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Everything posted by Jumbo

  1. "If You Could Read My Mind" (beautiful song) and "Sundown" (classic) are his biggest hits (and he actually had more hit singles than most folks may know). But these two are my faves. Both are lyrically outstanding. The instrumental arrangement for "Wreck" is superb. "Quixote" is an all time fave of mine that I've posted here about a dozen times. 😁
  2. The "right wing" of politics isn't identified accurately as where "conservatives" reside. It's more accurate to describe it as where the vast majority of racist, homophobic, crooked, crazy, vile, hypocritical, pathologically lying, indecent, traitorous, grievance driven, gun fetishizing, tonka truck driving religious nuts reside. πŸ’© Is that just terribly biased or just objectively fair? 🧐
  3. Well that ship has sailed. Mods, even the ones that, unlike myself, aren't horrible human beans, are routinely tattled on to their perceived "bosses."πŸ˜› And I think it's absolutely congruent when what you do in your life publicly, at any time, and however it's perceived, spills over into the totality of your existence. It's not just karma to me, it's science. πŸ‘½πŸ€–
  4. I'm a child of my times and Stevie was my Juliet. These two are, unabashedly, from my "Stevie sang backup on these" collection. 😁 The Kenny Loggins song also features Michael McDonald and if you ever get the chance to hear the vocal mix on a premium system the imaging (placement in space) is spectacular height, width, depth, and the tonal realism is outstanding. A 3D panorama of rock/pop gloriousness. πŸ™‚
  5. I'm on both sides. πŸ‘Ή I'm waiting to see what actually happens during the season, and well into it, before I start to really invest in the idea we've really got it right. Always been that way. But that doesn't preclude me from treating the off season as its "own thing" and allowing feelings of positivity or negativity depending on how I think all that stuff is going. So off season is in a separate box. And based on what I see, in all aspects, I think this is as good as it's been since at least 2012, if not better. So I feel very good, for now. I just don't assume all the currently justified, rational, satisfaction I feel about our improvements across the board means we're sure to have a good season. So I can be fairly happy now based on what I see while knowing it's quite possible that feeling will change. What I see now is def a thumbs up, all around, and in particular JD is looking better than I'd expected, and I expected him to look real good in camp. He's looking great!! As a staunch Maye guy (but who never hated on JD) I now think my takes were off with that preference, even though there too it will be the actual games that tell the tale. I suggest everyone enjoy all the legitimate progress there is to see in the process to this point while accepting that all the stuff that really matters still lies ahead and remains unknown.
  6. I'll defend the left by noting that wishful thinking is not the same as active planning with real intention and actually having the means to do so. πŸ˜πŸ‘Ή
  7. What a storied life to have lived. There aren't enough superlatives to do him justice. He was a good human being. RIP and thank you from a kid who loved watching you and an adult who greatly admired you.
  8. Ask yourself this: Why is it that in the sentence "The devine bovine fell into the ravine" the i in the vine part of devine and bovine is pronounced "eye", but the i in the vine part of ravine is pronounced "eee". Perhaps, just perhaps, there are places where words decide how they want to be pronounced and let people to think they're making those decisions. A place you can't travel to unless the words tell you the directions. A place whose name is......
  9. Look, I want all magas to own and use a firearm no matter their criminal record or lack thereof. Admittedly, I want to limit that right to one particular firearm.
  10. Same ole trump/maga projection playbook: commit act/crimes, deny it, claim the Dems are the ones doing it, repeat process endlessly, count on maga media world to continuously confirm that it's reality.
  11. TAKE NO PRISONERS! SHOOT THE WOUNDED! That's how we do it in the Moderator Corps. πŸ‘πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
  12. There are other writeups on this newest alito bs that will keep this thing going into next week. The more the non-right-wing segments of the voting population gets the full picture of just who these jackanapes on the bench are, the better. I give Roberts proper credit for his responses to the same questions, even as right wing as he is. Interestingly, the two appointees most offensive to the ideal were appointed by George the 2nd, not Moron Don. Of course George 2 was only playing a figurehead role in most important matters. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/10/alito-wife-supreme-court-recordings-00162610 https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/samuel-alito-supreme-court-justice-recording-tape-battle-1235036470/ https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2024/06/10/congress/whitehouses-latest-alito-push-00162488
  13. Since I first arrived on ES I've been saying Dr Phil 🀑 is considered a bad joke/jive huckster/carnival barker in the psych/behav sci community. And Oprah has elevated more than one assclown to unmerited prominence in her time. πŸ™„
  14. Yeah, the totality of it all is a little mind bending even to a jaded veteran like me. I find I can still be surprised in such matters. And fwiw, I was just genuinely curious as to what you actually thought. Things get even weirder when you think of various (many) places around the globe where the thinking on current local and world events is just as nutzo and combative or even far worse than here. Buckle up and put on a helmet.
  15. @ixcuincle What did your laughing emoji response mean in actual words? πŸ™‚
  16. He's also best for the folks who aren't: Racists Xtian Nationalists Neo-nazis Old School Nazis Incels Science deniers Deniers of truth/reality in general when they don't like the truth/reality Stupid/crazy/vile/malevolent Ignorant yet arrogant Terminally hypocritical Devoid of a decently functioning moral/ethical compass I could go on... Those still stuck on "I hate both" or "I'm on the fence" will hopefully get to where they don't have to struggle so effing hard to choose Biden and a "never trump/**** maga" coalition over "trump's gop/maga" world.
  17. as long as these sick minded ignorant goper pinheads don't think it means "go burn pride flags wherever you see them"...
  18. @TradeTheBeal! @Riggo#44 @mcsluggo and @TK I don't know what you guys were thinking, that you should just crap all over the rules with your outbursts. There are ways to be very harsh in expressing castigating reactions here, when done within certain contexts, and still remain within the rules. You're all longtime solid ES'ers, and no one likes banning such members. Our software will go automatically by accumulated points, so if I give you all the appropriate rule five violation it doesn't come out equal to all three of you. That variance will be because of previous rules violations on your account or lack thereof. I've got other, serious, stuff I have to do today. If you guys get in here and clean your mess up soon enough I may settle for that. I won't speak for TK.
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