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Everything posted by ntotoro

  1. The only way you could lose to this Giants team is to literally throw the game, which would be so obvious you’d lose a draft pick.
  2. Moose is saying two of the three phases of New Jersey’s game is going well… did he forget who they were playing?
  3. I thought he was trying to apply on the New Jersey employment commission’s website since he’ll likely also be looking for new work… 😄
  4. A factor people sadly seem to overlook is how he constantly puts at least Terry in dangerous positions. Terry has zero motivation to remain here for a new contract. This game looks like the Stupid Bowl so far.
  5. Wasn't that Jay’s fear of being upstaged? I guess no one is worried about being supplanted by Fangio at HC at this point… 😄
  6. Gibbs is great with people, just not necessarily choosing them. See: Howard, Desmond. Gibbs needed a strong personnel guy, better than he. He was just great with the people once they were assembled.
  7. What's Terry's motivation to stay? Money? Over 30 other teams have cash and some of those actually have a QB who can throw the ball without getting him killed. It's also like being in a relationship where one partner doesn't beat or cheat on the other. The bar is set so freaking low, even being able to walk and chew gum is a victory. What kind of expectations are those and why should the fans be please to see the lowest-common-denominator barely met?
  8. The thing with Ron is a lot of the "culture" things people are praising him for are things that should just be. It has nothing to do with Rivera. Not objectifying female employees isn't a brave stance... it's just common sense. Not having a shady Front Office isn't praise-worthy... it's just how it's supposed to be. The end of the day Snyder is still in charge of it all. The on-field product sucks and putting that same man in charge of the personnel doesn't help things. His OC can't even figure out how to best use the talent he has. His DC is bipolar at best. Probably going to lose their #1 WR this season and still have no QB of even the present, much less the future.
  9. I really do feel the name change solidifies leaving the team behind for those who have been teeter-tottering. There are plenty of people who can say "This is not the team I grew up watching." I mean... it was figurative with a touch literal then. Now it's 100% literal. The team is basically the Senators and needs to leave the area unless there's new ownership.
  10. Am I the only one hearing the game in Spanish? What did I miss?
  11. If Meineke Mufflers wasn’t taking 146 step drops, 10 yards passes might result in more than 1-2 yard receptions.
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