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Everything posted by Xameil

  1. Remember, aliens take characteristics from their hosts. This was seen when an alien infected a dog. I believe this was also demonstrated in AVP 2.
  2. Yeah, but Winston by his own words "Saw **** that would turn you white"
  3. Pfft they may be capable of thought patterns but they are still evil ****ers who only view you as food
  4. Too bad they don't think like that...
  5. I agree with alot of what you are saying, but what keeps me reverting back to the alternate timeline argument is the "Butterfly Effect". Because the Romulans destroyed the federation ship it sent ripples throughout time and changed alot of what we knew. It's a stretch, but a slim possibility
  6. I have more of a problem with Kahn looking kinda lanky then him being pale. I mean new khan didn't have the luxury of owning fantasy island . As for the emotions, it can also be explained by the losing of his planet. In this timeline spock never did what Nimoy's Spock did. Remember, Spock rejoins Star Fleet in the beginning of Star Trek 1 after studying more on Vulcan. Of course, it could all be bull****, and I am reading into things that aren't there...
  7. Well duh..it's a different timeline.
  8. Looks like they are on a desert type planet. It's probably an away team uniform.
  9. Did all those cops goto the "Bad guy gun shooting training"? (Couldn't attach the appropriate cartoon from my phone) 600 shots fired and no result?
  10. Yeah, there are some bad apples in the Schenectady dept. However, there are many more good ones and ones that deserve respect. I lived in a rather bad neighborhood (several gangs) in schenectady and the cops there have to be ready for anything. In the past month there have been several shootings in the same area. I have also witnessed a cop who was trying to peacefully settle a HUGE neiborhood fight get jumped on by the leader of the group. Also another cop recently was hospitalized after getting his ass kicked while on duty. There used to be alot more corruption in the Schenectady department until the State stepped in. Now the story you posted is one of the few. Sad that a couple of bad apples in the department make the jobs of the other officers harder
  11. Yeah...when I read that I just shook my head...stay classy philly.
  12. I think the daily babe thread by that time was gone....back then I mainly debated against the thumpers
  13. Lol the pounce is rapier swift...lol
  14. After GHH's masturbation comments it doesn't surprise me
  15. I'm all fairness, my old job considered Extremeskins pornographic because of the name...
  16. Dear lord, Do people have anything better to do with their time? I wonder what his views on To Be or Not To Be are since that was another Mel Brookes movie that made fun of Nazis. I didn't want to water my time reading the article, but does it mention if he knows that Mel Brookes is Jewish?
  17. Awesome. Photoshop it on a shark with a laser on its head. That would be epic
  18. Not entirely true. It was said he had a shotgun, and they were convicted murderers. Besides this is upstate NY...they had pretty much told every resident that if they had the chance, to kill them on sight. They told my bosses husband that if they saw them on the road to run then over with their truck 3 times...just to be sure. Any DOC officers or friends of DOC officers were pretty much going to shoot to kill...troopers and FBI wanted them alive for questioning.
  19. Lol I figured you would. Just quoting you to help the uninformed
  20. Any Original merchandise that says Revenge of the Jedi on it is worth alot. That was the original title and was changed to Return of the Jedi. There was very limited merchandise that was released with the original title. So if they are only selling it for 9.99 it is either a copy, or the seller has no clue what it's worth
  21. What's worse...getting picture of head stuck in garbage can or getting picture wearing those pants... Those pants are QBerts wet dream...
  22. Lol yupI found a great pic to add but having problems doing it from my phone
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