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Everything posted by Fergasun

  1. Gortat has to post up that mismatch... oh and anothee whistle...
  2. Am I the only person who finds Brent Barry's lack of enthusiasm annoying? YOU ARE WATCHING PLAYOFF BASKETBALL - GET EXCITED!
  3. ... more worried about sustaining an offense... Beal had 2 shots this game where he decided to shoot it.. one after Korvers 3 and another in the 2 for one situation at end of 1h...
  4. But his shot came right before we all piled in due to the half and he also turned the ball over when he came in.
  5. Anyone else think they can do a better color job than Brent Barry? Matching his zzzzzzdelivery with Kevin Harlon is a huge mistake... Why did Pierce foul him?
  6. Did TNT announcer just mix up Temple and Porter? Hi everybody! Out of the house again so able to follow the game...
  7. Spurs did have a timeout left though - the shot clock really unnerved them and the coaches mentally unraveled. Probably didnt even think about using the time out to set up a different play.
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