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Dan T.

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Everything posted by Dan T.

  1. Korea expert on air with BBC from his home office.
  2. I see what you did there, Mr. Headline Writer...
  3. Reporter is on the left after several hours:
  4. Obama, via FaceTime, swearing in all his spies, human and otherwise:
  5. Slight trouble with the prototype...
  6. Hmm, which one? Decisions, decisions....
  7. When you get some time, this is worth the read. Trump, Putin and the New Cold War by Evan Osnos, David Remnick, and Joshua Yaffa http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/03/06/trump-putin-and-the-new-cold-war
  8. It was an odd exchange, because Franken did NOT ask Sessions if he had contact with Russian officials. He posed a hypothetical... "if someone with the campaign had contact, what would you do?" A pretty open ended question about how he would proceed with any investigation. Instead, Sessions offered that he was considered by many to be part of the campaign and that he had no contact with Russian officials.
  9. For me it's more a constant WTF? than outrage. WTF is it with Donald Trump's weird obsession with Vladimir Putin? It is so bizarre and unyielding that there has to be some rationale behind it. Then WTF is it with Russia purposefully interfering with the U.S. election in order to damage Hilary Clinton and boost the prospects of Donald Trump? (Put aside the big WTF that a lying, ignorant huckster could be elected in the first place.) Then there is the WTF that a foreign government hostile to the interests of the United States meddled in the most sacrosanct public symbol of our democracy, and the general reaction seems to be "meh." Then WTF is it that seemingly the entire Trump campaign team other than Kelly Ann Conway had contact with Russian officials right around the same time that the Russians are hacking the election? And WTF, that includes the Attorney General of the United States, who was PART OF TRUMP's CAMPAIGN TEAM, and people STILL think it's no big deal if he doesn't recuse himself from any Justice-involved investigation. WTF?
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