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Everything posted by @DCGoldPants

  1. Love the sig. Everybody should email and tweet Leonsis and include the picture.......every single time.
  2. OKC.......follow D.C.'s Son Durant and a small market team that was so close last year. They are easy to root for. That...... or maybe Portland. That's like a lotto ticket there. they COULD be decent.
  3. Good point. Either way, I think it would be a symbolic thing like "Hey, if you aren't going to put together a real team, then we're not going to pay real prices" like Mr. Tony kind of suggsted.
  4. about 40 min from tip-off. We're already down 8. Seriously, I think a fake funeral out in front of the arena would be awesome.
  5. stage a funeral for the franchise in front of the Verizon Center. Wooden box with the Bullets and Wizards logos on it. A few speeches by some older fans who remember the Bullets in the 70's. Then maybe mourn different eras that bombed since then. That's the type of crap that Dan Steinberg needs to survive. Its air to him. He'd "bog" all about it.
  6. remember the Redskins "Fan Card" that we rolled out of ES when things were darkest? Fans were allowed signs. Vinny was still here. "Extra Set of Eyes" Blah blah blah. This franchise doesn't have that type of support to get a bunch of people mailing in something to the team, to the WaPo and a few local news outlets. But if Ted isn't going to even attempt putting a team on the court and hiring some real coaches. Then why have a franchise here? The Skins have generational support and the Nats just stole the hearts of the town. With no Hockey......nobody cares about the Verizon center.
  7. Whoever in WWE said "Lets put this guy from India, the Scottish guy and the Redneck together and they'll all play air guitar" should be fired. Switch over from MNF for a few 30 min ago and see that? Thanks Jerks.
  8. I watched earlier in the show but missed this part. Read about it on twitter. I'm glad King is alive and seemingly recovering. I with the WWE would stop putting older guys in the ring for spots. Of course this could have happened anywhere but he just was running around an hour earlier, right? Scares me. Get well soon, King.
  9. actually, I think an uni-shirt with the stripes on the arm would be pretty cool. I get what you're saying though.
  10. This is what I'd like to see the Skins go back to for the home uni's. Sleeves on the arms, clean white numbers and no collar change. p.s. - I want a pair of slacks like George Allen there.
  11. I get that you like him. I don't know if I agree with a lot of what you said. I don't think he gets legit heat yet. Its more "God, not this guy again" heat. Personally, I think the only time a heel comes in and looks down on folks....and it works...is with things like the Straight Edge Society. Or when the Rock would talk about his expensive shirts. They didn't do voices to talk all snooty. I think he's a fine performer who needs a new Gimmick. That's all.
  12. I don't like Sandow's character. He looks like he could be good as a different character...but not a watered down William Regal.
  13. If you're going to three hours, then have enough material to fill that time. They barely had enough for 2 hours Too many recaps from the previous week. It was their chance to get the US Belt off of Santino and on to somebody who should get a push. Clay...Rhodes.....or even better. Tyson Kidd. There are probably 4-5 guys who would love to be in a storyline for the US Title. Or the InterCont Title. Whatever. Also, I was reading how both Angelina Love and Velvet Sky are no longer with TNA. If that company does anything better, its the women's division. I know I'm a broken record on stables. For if AJ created some sort of Bad Girls Club to help her run Raw.....that could make for a good storyline. Have them "choose" the men's champs by getting involved in those matches. A bunch of whipped men hold all the gold up until Wrestlemania or something.
  14. So, she'd be GM, Women's Champ and the leader of a stable?
  15. I think if they should have put AJ in charge of a stable where she let it as the Women's Champ also. That would be new.
  16. Nexus almost got over but it was kind of mess. DX stayed DX for a long time. You need some established guys in there. New stables. I just watched the Heath Slater bit online and two things stood out. #1. Lita looks awesome and right away would be a top female. WWE needs her more than the other way around. #2. Bradshaw's clothesline was nasty. The dude still has that power.
  17. After seeing the how DX flowed together, How can they not think a few bigger stables wouldn't help? Its insane.
  18. Seeing Taker and Kane together makes me think they could be used to jump start the tag division again. Get them the belts, gives Taker a light work load up till WM where he gets his last match there....and retires. By then you can have them help put over some growing teams.
  19. I just read a review online. Looks like I skipped another bad show. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1253427-the-doctors-quick-wwe-raw-recap-list-the-30-things-we-learned-loved-and-hated
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