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Everything posted by CBass1724

  1. This is why ES is losing its steam. I think you just turned the Random "Thot" Thread into the new twitter thread
  2. Only SIX more MF'n days until we play some real, damn football that counts!! HAIL TO THE REDSKINS!!
  3. I know we all watch football, because why else would we be on this site. But I'm convinced 90% of the posters here on ES have no idea what they are looking at when watching games. I'm far from a know-it-all, but there are some dumb people that hit "submit reply" wayyyyy more often than they should around here. Some of the suggestions thrown around here about what the team should do are just mind boggling.
  4. CBass1724

    Cut or Keep - RB Edition

    Jones is a JAG to me, so we should keep these 2 over him. But going with the question, I wanna keep Mack Brown but you could probably flip a coin for real. Who is better at pass protection and blitz pick ups?
  5. Roma didn't waste any time getting hurt.
  6. At this rate, there are zero expectations for this S-show. This team is so depressing. I can't wait til Ernie makes another trade that will crush our souls even more.
  7. I don't agree (and neither do my friends that are diehards) that those guys qualify as "weapons" on offense due to their cheap owner. That's cool. Not much more to say anyway. Good talk.
  8. The Panthers are not even close to being loaded on offense. Cam is their offense. Benjamin should be a stud eventually, but he's only had his rookie season and then nothing last year. Their D is amazing and Cam leads the offense. Everything is spread around and there are no stars, outside of Olsen, as far as skill players go. Ginn, Philly Brown, Jerricho Cotchery, JStew and Devin Funchess are not stars or even big weapons btw. Nobody rushed for 1,000 yards. Olsen had 77 catches. Next on the team was Ginn with 44 receptions...on 96 targets! That is a horrible rate. Then they had a few guys in the 30's. Cam distributes it but he has very few studs around him, especially with no Steve Smith. He is the one that makes the offense. We can agree to disagree though.
  9. Nobody was picking the Panthers last preseason. And name me their wide receivers from last season. After Benjamin went down, it was slim pickings. They were good because of their run game. What weapons outside of Greg Olsen did he have? A bunch of nobodies.
  10. The couple of Panther fans I know are mad the Panthers didn't re-sign Norman. The consensus with my friends is that their owner is too cheap and won't spend money to keep players nor get weapons for Cam on offense.
  11. Maybe it's because I grew up in an era where tight clothes were not cool on dudes, but I think the capri pants and skinny jeans/pantalones should never be worn by men. Ever. And put some damn socks on, son son! Cam looks like he's awaiting the flood waters.
  12. It would have been nice to see improvement in the running game, but I'm holding all judgments until the regular season starts and rosters are finalized. There's no need to get our panties in a bunch over preseason. We talkin bout practice.
  13. We definitely need some of those "stress free" games where we dominate from the start and the other team is inept. I hate how we have to fade a bunch of outs on the river just to win.
  14. Man, I hope we stay injury free these 4 preseason games.
  15. Yessssss!! I wish I could find (if it's even a thing) our Super Bowls with the radio announcers.
  16. What up homies! I basically have a little trip report to post here. I had some friends throw a big ass bbq party since they sold their house. It was basically a House Cooling party. Anywho, they cooked all of the meats and I wanted to share some pics. They got up at 5:45am to start the process. We had beef brisket, chicken thighs, pork butt, turkey legs, and ribs. I'm probably forgetting a meat or three, but I was drinking a lot of beer, so please forgive me. Enjoy the food porn! The Big Pig 2016 dry rub process complete at 2:30 am. Soak it up beasties. 12 lbs Beef Brisket 2 X 7.5 lbs Pork Butt 24 X bone-in skin-on chicken thigh This little guy was filled with champagne. The picture doesn't do it justice, but this was my mug for the day. I could fit about 32 ounces of beer in it and I was constantly refilling it with Stella, my boo.
  17. Man, I'll always have my memories of my family getting together for Redskins games at my grandparents house in the basement when I was growing up (I'm 34). We'd ALWAYS turn down the volume on the TV and listen to Sonny, Sam, and Frank on the radio. Frank was the best and he'll always be the voice of the Redskins. As strong as my love is for Frank, I have just as much disdain (if not more) for Larry Michael. His voice is terrible, his call is terrible, and he's just...terrible. I'd love to be able to enjoy a Redskins game called on the radio again.
  18. Now we're back to having a ****ty pass rush. Damn!
  19. It's one thing missing your target. It's an entirely completely different thing when you look like you're throwing the ball with the wrong hand in the most uncoordinated fashion. Like Snoop and Fitty Cent. http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/top-10-worst-cermonial-pitches-time-article-1.2366008
  20. Rick Ankiel, I believe. Then he became a stud outfielder. But seriously, it's like some of these dudes throwing out first pitches have never thrown anything in their lives. It makes no sense that a professional athlete looks so uncoordinated when throwing a ball.
  21. Please cite and reference the above because I have no idea what you're talking about? I never mentioned any nonsense about shorter, white players? I did say that Bill Russell was taller than just about everyone else back then and was supposed to dominate against inferior competition. If you're making this about race, then that is all you.
  22. I'm not disagreeing with you very much. I hear what you're saying. You can leave the talk about MJ on the bullets at home, though. It's not like he never failed...plus, he missed a bunch of game winners in his career. But it would be like saying Jack Nicklaus isn't a slam dunk as the best golfer of all time because he has the most 2nd place finishes in majors, ever. With that being said, if there's a big game, I want him leading my squad. If there's a last shot and a chance to win the game, I want the ball in his hands, more than likely taking that shot.
  23. Exactly. Let's also add in Sam Jones (10 rings) and John Havlicek (8 rings) to the discussion of GOAT since obviously greatness is based on rings. Oh, and how could I forget the great SATCH SANDERS and his 8 rings.
  24. You missed the Bill Russell discussion. Get out of here with that nonsense.
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