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Everything posted by Rocky21

  1. It’s the head coach’s job to have a back up plan if…I don’t know…something like the kicker gets injured in a game and you need to attempt a field goal.
  2. Why in the **** did Rivera not attempt the ****ing chip shot field goal? You make it you’re up by two scores with less than a minute left! This is not the first inexplicably stupid decision this guy has made.
  3. This is only his second year in the league but I already have an irrational hatred of LaMelo Ball. 😁
  4. My God Lebroni is such a **** This cracked me up.
  5. Need to whip that Hornets ass tonight after beating the Panthers last night! DMV>CLT 😊
  6. We better be going RB with at least one pick in next year’s draft.
  7. So yeah rape in this case is referring to forced sex not sex between minors. Rich dad who is a lawyer = probation in America. Disgusting. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/18/nyregion/christopher-belter-rape-sentence.html
  8. I know his head coaching career is only 14 games on but this was a coaching fail by Unsel. Our bigs were dominating and the 3’s were not dropping…….at all so what do we do? Keep gunning 3’sand hoping for the best. Really frustrating loss.
  9. If you listened to those guys on the radio you knew how much Sam wanted to stick it to former head coach Allie Sherman. That man could hold a grudge like No One else. You may also remember later in his broadcast career Sam would go ape **** when the defense would jump offside. ”All you have to do is look in at the damn ball (to see when it’s snapped) 👀 RIP Mr. Huff
  10. Can’t say I’m excited about cameras being installed in my car spying on me. Not to mention how this will affect the new car prices.
  11. In game adjustments, smart substitutions and actual ****ing plays called. So this is what it feels like to have a real coaching staff! 👍
  12. Dude put up a double double with 15 boards in his first game wit the team. Jes sayin’
  13. Up by 20 at the half. What in the name of Bernard King is going on here? ☺️
  14. People with seasonal allergies will tell you the allergy season is longer now too. But there’s no such thing as climate change, right?
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