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Everything posted by TheShredder

  1. Frustrating yeah, but then he's worth way more if healthy. WR market just blew up and Curtis is talented past double his cap savings. Wouldn't be smart to cut him when he's finally healthy and then goes to a division rival. If he ends up on IR again, then yeah Steve Smith was right, 'damaged goods'.
  2. Not that I trust RR media statements at all, however it does make sense to ramp a guy up into football shape in this situation. Problem with muscle tears is that if they're not surgically repaired, the body has to repair itself. Scar tissue mechanics differ somewhat from normal connective tissue mechanics.Normal connective tissue is mature and stable, with limited pliability. Immature scar tissue is much more dynamic and pliable. Scar tissue formation occurs in four distinct phases. Each of these phases shows characteristic differences during phases of immobilization and mobilization. So, jump to the final phase after 2 months of mobilization (being shut down) and the scar tissue is mature, inactive, and non-pliable----> like normal muscle tissues. Science says 2 months (8 weeks) for muscle tears. Curtis Samuel did this twice last year, was never in football shape, then clearly they or he screwed up off-season training. Clearly it's all connected in a botched, rushed, and mismanaged sports hernia, now extending past a year...BUT it doesn't discount the benefits of proper healing time (8 weeks of doing nothing). The whole body has to be retrained. Seems like they're doing the right thing with him now that they hired Al Bellamy in late April. Assume Al Bellamy just started fixing this issue since May, with a plan to ensure he's ready Week 1.
  3. Yeah, there's a Catch-22 with fast twitch guys that have muscle tears. It's really important to fully heal or the body's patch job won't hold. Then after a long time of laying off, you have to get the whole body back in shape, & balanced. If you screw up the training and nutrition then you get tightness and irritation in other muscles. For Samuel, it might or might not be his fault, but the results are the same. He's not in shape. They can ramp him up in 4 weeks and as long as he's getting a few reps and doesn't tear anything he'll play Week 1.
  4. It's hard to predict a turnaround year for any team, as we all know. Most people here believe in year 3 as the prototypical time for a team to make a leap forward. Here, JAX hasn't won an away game since Dec 2019...but since they added some pieces and all new coaches, they're suddenly a scary team? You still have 80% of the same roster as last year. I think they're moving in the right direction but they're just starting a long rebuild.
  5. He's a bad injury risk for depth veteran signing. You're signing a guy like Barr as a rotational guy with the experience to step in if a starter goes down. If you're depth guy can't stay healthy then is that wise? Better off with someone you can depend on, but JJ loves him some brand names!
  6. Curtis Samuel does have a history of soft tissue injuries Lumbar Strain 2017 (similar to current tightness), Hamstring Strain 2017 & 2021 {grade 1similar to current tightness & 2 }, Groin Strain & Sports Hernia 2021, R-Ankle Fracture 2017, Patellar Knee Sprain 2020. He's out of shape and he's got 5 weeks to fix a 4 week problem. He'll play Week 1, unless he tears a muscle. That's why they rehab him 100% before going back out. Two steps forward, one step back until you roll over the top! https://www.draftsharks.com/fantasy/injury-history/curtis-samuel/7753
  7. It's practice. Just put the pads on, so now at least the match ups have meaning. Think the last report was Dyami has made a few catches deep, but follows it up with a drop later. Kinda 50/50 moving into padded sessions. We'll see a lot of Dyami in preseason (only a week and a half).
  8. Nobody knows for sure except the trainers. I leave Samuel out because it's possible he maynot know why he's experiencing chronic muscle fatigue. It could be nutrition, exercise, or sleep/rest dilemma or a combination. When trainers track an athletes progress, they can figure it out but if the player isn't resting and rehabbing like they report, there's nothing the trainer can do. Seems Curtis was fine in the off-season and then when things start ramping up, he tightens up. Something's not right with this situation, but who's to blame ultimately lands on the player. Not sure yet, but Curtis plays Week 1 - book that!
  9. Funny, but truth. There's a lot of people that are being affected by his inability to manage his health. Pro athletes who can't get healthy are cut. Staffs that can't manage soft tissue ailments are fired. I'd bet Curtis Samuel doesn't play preseason and is micromanaged all the way to Week 1.
  10. I don't trust anything RR says about injuries before reporting is mandatory. That's why there's no info on Bates because they don't have to report anything. The only info being shared is for media relations. RR doesn't want a coup d'état from his Carolina Only Free Agent plan. To be fair to the training staff, Curtis Samuel holds their jobs in the balance. If they can't manage to get this guy healthy from muscle related ailments with over a year in treatment, they're fired! What the staff would do is they'd designate him high priority monitoring and full precautions treatment. Once you have a good line of data, you can shut the guy down for anything. Example, Curtis has to pee in a cup before each practice to test for dehydration. His data shows that at one range of urine specific gravity he'll practice without issues, minimizing injury risk and maximizing recovery. His pee is not optimal, he gets half days work. He tests dehydrated and he's getting an IV and goes to the side field...All of this is in play. It's becoming more and more obvious that Curtis doesn't know how to take care of his body or isn't doing everything he's supposed to do to be prepared.
  11. Where's Allen Iverson when you need him! Dudes going to make some plays...We've all seen it.
  12. Turner must play to the weaknesses in the defence they're facing. Has to learn what's most likely to work in their game plan compare to what those weaknesses are. I think when you have better pass catchers, strong armed QB, and 3 different RBs, the ability to attack makes the game quiet different. Offense likely goes how the OL plays. It's the weakness on offense and must get healthy and practice. Clock is ticking.
  13. Some guys just don't have the disciplines that others do, requiring a contract year to grab another gear. That sort of character doesn't get paid here anymore. He's going to be Pro-Bowl quality in 22' but you can't sign him if you can't trust he'll keep progressing. I think there's drama mounting with D.Payne in the future.
  14. Dude was talking Training Camp and you went 2yr-3yr plan. Not playing Chess with you! https://giphy.com/clips/barstoolsports-E5yyYXcQwspgblnQ6F
  15. I can agree with that. When I played competitive baseball, I pitched and played 3rd. Pitching was the focus, so early I'd have issues with sailing 3rd to 1st with over-throws. Always took awhile to get the distance dialed in after so many reps from the mound. You are throwing full strength from different distances, so there's a release point difference. It takes awhile to trim it in. Wentz has been criticized for short throws but did rep mechanical work in the off-season. Maybe he just need to trim out the distance with intermediate distances. That's noticed by everyone. Big guy, long limbs, still athletic, I'm pretty sure that's not a secret.
  16. I've had a sports hernia surgery and later tore it a second time. If they tell you to put an ice pack on it, be careful about that advice. Don't want a patch of consolidated blood in that space. It will take weeks to diffuse a big clot that would have otherwise diffused. They might give you instructions for cold compress with the intention of constricting the veins to slow blood flow in the surgical area. What they won't explain is you can create a clot that will take a long time to diffuse. Personally I wouldn't apply cold pack except right after surgery for about 15 min. After that only short instance if there's sign of runaway bleeding. Minimize movement and take home a urinal so you can pee in bed. Pain isn't a big issue FYI. Good Luck!
  17. That sounds about right as the timeline would fit the rehab. In order to heal ligaments it takes a long time and the only thing that can speed that up is rHGH (which is a PED for NFL players). This is dumb and antiquated because clinically it's a prescribed treatment for major trauma and post surgery. Also makes sense and his timeline could have a wider range. Problems with tendonitis can emerge during rehab from overuse issues where a guy is immobilized and has muscle atrophy as a result. Attempts to make endurance progress can have secondary consequences like inflammatory conditions. This is why you'd be seeing him wear a sleeve. Trai Turner with a Quad strain? Not good. 1-3 weeks for a minor quad. Any AG side field news? Seems a bit hush-hush. Curtis Samuel count is 2.5 practice days in a row. Might be a sort of pitch count.
  18. Yeah I like those guys. Good overall podcast. Seems like the lottery BS was a disaster. They managed to successfully fumble before the practice ever started. Bad organizations do dumb crap like this.
  19. That's cool, I'll have to listen to it. JP probably would toe the line anyway and Pete will say anything. Mitch is like the tie breaker. Makes sense that their dumb lottery idea bit them in the ass, specifically if you can't transfer your ticket and can't make it. Jason Wright gets a minus.
  20. Bill Burr wouldn't approve. {He's not getting cut}
  21. Not quoting you for any reasons regarding your response, rather seeing if you or anyone else has thoughts on if this could be some type of protest? Dirtbag did testify today, so something is up.
  22. Knee brace and/or knee supports post op and rehab serve a couple purposes and have an accumulated negative. Knee braces are rigid and restrict the range of motion to protect the joint from increasing range in one or both directions. Even though they are light weight, they're bulky and tend to limit the athlete. Knee supports or sleeves can be worn below the brace to provide a compression wrap affect, giving support to connective tissues and aide in join support. Knee supports or sleeves, by themselves provide an aide in supporting the joint, however they limit the strengthening of the joint as any aide will do some of the work of the supporting structures (ligaments and tendons). Not using a brace or support will give the athlete more confidence and strength gains faster than the use of braces or supports. Most athletes use supports to prevent injuries or limit irritation from overuse injuries like tendonitis. Using a support for an athlete that is post op rehab for an ACL and who will be running and cutting would benefit from a sleeve, while explosive strength athletes would be slower in gaining strength with similar use.
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