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Kosher Ham

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Everything posted by Kosher Ham

  1. I love finding cash that I forgot about. Tells you how trashed and aware I was at the same time. 20 blue stripes. Great start to a morning.
  2. Ford needs to bring back the Thunderbird correctly. Diablo should be redone.
  3. Your body metabolism controls that. The alcohol is processed before the food. So you won't feel the full effects immediately, as you allow the alcohol to process, it does quicker. Especially carbonated drinks.
  4. @Spaceman Spiff, I carry cash, but not like that. Spades though? Thats a stupid game to bet more than maybe a stack or two. Would love to see it though. I worked hard to get where I am, that's simply irresponsible to me. Now when I go to Vegas...different story. Careless Kosher comes out. I do pretty well overall though.
  5. That's less than two days for some folks.
  6. To answer your question however. Not my first time with edibles, and yes, I loved them. Not at all bitter and no aftertaste at all.
  7. First time with these gummies. I had to get an uber home. I was lit. They are for home use only. I got caught slipping.
  8. Gummies...thanks. Functional... I'll need a few minutes.
  9. It's paid programing. Primary for the adults who were kids when the first one came out. There's sex, violence, and bad language. It's not really meant for small children.
  10. Just watched Homefront. Reminds me of the Arnold and Milano movie from back in the day. Entertaining, but not really anything new or standout in any way.
  11. So six straight games and six players test positive? Did I read that right. Postpone City.
  12. 100k fine. How difficult is it to follow protocol? That's irritating.
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