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Dan T.

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Everything posted by Dan T.

  1. Would this have happened absent the influx of immigrants from the diaspora of Syrians and Iraqis caused by the upheaval in the Middle East? Because talk about unintended consequences...
  2. ^^ Looks like she has a little bit of Trump down there.
  3. Here's when I saw that LeBron is human. Not the fall after the dunk. It was at the timeout just after The Block. They had a floor level shot as the Cavs were settling into their seats, and you caught just a glimpse of LeBron's face, partially obscured by another player, as he dropped into his seat, . And he was SPENT. For just a second you saw the painful exhaustion on his face. Watch it. It's at the very end of this 30 second clip:
  4. He splits his time between home and the Funkhouser-Hazelton Alcohol Rehabilitation Center. Don't worry, they forward his mail.
  5. How Americans smuggle snacks into a movie theater...
  6. Kimbo Slice dead at 42. http://espn.go.com/mma/story/_/id/16009900/kimbo-slice-dies-age-42
  7. 1. Does not actually provide help getting the player out of the stands 2. Knocks phone out of girls hand 3. Smashes drink into woman face 4. Busts open mustard pack for hot dog, splurts it on fan in front of him 5. Turns to greet friend at urinal, pees on pantleg of guy next to him ... 27. T-bones team bus leaving stadium
  8. You have quite a musical gift, Koolblue.
  9. Apparently stolen lots of times:
  10. Spot the relationship turning point for white t-shirt guy:
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