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Everything posted by Skinsfan1311

  1. Those Dresden Files are very fun reads. I'm on book 10, "Small Favor"
  2. Agreed. He's also Mrs. Skinfans favorite player. I just ordered her a new sweater....
  3. Yup! It's so good and so many ways to prep and cook it. I just used the last of it to make jerky today. My wife doesn't eat it, but my Mom, Sister and Uncle love it, so I give a deer to my Mom to share with them and I keep a tenderloin and few roasts. What I don't finish before deer season, I make into jerky. I ended up with enough to turn 4 lbs of trimmed meat to into jerky today.
  4. I don't know how deep the spaces are, but you'll be fine. There are plenty of full size trucks and vans in the lot. The spaces are twice as wide as the spaces in the other lots, so you park it at an angle too.
  5. The last of the venison..I used a coffee rub and grilled over high heat until it hit 129ยฐ
  6. Agreed. That, and the "Skip Intro" button on streaming sites...
  7. Amen! At least most of them have a "jump to recipe" button....
  8. Krispy Kreme's Meat Post tailgate dogs & fixings Grill Tables Chairs Cutlery Something else TBD
  9. It sucks, but it's completely understandable. We knew it would be tough sledding this season anyway.
  10. Jim Butcher's "White Knight" which is book 9 of "The Dresden Files" The series is about the travails of a private investigator in Chicago, who happens to be a wizard. It's got it all....vampires, demons, faeries, werewolves.....it's magic, fantasy, mystery, humor and a lot of fun to read. Sometimes, you need some good old-fashioned light, fun reading and this fits the bill.
  11. I'm 6' tall and 190lbs and I love oysters too. If life expectation is 120 years old, then I'm middle aged too and can easily eat 3 dozen in a sitting...and more someone else is shucking. I think that the most I've eaten at one time was something like 7 dozen at a bull and oyster roast. I gotta ask. Where does one who is only 18" tall, and 200+lbs, find clothes that fit๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜…
  12. Mrs Skinfan and I love the Margaret Holmes veggies...
  13. Agreed. It took years for a couple of my Lodge pans to build a good seasoning.
  14. The only thing that makes me nervous about this is that Tyrod Taylor is/was a very mobile QB and those types of QBs seem to gash us at times. That being said...we still win this one.
  15. Could be...but to watch him slow to a walk and stop while the play is still going on is poor optics.
  16. After that Bears game? That ship has sailed.... Taylor makes me nervous, because he can run. That being said, we got this. 35-17
  17. I've also noticed that there's none of that relentless pursuit on running plays. I understand that he's a pass-rusher, but the pursuit, or lack thereof, is a real head-scratcher.
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