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Everything posted by @DCGoldPants

  1. They've got a few women in FCW right now. I think one is kind of dark. I forget her name though. For me it goes back to long-term stables. The Shield seems to be working. But back when you had the Nation and DX it gave more faces TV time with a reason for them to be there. I'd like to see a female lead a stable of big men who aren't there for comic relief. Maybe have the two guys get the tag belts while helping her get the Diva's title and renaming it back to the Women's Championship. Total heels. What we're seeing are a bunch of ex heavyweight champs fighting in stupid storylines. Just shows how many people were pushed too fast....and how overlooked the other belts are.
  2. While I'm not a fan of Del Rio's face character. I still don't think you take the strap away so soon But they can't keep the other on the rock, right? I know this wouldn't happen, but I would love to see somehow Jericho get both and united the titles again like he did however long ago. Why do you need basically two heavyweight titles and no cruiser weight one? Honestly, if you're going to put Ziggler over, it needs to be soon. Maybe have the Rock win at WM over Cena or Punk....and then Ziggler cash in the money in the bank for the title. That takes care of a few things.
  3. You're right. That doesn't make it bad. Its not "bad" per se. Its not the best either. End of the day, they have bigger things to fix than the belt.
  4. it was time for a new "old" belt. The Innercont belt is the slickest looking one right now. I have no problem with a champ popping off a logo or name while the main belt stays unchanged. That doesn't mean its a great belt.
  5. Agreed. Have Ryback win something that isn't a top title 1st. Feels like they skipped that step for a lot of guys. Now you have so many who've been world champs. How do you then have that guy defend the IC title with everything he's got? Swagger? Miz? Etc
  6. Forgot how $$ Trish Stratus is. Good for her. Left while still crazy popular, in shape, and pretty young. Oh, and back to Sandow.....threw a table now. Now him and Rhodes are getting beat up on in singles matches. Next great Heel? I don't know about that. Del Rio as a face? Booo The Shield? Getting tired of it already.
  7. If the guy loses its no big thing. If a guy loses solo or part of a team over and over and over. That isn't really doing his character any favors. If they want to do anything with him. Make him an evil genius instead of a goofy wannabe scholar. I don't feel like Cesaro is connecting well with the crowd. Barrett is fine I guess. Just feels the belt gets no love. I agree they will debut a new title belt soon. Shield/Punk....what the hell is that about?
  8. Didn't see it. Maybe will today. But seems like there weren't many real shockers from this. Cena wins.....check Rock wins.....check Tag teams are still extremely weak. Put Rhodes and Ted DiBiase (is he hurt? I have no idea). They make a much better tag team than the ones he's in now. I know I've ragged on Sandow here, and one or two folks strongly defend him. But notice that he's losing a handful of matches for every one non-quality win? Why's he so great again? It'll be interesting to see what they do with the Rock now. Who knows, Rock v Taker at WM? Have Taker win and then retire either taking the title with him. Or leaving it open for a long storyline building up to Sumer Slam for a new champ. Of course, the same old broken record.... Tag division - needs help U.S. title - needs help Intercont title- needs less help. But does need more of a spotlight Womens title - needs help Bring back some sort of cruiser weight title so the little guys can have a bigger stage
  9. Raw 20th was stupid. No Austin or Taker. Same old stuff. New Divas champ. Cena can kick out of anything. Sandow has dragged Rhodes down with him into jobber status. The Rock did a little song. Weak.
  10. I'm thinking the players would prefer to not change a thing for Sunday. Burgundy or White jersey with the gold/yellow pants.
  11. 2nd time they are having a NXT team "invade" or whatever. I agree with those who say now they need to win......and a lot.
  12. I think a Cruiser Weight Title would be a good idea for smaller guys like Sin Cara. Then again, I think they don't do right by the US and Intercont title now along with the Tag.
  13. WWE Light Heavyweight Championship: Why Now Is the Perfect Time to Bring It Back | Bleacher Report http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1436536-wwe-light-heavyweight-championship-why-now-is-the-perfect-time-to-bring-it-back One title that is often forgotten by WWE fans is the Light Heavyweight Championship. From 1997 through 2001, the WWE's top cruiserweights put on fantastic matches with the title on the line, and now would be the perfect time to resurrect that belt after an 11-year hiatus. WWE.com is currently running a story about the lineage of the Light Heavyweight Championship, and while such stories on the WWE's website never lead to anything from a storyline perspective, it got me thinking about the feasibility of such a title in the current landscape. more from the link.
  14. Oh well. Its not like they have a fan base to get behind a "fan card" thing like we did with the Skins and Vinny.
  15. everybody on twitter should send a link to that article to @TedLeonsis with a note that its true.
  16. The Ted's Take blog is pathetic. He has to know that nobody believes what he's saying about seeing growth in loses. There is no talk of accountability, or being well paid professional athletes.
  17. Yes. He should have been let go this morning. But on a bigger scale, either give the further dwindling fanbase something of a plan. Or get ready for the few season ticket holders to drop their plans for Nats tix.
  18. Can't just fire Ernie. Need to hire somebody with a dominating personality who takes over everything. The franchise needs to be rebranded and has needed that for a LONG time. Changing the colors back isn't enough. New GM, new scouts, new trainers, new coaches, new players, new (old) name. As far as a coach, they need a guy who has worked with young players....developed young players....and isn't there to be their buddy or to just blame them. Last few years, Flip didn't know how to develop anybody. Randy is Randy....nobody expected this to work.
  19. I don't know what would have an impact.....if either. @tedleonsis getting peppered with demands that he says/does something now because the season is already lost. or Nobody saying anything.......anywhere. No more talking about the Wizards. No more acknowledging them as the NBA team in Washington. Basically acting like they folded or he moved them to another town. Too bad there aren't blackout rules here....because I'd prefer this squad not get on TV in this town. Who thought when Ted finally took control of this team, it would go like this? Not me.
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