just disappears in stretchs too much for me right now.

  3. Yeah, but few players in this class are. I wouldn't expect him to come in his rookie season and average 17/8 but a little ways down the road? That's certainly attainable. The things Barnes will do well from the get go are also useful, like playing good defense, passing well, hustling, bringing an upbeat and focused attitude to the locker room and to practices.

    The potential is definitely there, but he reminds me alot of Marvin Williams. Williams left after his freshmen year, was he ready? Probably not. He was drafted high by the Hawks and has had some solid seasons, but nothing spectacular. Kinda seems like the same path Barnes would take, IMO. He could be good in the NBA, but if he stays another year and refines his skills, he could be great.

  4. Says a BoSox fan whose team just signed Crawford for $142 million..... a number higher than what the Yankees offered Lee.

    ---------- Post added December-14th-2010 at 12:42 PM ----------

    And what's Gonzalez going to cost?

    BoSox fans crack me up. Seriously. You're all just dumb.

    Hey I'm O's fan, that's a different kind of dumb!

  5. Add in the fact that much of Boston's core is home grown, and you have a much better situation.

    Who do the Yankees have that were developed in their farm system and are key components of their team? Jeter? He's almost a non factor at this point. The same goes for Mariano. All that's left is Robinson Cano.

    Pretty soon the Yankees are going to realize that the farm system is not to be used to trade for big time players. When that happens, other teams will overtake them. I think the Yankees are headed for a period of irrelevance, though it may be short.

    I agree 100%. The Yankees "core" is Jeter, ARod, Riveria, Tex, Cano, and CC. The Red Sox "core" is Pedroia, Youk, Crawford, AGon, Lester, Bucholz, Ellsbury. Which group of guys would you rather have?

    Even if the Yankees get Cliff Lee, he's 32 years old. The Yankees have alot of money tied up in 30-something players.

  6. In the Yahoo article I posted, the author states that the Red Sox called the Yankees out for being the "Evil Empire" when they do the exact same thing.

    BTW...who's the big market team snaring all the talent this year



    Don't blame the Yankees for exploiting the loophole in baseball, it's not a Yankee issue, it's a baseball-big-market dominance issue

    But the Red Sox have no choice but to spend like the Yankees if they want to beat them. Yes the Sox spend money, but its no where near what the Yankees spend.

    The Yankees are about to spend a crap ton of money on Cliff Lee. His price is so high right now that no one else can afford him but the Yankees. That's what people hate.

  7. Good for Yankee lite (Boston)

    The irony is hilarious how the Red Sox trashed the Yankees as being the Evil Empire for snaring Rodriguez and a bunch of other players, but then a few years later they do the exact same thing!

    That's why Yankee hate makes no sense.

    The Yankees and Red Sox were #1 and #2 in salary last season. The Yankees spent $64 million more than the Red Sox. That's why all the Yankee hate.

  8. As much as I hate Pittsburgh, I think its cool that all of their teams have the same color scheme. Too late now but it would be cool if all of DC's teams could do this. Not that I want to change the Skins colors, and I love the new(ish) Caps jerseys (though I do miss the black sweaters at times)...yeah it just wouldn't work.

    If the Skins ever had to change their name, I could see it happening where all the teams have red, white, and blue. After next season, the Skins will be the only team that isn't Red, White, and Blue. Well I guess DC United doesn't either.

  9. Screw going to red, white, and blue unis. The Wiz/Bullets need to go back to their roots. Maroon and gold!!

    "The club will be known as the Bullets, which is hoped to be significant of their explosive talents and speed in humbling the opposition. President Stan Behrend announced that the team's colors will be maroon and gold, in which they will don white jerseys with maroon numbers and gold pants for home appearance, and maroon jerseys and white numerals on the road."


  10. Phils should take care of the Giants. As much as it pains me to say it, the Braves will probably beat the Reds. The AL match ups, though, are gonna go down to the wire. If I had to pick winners, I'd take the Yanks and the Rays.

    Yeah the AL is tough to predict. If Morneau was going to play for the Twins, I'd give them the edge, but the Yankees just have too much not to beat the Twins. I see that series going 5 games, but the Yankees will win in the end.

    I see the Rays winning in 4 against the Rangers. Although if Hamilton is healthy, maybe the Rangers make it a 5 game series too.

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