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Dan T.

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Everything posted by Dan T.

  1. By the way, don't you just love Hannity and his ilk bemoaning not the content of the released information, but those who may or may not be releasing it? When just a few short months ago they were hailing Julian Assange and WikiLeaks as a paragon of truth-telling. And that includes Donald ****ing Tweet-Monkey Trump
  2. Dang, you caught me, Popeman. Welp, as you know, consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds...
  3. And yet you are the devil incarnate if you user a private email server.
  4. Actively supporting and participating in an illegal hacking operation. Colluding with a foreign nation hostile to U.S. interests to fraudulently sway the results of a U.S. election. Hiring prostitutes. Damaging hotel property. For starters.
  5. I'll post the syllabus for the discussion... a link to the British intel agent's dossier... https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/3259984-Trump-Intelligence-Allegations.html
  6. ^^^ Also looks like the dance floor at my middle school sock hop.
  7. "Walking Dead" casting call for zombie extras:
  8. (This was sent in by his cousin, Hugh Jardon.)
  9. If this were high school, the mercy rule would take effect and it would be a running clock for the remainder of the game.
  10. "Holy Moley Jim Bob Boley, that was a major league smush."
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