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Everything posted by @DCGoldPants

  1. Sooooo tired of the following. #1. Michael Cole. Why does he need to be good or bad? This is stupid. #2. Another Cena main event for a PPV? How about building a PPV around a belt that isn't the heavyweight title? #3. Cody Rhodes' mask. Ok....time to take it off. He can be a Heel without it. #4. No real storylines for any of the other titles besides the big ones. Weak #5. The "GM" storyline. Let it go away please. Things I want #1. New Nitro girls. At least come back from break to something like that. #2. Again...Stables Stables Stables. Get the whole group on camera but not making them all compete #3. ONE heavyweight title, then add a Cruiser Weight #4. more tag team matches where they aren't just pieced together. #5. The end of branding
  2. I could live with that. Maybe incorporate the two.I like the darker burgundy, but I also like the sleeves with the stripes.Very 60's.
  3. Do not agree. I don't think white pants have any place here, and they aren't a tradition any more than modern facemasks. Looks too much like the Chiefs. I'd love if they went back to these generation of unis from the Charlie Taylor era. The numbers are clean. Burgundy or White Jersey's with the "Gold" Pants. CRISP BABY!
  4. I'd go back to my idea that Nash leads a stable of the "no-so" fired to grab all the gold in the WWE. Slowly building until they have every single belt (none actually on Nash). Here is my revised Team-Exile Punk Miz Christian Truth Mcintyre McCool The you can have HHH struggle for months trying to get guys to go after those belts, but failing....leading up to the Winter/Spring
  5. That's funny that you found yourself there on TV. Kudos.
  6. if there is no 2011-2012 NBA season, will there be another draft? If yes....is it based on the same lotto results or a whole new lotto? I know its messed up to say, but a team looking to rebuild and get a lot of youth like Washington would benefit from having another early draft pick.
  7. agreed. I think Nash should have never been brought back to compete, only to lead a group. Probably is that his mic skills are in worse shape than his body. It was hard to listen to.
  8. they **** the bed on this whole Nash/HHH/Punk thing. It had so much potential. I'm tired of sounding like a broken record saying they need to create a much bigger and longer lasting storyline that covers all brands and takes us at least to WM. Only thing I like is the character that Mark Henry is now. I feel like a stable built around him full of oversized guys would have been cool. For a lack of a better name, the House of Pain. Then if they didn't F up the Nash stuff, he could have managed a group.
  9. and there is a guy who should be fired. Khali? Come on. Notice them referring to a new era over and over during the divas match?
  10. dude, they are dropping stronger language it seems. They opened tonight with Cena calling Del Rio a *****. I can't remember that happening since the Austin days.
  11. Interesting. I don't think she will. The past few weeks have been more than just PG.
  12. was that before or after they reintroduced performers calling each other ****es on TV?
  13. I think the PG era is over. The past few shows have had some PG-13 content.
  14. http://www.wwe.com/inside/wwefeaturepage/return-of-the-nwo After reading that article on WWE.com and the NWO music last night. Its kind of clear they are thinking of bringing back the NWO. Question is....will they do it right this time with Nash recruiting current young guys to compete under the NWO stable and not bringing back old guys to sell t-shirts. Just looking at the roster, here are the current WWE guys who would make good NWO members. Miz Christian Cody Rhodes Teddy Dibiase Tyson Kidd The Bella Twins boom. There is your new NWO with Nash as the boss telling his people to bring as much gold back.
  15. and his mic skills are rusty. He needs to do a bunch of house shows. Get those skills back. There is value in good managers still. Especially to help performers who don't have any mic skills on TV while they are improving.
  16. He doesn't need to wrestle. He needs to manage a stable while he occasionally gets involved. No matches please.
  17. I pray they are ending the brand split. You can move guys back and forth between the shows to defend titles and/or get on TV. Oh, and I'd like to add that something about the Bella's going bad makes them so much hotter.
  18. WWE News: Revival of Cruiserweight Division Would Breathe New Life into WWE more after the jump
  19. Its totally like DX V2.0, and I think that worked well. It gave people a rival on the other team. But didn't make them face off all the time. I forgot about the Corporate Ministry. That was so weird.
  20. I think some have been really dumb when you don't have guys going after different titles. When DX had HHH, the New Age Outlaws, X-pac.....that's when it was best to me because all the guys had different goals. I think that's how it needs to be. A strong stable has - A guy going for the World Title - A tag team who only wrestle together or with the smaller guy in special tag matches - A female manager or "diva" - A smaller guy who goes after the I.C. or cruiserweight belt and sometimes with the tag team guys Then you keep them together for awhile, advance a storyline and don't allow for any of them to turn on each other for a long time. Looking at the current roster. I think you could probably put together somewhere between 4-6 stables giving many more people TV time weekly without them performing on TV every time.
  21. agreed, Not all of them. Probably don't need a female tag division unless you get more women who can perform beyond looking hot. Stuff like bringing back the light heavyweight division, stables, putting the mask on kane, and especially the hotshotting makes a ton of sense. Its a soap opera, on the daytime soaps that are on daily...it can take months for a story to develop. They move too fast in the WWE.
  22. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/807736-20-things-the-wwe-can-do-right-now-to-improve-the-product a really good list.
  23. That's fine. I think my point on Cruiser weight is to give the smaller high flyer guys a belt to go after. EXCEPT, I wouldn't have a World and WWE champion belt. Then again, I think the two brand thing is weak. If they rotate when belts are actually defended at the main event. They should be able to move in-between just fine.
  24. So, its clear that Steph used HHH's phone to get Nash involved. Right? Question is......will Steph now take a heel role against her husband and build a stable of guys like Nash to go after guys who went after her pops? OR...is HHH going to be in on it? This Unified Title talk is dumb since there is another title on Smackdown. Get rid of this brand nonsense and promote more belts at different levels. I know I've said this before. But these should be the belts. Cruiser Weight Women's Title Inter-Continental Tag Team World Championship (I didn't say Heavyweight on purpose) That's 5 (or really 6) belts. Then every week have ONE of those belts up for the main event on Raw. Make clears paths to those belts so when its not up for defense....we see contenders going for their title shot. That way you can keep people in the right storylines for a bit longer without jumping all over the place. If you want to keep the US Belt, or bring back the European Belt, Hardcore or TV belt. Fine.
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