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Everything posted by RVAbrendan

  1. It really is a shame. I wish Vince would give up final creative say in lieu of HHH. Big guys have their place, but I would watch Ziggler over Reigns any day, for instance.
  2. I watched the "Table For 3" segment on WWE Network w/ New Day and it sounds like they pretty much developed the New Day characters themselves. They wanted to try it out because they were all struggling in singles competition and thought "hey, if this doesn't work, it doesn't work...but let us give it a shot." It took a little time for them to find their swag, but they did. I think it's a reflection on all of their personalities...x1000 (like most characters). Props to 'em. DON'T YOU DAAAAARE BE SOUR!
  3. Vince's authority prohibits HHH from doing many of the things you listed above, I think. I was also surprised to hear the heat that the Usos were getting in the New Day match. New Day is so over, I love it.
  4. That was one of the best Rumble PPVs I've seen in a while. The Divas match was great, but I hope they don't shuffle Becky off to the side now that Sasha is back. Off camera, she was crying on the floor after the match. Ambrose & Owens was a killer match, as was the New Day/Uso match. The Rumble itself, I thought, was well thought out through and through. Having KO eliminate AJ was the only thing they could have done to prevent the crowd from rioting, and then Sami Zayn eliminating KO was the right choice as well. I think we're going to see the Wyatts and Lesnar feud, and I kind of hope that Bray doesn't job YET AGAIN. I don't think ANYONE expected HHH and Ambrose to be the final two in the rumble. I was marking out so hard for Ambrose, eventhough I know wasn't going to win. I honestly don't mind the HHH win, he look good in the ring. The fans just don't buy Reigns as champ. At least yet. I think WWE realizes this and had to flip script. Also, I wish Bryan returned. Hopefully that happens soon.
  5. I had on something from the WWE network and was half watching when all of a sudden Total Divas came on. Yada yada yada, three episodes had passed and I found myself watching. Where do I turn in my man card?
  6. Nevermind. Was I the only one who was hoping Spike Dudley was going to be the one to come out to fight with the Dudley Boyz this past week on RAW? And I'm really interested to see the direction WWE goes in whenever Vince steps down. HHH is doing great things with NXT.
  7. Have you not seen the Women's Division in NXT over the past year? They're pumping out some INCREDIBLE matches that overshadow many of the guys' matches. I would watch the aforementioned ladies wrestle 10/10 over Kane or Big Slow.
  8. This is a perfect opportunity for WWE to highlight their Divas roster. In the absence of so many big draws, why not put 2 or 3 divas matches on the card? I mean, Sasha is legit. So is Becky. And Natalya. I'm guessing Vince has final say and isn't about to do that, though. Trips loves the diva's division.
  9. People fleeing war are darn nonsense? That's pretty deplorable. I just can't understand folks who assume that if you're of the Islamic faith, you are an immediate threat. There are 1.6 billion followers in the world. ISIS is such a minuscule percentage of that number. Your reaction to this is exactly what ISIS wants. They want a clear drawn war between the West and Islam. Good job buying in.
  10. I wasn't trying to be funny, I was asking a legitimate question. I just don't understand the widespread, massive fear. I mean, if you want to talk odds, you have a much higher chance of being shot by a toddler with a gun (43 times this year) than a terrorist posing as a refugee.
  11. What exactly is being contested? The possibility of a terrorist coming in with said refugees?
  12. I can't believe the amount of people that believe this cop is justified in his actions. Their defense is always something like "Oh, I guess after he asks her to get up, he should have just called it a day and left!" Ridiculous. There is obviously some middle ground that officer could have taken. By all accounts, the officer was a pretty strong dude. She is a adolescent girl. You don't think he could have apprehended her with a little less excessive force? You don't think he could have subdued her in a less berserking way? There was absolutely no need for that ****. Just by looking at the (lack of) reaction from the other classmates, you can tell this dude has a rep for being a dick.
  13. Anyone else a big Bayley fan? Love her! Hell, the entire women's division is great. It's a shame that Sasha, Becky, and Natalia get next to no ring action anymore. PUSH ZIGGLER. PUSH CESARO.
  14. The product isn't what it is when I was a kid, but when you're younger, everything seems a little more magical. Sure, the mic-work isn't as good, but it's still sports entertainment and is a fun watch. The WWE Network is actually pretty sweet. There's a prank show that Dolph does, Legends House is hilarious, Roundtable, etc etc. Plus the PPVs.
  15. It's both. It's a mental health/person issue and a widespread abundance of guns issue. Guns were made to kill, let's not kid ourselves. Obviously, the goal, I think, is to limit the opportunity for an unstable person to get their hands on a gun. Will stricter gun-control laws fix everything? Nah. But we HAVE to start somewhere. People that make the claim of "criminals don't follow laws, they'll get their hands on a gun anyway!". Maybe. But what if 'misunderstood and hateful' Joe Shooter wants to shoot up a mall. He can either go through the (hopefully stricter) hoops of obtaining a weapon legally, which takes time (where, who knows, maybe he changes his mind after a few days of cooling down), or he has to buy one illegally. I don't know about you guys, but I really don't know anybody that could provide me with an illegal gun. Do I just go to a sketchy part of town and ask around? It's not like 'the black market' is a store in a strip mall. I guess my point is, if stricter laws will deter at least a handful of these massacres, wouldn't it be worth it?
  16. He's been getting boo'ed ever since his nut shot against Lesnar. The crowd at SS was overwhelmingly pro-Lesnar. Hell, I've been watching wrestling since I was a kid, and love the taker, but was even rooting for Lesnar. Dudley Boyz may be older, but did you see how they had the crowd in the palm of their hand? No tag team in the WWE right now can do that. Sting...wtf? Who cares.
  17. I kind of just want NK to throw a punch. Just ****ing do it already. I'm sick of hearing about Hillary's damn emails.
  18. Second time Taker has kicked Lesnar in the balls to gain the upper hand. Crowd boo'ed last night. Makes him look weak, IMO.
  19. More sabre-rattling from lil Kim. Kim Jong-Un declares preparations for war with US and South Korea http://english.pravda.ru/news/world/30-07-2015/131527-kim-0/
  20. So, does Brock not care about the WWE Championship anymore? Who will Rollins feud with next? Such odd timing...
  21. That's sort of what the Money in the Bank briefcase entails though... Seth utilized it perfectly. I don't think he'll be a joke champion, solely for the fact that he is actually good in the ring. I'd like to see some more legit wins without J&J though...
  22. Nah, despite what I said, I know what you mean. It feels forced.
  23. I think that was the point. He plays the sneaky, punk-ass, "opportunist" heel role well. As a sidenote, I love J&J security haha. Those dudes just consistently get their asses handed to them. They're like the 3 (2?) Stooges of wrestling.
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