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Everything posted by Chachie

  1. I'm still sick to my stomach. Maybe I'm just all butt-hurt today but that's the kind of game that sucks the wind out me for the rest of the season. A team that can blow that lead and lose that game only shows me that they have no business being in even a play-in scenario at the end of the regular season. In fact, I expect them to go into a tail spin for the next 10 games. Any close 4th qtr from here on will show me the same faces I saw last night. I went to bed sour, woke up sour. Still angry and disgusted. Epic, historic choke job. I think I heard someone say it was the 2nd biggest blown lead for a loss in NBA history. I'm not sure they can get me back this year. Definitely taking a break for a couple weeks at least. It's actually kind of liberating. Been a fan too long (1972) to forgive this.
  2. I haven't checked for official stats but we have GOT to be THE worst 3pt shooting team in the NBA, right? Edit- Just checked. Third to last.
  3. I didn't mean to imply that they'd be hunting down folks but they'd be trying to find ways to intimidate/convert or even sabotage them.
  4. Yes sir I did. Amazing, as are both actors. This show is top-notch! Last night's episode was "okay" but it's the first episode that didn't leave me drop-jawed.
  5. Now that Succession's season is over, my two new faves are both dark teenage girl dramas, which I normally despise but here they are: Euphoria (HBO, 9pm sunday nights. Currently airing season 2)- HOLY MOLY this show is incredible. Hardcore sex and drug content so not for fans of the light stuff but I get giddy every sunday evening in anticipation of a new episode. Zendaya is incredible but the show doesn't stay focused on only her character. The ensemble cast is fantastic. Every week it gets better and better. Great soundtrack, stylistic scene openings/transitions. Yellowjackets (Showtime, 10pm sunday nights. Season 1 just ended)- A 1990s girls soccer team goes to the national championship game but their plane crashes deep in the woods on the trip. Flashes back and forth between their time in the woods and their lives in present day. Think "Lord of the Flies" but with present-day turmoil for the survivors, intrigue while they fill in the gaps between then and now. I started both shows feeling pretty skeptical and they've both got my jaw dropping to my lap every episode.
  6. If Trump loses in 2024 there will be militia mobs overtly on the loose. I don't know if there will be a civil war among citizens (maybe militias vs. ANTIFA-types) but there will be militias vs. law enforcement and maybe military. The militias will have police and military in their groups though. IF there ARE militia forces/extreme republican citizens vs. liberal citizens, it won't even be competitive. The liberals will be gunned down and defeated in no time, every time. The extreme conservatives have been stockpiling weapons and training their people for 20 years. They desperately need to justify all that effort. IMO war-minded Trumpers (they're not republicans, let's face it) don't really believe the election was stolen from them or that COVID is a political hoax. They just WANT that to be the case because they WANT to put their weapons and training to use. One does not purchase golf clubs and take golfing lessons to NOT golf. I would not be at all surprised if Proud Boys or Oathkeepers or even gov't-level nazi symps are compiling lists of democratic voters, identifying them as "enemies of their state." Yes, if Trump loses there will be some type of war in the streets. If Trump wins (and repubs control congress) there won't be civilian war but we'll never see another president until he dies.
  7. They'll never learn that he will turn on each and every one of them at a mere moment's notice. The loyalty is baffling to me.
  8. I'm still enjoying this team. Last season and before that, if we were down 10 with 5 minutes left I'd give up. With this 2022 team, I'm always optimistic that we'll get back in it. Even with a depleted lineup. We're still not a team that wins most of the games we should win, we're still not a team that can be counted on to play consistent defense for 3-4 quarters. However, I like this squad and I'm optimistic about getting Rui/TB back in the mix. This will help Harrell and Gaff immensely in regard to getting them rest in game and should spread the floor a LOT more on offense as both of them can shoot from the field, which Harrell and Gaff cannot always be relied upon to do. Edit- I should add that I don't feel the same frustration. Rookie coach, no true PG, not enough bigs... but we're basically at .500!! Not bad, Bullez. Not bad.
  9. These people would do well to simply STFU. In their fervor to "exonerate" Trump, they incriminate themselves and Donnie. They're all wormy and evasive enough to beat this rap but they just can't keep their mouths shut. The desperation is palpable and telling. (Not that I think anything will happen. I'm too used to the dems in congress being impotent.)
  10. Also- Ghislaine was the same type of daughter that she was as a girlfriend. Well-documented that she served her father's every whim. After the death of her father I think she needed someone else as demanding and (almost) as powerful as her father. I think she lost her identity when her father died and perhaps her own perceived power. Epstein gave those things back to her (in her own mind.) She's a turd. I'm not trying to evoke sympathy for her. Just trying to examine her possible motivations. She would have always lived a privileged lifestyle whether she met Epstein or not. Perhaps for her though, it was about being the right hand woman to a powerful man again. It was the only thing she knew from the time she came of age. Edit: Oh, and if she dies from anything other than old age it's murder. I think Epstein had already hinted at exposing powerful people and I think the only 2 people capable of pulling off his murder were Donald trump and William Barr. I'm not saying Clinton, Prince Andrew, and others didn't want him dead but they just didn't have the power and the ACCESS at the time he was arrested and imprisoned.
  11. Also noteworthy (but not a shocker). The texts from Ingraham and Kilmeade don't indicate any actual concern for the lives/well being of anyone inside the capitol. Ingraham: "This is bad for all of us." It's about Trump's and FOX News' (and her own) reputation. Not about people's safety or even democracy. Kilmeade: "He's destroying his legacy." Legacy? F you, bro. Police officers are being beaten with fire extinguishers as you text. Again, not surprising in the least. Just indicative of the people at FOX.
  12. I kept thinking, "Anyone can be a hot team in the first 10 games because even the best teams are still warming up." I think I was spot on. We were able to surprise a lot of people and a lot of opponents. Now, we are what we thought we'd be before the first game of the season was played.
  13. Immediately after that fight, I assumed that Amanda has not been challenged beyond 1-2 rounds in a long time and that Pena's ground game wore her out early, thus the Nunes gas-out. I was wrong. Both Germaine De Randamie and Felicia Spencer made her work 5 rounds "recently." However, neither of those women made Amanda grapple for any length of time. This is why I'm not sure the result was a fluke. Juliana earned that win just like she said she would- with will power and aggression. I'm still in shock. This was a "Buster Douglas" night for sure. It also makes me wonder if Kayla Harrison would absolutely ragdoll Nunes. Would love to see Valentina get in the mix with Pena. Val has more tools in her belt in the grappling department. I'm sure we'd have to wait for a Pena-Nunes rematch though. Looks like both Nunes and Poirier both came up short against grapplers.
  14. Apologies if this has already been posted somewhere on the board. It's one the nuttiest stories of election-reversing nuttiness I've seen and it's sickening. The video alone is alarming but the accompanying background of the story gives it context. Read the story first and then watch the video... Kanye West publicist pressed Georgia election worker to confess to bogus fraud charges https://www.reuters.com/business/media-telecom/kanye-west-publicist-pressed-georgia-election-worker-confess-bogus-fraud-charges-2021-12-10/
  15. Yes. Haley Steinfeld is really good. Great cameo in ep4 that could lead to even more.
  16. Well I guess I'm adding Pea**** to my ever-growing list of streaming subscriptions. 😆 edit- Wow, ES even censors network names!
  17. Agreed. I noticed the "not nice people" thing back when the show was big but I think that was the lure. They always paid for their selfishness and snobbiness. What I took from it was that THEY were the jerks in society, or at least equal to other jerks while complaining about jerkiness. I think it's Larry David's thing and is still a big part of Curb Your Enthusiasm, which I still love. I don't think Seinfeld is as funny all these years later either though.
  18. 1. I tuned in kinda late. Did Trez play at all? 2. Every time I see Ricky Rubio I think to myself, "He'd be PERFECT for us."
  19. This morning I thought this was a new thread and opened page 1. I saw that @Bang had posted there and read his remarks. @The Sisko, you beat me to it. WOW.
  20. He might not be a member of their little clique but he's just as much a Trump cuck as anyone. I suppose I wouldn't classify him as an idiot though. He's crooked but not stupid.
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