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Dan T.

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Everything posted by Dan T.

  1. The most surprising thing about that is there are people still willing to pay good money for Eli Manning's game-worn gear
  2. Turn that frown upside down (creepy looking, no?)
  3. How does she find the time for her airport security job?
  4. Doc Brown's time-travel research suffered after the cuts in funding.
  5. Click the video and then sing along with the lyrics below. I went home with a banker The way I always do How was I to know He was with the Russians, too? I was gambling in the Ukraine I took a little risk Send lawyers, Trump and money Vlad, get me out of this! I'm a deplorable bystander And somehow I got stuck Between Iraq and Damascus And I'm down on my luck And the US is ****ed Well I'm down on my luck Now I'm hiding in the White House I'm a desperate man Send lawyers, Rex and money The **** has hit the fan Send lawyers, Kush and money Huh! Send lawyers, Paul and money Uhh! Send lawyers, Page and money Hyah! Send lawyers, Trump and money Yeah!
  6. ...Because you are way too decent and pure-of-mind as a person.
  7. Oh, so you're a BIG MAN with that claw cracker?!? Well crack THIS, mother****er!
  8. It does smack of change for the sake of change. And it sucks for him... after decades of color commentating mediocrity, they can him just as the team looks like it's rising to the league's top echelon.
  9. So if Nunes - even though he recused himself from the Russia investigation - stays on as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, does that mean he still controls the committee's scheduling? Because by retaining scheduling power, he could still stall and disrupt the investigation .
  10. They showed Buck's stepdaughter in the stands during a game a week or so ago, and she was wearing a red "Dagger" T-shirt .
  11. This piece from conservative columnist Jennifer Rubin is worth a read: Nunes is out of the Russia probe, and the Susan Rice spin collapses President Trump’s wild accusation and the right-wing media’s eagerness to support the claims of the Trump White House, working in cahoots with House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), that there was nefarious “unmasking” of Trump associates picked up in surveillance of Russian officials has proved to be a colossal flop. Nunes wound up discrediting himself and implicating White House staffers in a half-baked scheme to deflect attention from the president. Right-wing outlets (from Fox News to Breitbart to the New York Post) took the bait from Nunes and his associates, dragging Susan Rice into the matter — without evidence of a crime. Indeed, no evidence of impropriety exists and no evidence ties Rice to the leaking of Michael T. Flynn’s name. Given that the White House does not want to release the documents shared with Nunes that allegedly provide the basis for its tale, we can surmise that Nunes really had no evidence of much of anything. The blatant effort to confuse and distract from the biggest political scandal of our lifetimes — Russian efforts to manipulate our election process and potential coordination with the campaign of the beneficiary of Russia’s “active measures” — does not come as any surprise. However, certain right-wing media outlets’ willingness to echo Trump’s defamatory misdirection tactics remains as distressing as ever. (It was just this sort of echo chamber effect that Russia used during the campaign to help Trump, as Clint Watts recently explained.) Chin-stroking pundits were obliged to say, “Well, both these things are important” (as if the Rice narrative has a factual basis), and the damage thereby done. A serious investigation with extensive factual support becomes no more credible than Trump’s latest tweet. ... Indeed, the whole point of the narrative appears to be to discredit the Russia investigation (or some elements of it) by shifting the story away from Trump connections to the Russian wrongdoing to alleged wrongdoing in the investigation of the Russia matter.” They continue, “This appears to be Trump’s larger aim: To muddle the legitimacy of the intelligence community, and of FISA as a tool in this context, all with the aim of delegitimizing the Russia investigation and, perhaps, of delegitimizing broader internal executive branch checks on the presidency.” The episode underscores the degree to which we are vulnerable when those in positions of authority — Nunes, Trump, Ryan, the leakers — abuse their trust and turn the most consequential national security investigation of our lifetimes into a circus. https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/right-turn/wp/2017/04/06/susan-rice-is-a-pawn-in-trumps-effort-to-tear-down-the-system/
  12. Nunes' statement regarding stepping down says, in part, this: "The charges are entirely false and politically motivated, and are being leveled just as the American people are beginning to learn the truth about the improper unmasking of the identities of U.S. citizens and other abuses of power." Hey dip****, your focus should have been on Russian interference and possible collusion.
  13. It's not O'Reilly's fault. It's the PTSD from his up-close coverage of the Falklands War.
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