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Everything posted by ntotoro

  1. Guess it's appropriate for this thread now... https://twitter.com/AdamSchefter/status/1344304680835424257
  2. NE hasn't exactly been the class of the field, but the Bills completely clowned them last night. Twice this year. That's a good roster.
  3. Because Gruden had his little man crushes at RB who wound up doing nothing in the league.
  4. I think the point is this stuff was “hidden” by NDA’s and whatever else. Doesn’t make things better for the victims (especially since this was in the past), but now more people are hearing about it and it might be pushing the league to actually to cut the head off the the snake of bad culture that Danny has hatched and fostered.
  5. If Snyder even suggests a single thing because he's fascinated with yet another DC-area guy, Rivera should just quit and walk out the door.
  6. What are the odds AB doesn't wear pants around the house and pees when he's too close to the microwave?
  7. Lesson to learn here: don’t ever, ever, ever let Danny Snyder have say in personnel, especially at QB.
  8. Dear Lord... if I were Dan, I’d be as out-of-the-picture as possible. Figuratively and literally.
  9. I think we all know the second Rivera is out the door, Danny Boy will go right back to being the little prick he is. He won’t have a lightning rod, which is what he has always had. The second Gibbs went out the door, the burner in the dumpster turned right back up again. All this time I had been saying Gibbs 2.0 was a statement to how good Gibbs actually was, even out of the sport as long as he was. Look what happened immediately pre and post Gibbs 2.0. The second Danny Boy has no one else around him who can guide him, things flush right back down. It’s his track record. He could only take one year of being hands-off with Marty before firing Marty the GM to rehire Kindergarten Ninja, forcing Marty the HC to quit.
  10. Trey better keep his girl faaaaaar away from Goober Gruden.
  11. People at work normally sign NDA's when they're laid-off (to prevent from suing for damages, usually) or when you're cleared and briefed/debriefed. I can't imagine what's going on in Ashburn.
  12. The longer this goes, it's just proof that this human piece of fecal matter is going nowhere.
  13. Does Snyder even realize 99.99999999% of the fanbase wants him gone? My guess is he’s clue-free on the state of the fans.
  14. Dan Snyder has never been the kind that we’ve seen to stand up like a man and take his punches. Hiding behind a woman, his own wife, no less, is only fitting with his lack of character.
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