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Everything posted by HOF44

  1. I was a season ticket holder for 10 years had started with 2 seats went to 4. I gave them up at the end of the Shanahan Griffin debacle. It just smacked me in the face that Snyder is the issue. All the other crap is just winds blowing around the eye of the storm. I believe Snyder sets up a toxic team atmosphere and as long as he is in charge the circus will remain, the act's will just change every few years.
  2. My guess is ignorant. A lot of the congresspeople are not very bright.
  3. Any high value market really. I thought NY, NJ was more concerned with the elimination of the state tax deduction than real estate, though I'm sure both were concerning to them.
  4. I can't remember where but I read an article that this was a concession for Texas which has high real estate taxes and low/no income taxes. Brought their senators on board.
  5. I don't mind my taxes increasing per se. I have a problem when if I made a good amount more money they would decrease. I've always thought that tax cuts/credits should go to the poorest. Then up to the middle class, then upper middle, then wealthy. If i was at the cut off and myself and everyone making more than me had to pay more I would be fine with it. We've got a reverse Robin Hood thing going on here. I'm no fan of it either.
  6. I was just under 16K for State taxes plus real estate taxes last year. Like i said not looking good for me.
  7. This may end up being the thing that changes it.
  8. The reason they changed this time was reconciliation. In order to pass with only 51 votes it had to be done using the reconciliation procedure. The old way they would have needed 60 votes to pass it. So the only reason they "tried" to pay for it was because they had to.
  9. I feel like I'm watching one of the greatest heists in world history and everyone is just ignoring it. Crazy!
  10. Yep, people gonna be pissed that first tax year this is in effect.
  11. I think this has a better chance of passing than people are giving it. I hate it, but I think it does.
  12. Really!!! And to appease their money men.
  13. if they keep the mortgage deduction will you still have to itemize to use it?? If so with all the other deductions nixed it will be useless for most. Would be hard to break the 24k barrier with only mortgage interest.
  14. I hear that a lot too. It's almost like the election all over again. "Trump will NEVER be elected!" Then looked what happened. I think the tax bill could end up the same way.
  15. Another big thing for me is living in VA we have an income tax. Those who itemize were able to deduct that, now that’s gone. Big hit for any state where you pay income taxes and itemize.
  16. ****!!! Hopefully the Senate version will get jacked up or when they try to combine them they can’t. Depressing, talk about socialism. This is a mass movement of wealth from the poor and middle class to the top through government policy.
  17. The Rep. base will be told anything negative from the bill will be the fault of those nasty god hating libtards and they will believe it. I’ve never witnessed anything like it.
  18. Thats what I was referring to. I'm sure when some of their paychecks start coming up short SOMEHOW it will be the fault of those elitist libtards.
  19. Never have so many voted against their own interests. It mind boggling and frustrating.
  20. At least in VA I had a chance to go vote last week. Voted D for everything, felt good. Gonna keep doing that for the foreseeable future. Republican politicians are just self enriching hypocritical scum.
  21. I still can't believe that more people aren't pissed about this tax proposal. I live in VA which comparatively is not taxed a very high rate. There are people in higher tax states that are going to get nailed hard by this proposal. Its going to get everyone in the upper middle class that lives in a state that taxes income. Only 7 states don't tax income. Is everyone waiting until they actually see the few hundred a paycheck that is disappeared from their checks?? To late then. Tax cut my ass.
  22. Can you even imagine if positions were reversed and Dems wanted to raise the debt by 1.5 Trillion over 10 years??? The Republicans and their base would be apoplectic!!
  23. If you have leftover wine you're doing it wrong!!
  24. Gonna try another pork belly soon. Gotta get the cracklings crisp this time though.
  25. It needs to be indexed by region. I’m sure in some places I’d be considered rich. In the DC suburbs I’m just in the upper part of middle class.
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