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Everything posted by PokerPacker

  1. Packers interested in trading up.
  2. First post list is wrong. Crum is listed twice, and I am listed as having drafted Lovett instead of Holker.
  3. I updated my Holker post with the analysis of the player:
  4. You had your shot at 216. Though I was considering jumping ahead of you.
  5. With pick 219, the Green Bay Packers select Dallin Holker, TE/H-Back, Colorado State Holker is a little undersized at TE, but he makes up for it with athleticism. He put up elite numbers in the agility drills, which shows up on the tape. Very smooth athlete, adjusts to bad throws and makes difficult catches look routine. He put up a disappointing 4.78s 40-time at the combine, but worked on his technique for his pro-day where I read from a scout that he clocked Holker at under 4.60s, which better matches his game tape. He has a penchant for making some really difficult catches, including the game-winning TD on a Hail Mary vs Boise where the DB swatted the ball down, but Holker made a diving grab on the swatted ball. Or the leaping one-handed catch in the end-zone and getting his foot down in-bounds. Or ball he caught at ankle-level in stride and turned up field for another 30 yards for the TD. Or the one-handed grab on the ball thrown behind him in the snow.
  6. Never touched the puck in overtime. Isn't 3-on-3 fun?
  7. In his defense, I'm pretty sure he's spelled incorrectly on page 1.
  8. With the 202nd pick of the draft, the Packers select: Edefuan Ulofoshio, LB, Washington He's a solid athlete at LB, putting up elite explosiveness numbers with a 39.5" vertical leap, and 10'8" broad jump, along with a great 4.56s 40-time. He's a little under-sized at only 6'0", though stocky build weighing in at 236 at that height. Decent 33" arms plus is leaping ability help to overcome his size disadvantage in coverage. Scouts don't seem to know what to make of him, as I've seen takes ranging from coverage-specialist with trouble in run support, to run-stopper who needs to work on his coverage skills. From the film I've watched, I didn't see anything that stood out as a negative in coverage, and the numbers seem to support him as a coverage LB; his season-average QB rating when thrown to hasn't surpassed 57.1 since his freshman season. In run-support, he plays downhill. He'll choose a gap and burst through. He needs to work on picking his gaps, as he doesn't always choose correctly, but I'll take that over the countless LBs I've watched who just stand there watching the backfield and then the play blows by them before they ever get involved. Once he makes his way to the ball-carrier, he's a solid tackler and provides some thump while wrapping up with strong hands. He's effective at splitting gaps between blockers when blitzing the QB or pursuing a ball-carrier on screens and end-arounds. One thing that needs a lot of work is coming off blocks, however. Once a blocker gets hands on him, it's game over; he doesn't have much ability to get off a block; as such, he also tends to try to run around blockers rather than engaging, which can hurt in gap-control. I think Ulofoshio has the potential to grow into an every-down type linebacker, but to start, he'll compete for snaps as a nickelback where he can be effective in both coverage and blitzing the QB on occasion.
  9. I believe @goskins10 is on the clock. I see you hanging out in here.
  10. DANG IT! Really wanted to snag him here in the 6th. Fantastic blocker, and has some untapped potential as a receiver.
  11. He was here a few minutes ago, and was typing. Now he's gone. Did he think he sent in his pick but it didn't get through?
  12. The former. Goskins simply made an unclocked correction. It's like when someone gets skipped. They're free to put in their pick at any time after that, but they weren't on the clock, so the clock is unaffected.
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