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Everything posted by dchogs

  1. watch slaying the badger on netflix. a 30 for 30 about greg lemond and bernard hinault in the 85 and 86 tours de france. great stuff.
  2. riding season winding down. next weekend's my last opportunity to get some mileage in until October 23.
  3. The reds are tough to defend moving forward like that. Pretty football.
  4. I'd had gladly taken 2-1 at half prior to the start, but to give away a goal like that after dominating for 25 min. Stings a bit. Leicester's opportunistic, that's for sure.
  5. They are firing on all cylinders today. Such nice movement and vision all around on that goal.
  6. It was an awesome save but Daniel has to do better there. Like this offensive pressure- have to be wary of a quick counter though. That is leister's game and our Achilles heal.
  7. Oh man- that was pretty build up to a sitter!
  8. On heck of a half. De brunye dominating the middle, ibra poaching, and bravo acting like the circus is in town.
  9. i can see the connection based on what the article said... former champions that haven't won anything lately but are still popular. would also fit for the redskins, though the skins are probably not the global brand that liverpool or dallas are. liverpool aren't picked as perennial champions despite not deserving the hype, though, like dallas. THAT would be man u.
  10. i second that... the second season isn't as good as the first but still great. looking forward to season 3 in early 17 (from what i've read).
  11. Agreed. Klopp knows best (hopefully!)...
  12. Yes and no. Yes, I can see NOT calling a PK during a dead-ball situation (except in the most unusual circumstances, I suppose). No, serious calls (non-PKs) are made during dead-ball situations. For instance, later in the game, Coutinho got a yellow for standing in front of a dead-ball free kick (without a "warning" other than knowing the rules). Seems to me a similar call could have been made with Matip being wrestled to the ground.
  13. £20 for Sakho? yes please, even if he was in shape, on form, and in klopp's good graces.
  14. while i'm not crying too much about this (in the light of matip's foul in the box), it wasn't a cleanly delivered foul. it isn't like it was a full 2-count prior to the kick being taken (or more, when the "warnings" are usually given). this was a (to use a football term) bang-bang type of play. with that being understood, either something or nothing should have happened. it was either a foul that disrupted a goal scoring opportunity or it was nothing. the fact that the ref stopped play indicates that it was SOMETHING at the very least. we should have won anyway. we had the chances, so this isn't a boo-hoo post. the reffing must get better, and the liverpool players must get better (on both sides of corner opportunities). we right gave that game away, and it wasn't for the missed calls (if it were, mane would be gone at 60'-ish). to me, the next evolution of klopp will be infusing the confidence and spirit of the REDS. i'm tired of feeling panicked at the end of games as teams press forward. i want the team to be 1-0 up and know they'll win; to be 0-0 and know that their pressure will break the defensive ramparts; to be 2-0 and relax into a stout defensive mindset that refuses to yield. for the sake of my blood pressure, let it be so!
  15. maybe.. wouldn't be that surprised. rodgers was well covered by suarez's brilliance, and klopp was working with a pretty average squad inherited from rodgers.
  16. Should have gotten 3 there. I'll take an away point but we have to stop dropping points early in the season that we'll need come April and May.
  17. Heavy metal football; helter skelter defense. It's always nervy in our def third.
  18. Thought Firmino came into the 6 as phil pulled trigger. Spurs going down down easily this half and gettin calls. Reds run over? No call.
  19. Calls going one way, but the play is heavily in our favor last 10min Gotta play that across Phil! Angle no good.
  20. wow... up that move. nice to have a usa player on the reds! (but damn, can a brother get a LB?!?!) another great watch, though a bit old (before the summer, it looks like): http://www.nbcsports.com/video/pl-download-inside-mind-jurgen-klopp
  21. That was a great watch... grounded, aspirational, motivated, funny, philosophic. Seems like a great guy all around. I'd buy a book on the Tao of Klopp...
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