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Everything posted by @DCGoldPants

  1. I think he meant while WWF had those guy you listed, the WCW was rolling with old retreads.
  2. I think I'd like to see the New Age Outlaws come out and beat him up a little. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpvhdO0eiY8
  3. Oh, and here is that funny promo for Raw going 3 hours. http://insidetv.ew.com/2012/07/02/wwe-raw-promo/
  4. AJ is getting an insane push. The whole "pay attention to me" storyline is iffy though. They are lacking in quality heals....where is Miz? He can talk a little smack.
  5. FYI, Pal. Not putting this out there to be a jerk. Just figured you wouldn't waste time replying to folks who put you on ignore....if you knew this was the case. take it easy.
  6. after reading those who oppose this doing the rounds today, you can tell how surprised folks are.Their messages on all these shows were so disjointed and convoluted. I just read what Paul Ryan and Jindal's replies and both were shambles. "Bobby" went on about Chevy Volts and Tufu, Ryan said something like putting more money in Medicare takes money from Medicare.
  7. Well said, and I agree on both points. I think he's probably made a boat load of cash since this morning. Only problem is that an average candidate could use that money well. Money was never an issue with him. Its who is Mitt Romney and what has he consistently stood for over his career? Right now we only have enough to fill up a post-it note.
  8. Ok, yeah. Do that one too. Get way down in those weeds. The counter will only be an ad with the folks of Mass thanking Romney for inventing the Healthcare that was adopted nationally. Look, I know this must be frustrating and unexpected. But do you really think the path to victory and winning over the indy's is to move back to this when the challenger is so much weaker on the topic than many others? Bang already broke it down perfectly. Anyway, nobody is repealing anything now. Even if Romney wins...he isn't. And deep down I think he supports this law.
  9. Yeah, make an ad swearing that's what he meant. I think it would go over well.
  10. If Romney doesn't have an alternative plan yet. he should just use his plan from Mass. That'll probably work.
  11. So Romney came out to say he's against something he himself helped create? Ok. I guess that's a good strategy. But he helped passed this when he was Governor. Who's to believe he's not just saying this because its what he thinks people want to hear and in reality, he supports this law? I don't know if it would go far enough to need it. But Obama could tie this one around Romney's neck by giving him credit for helping create such a law, and that he's just too humble to take the credit he so rightfully deserves. blah blah blah.
  12. I have no idea how this will play out over the summer and fall. What I won't do is throw around words like Liberty and Freedom so carelessly like some elected officials doing the rounds on TV right now.
  13. So, the Rock says he's back....but he's not. Then Lesnar shows up....but he's not really around. Aren't they having ratings issues right now? I agree Flair is probably hard to work with. He would make a great manager of a stable that goes for all the belts. It seems they are interested in pushing the tag division a little more now. Just get Rhodes and Ted back together for that.
  14. After last week I said I wouldn't watch. Then I saw GACOLB's update and went to WWE.com....and saw this. Shambles
  15. One or Two titles (max) should be up on any given Raw. The higher ranking title should be the main event. Always close with a title defense. Last night should have been the IC Belt with Christian and Dolf...or if you're push Dolf to Heavyweight, then Christian and somebody else. Then next week it should be the tag belts. The week after should be the U.S. one. I don't get how they miss the potential for great storylines with their other titles.
  16. after last night they should fire every writer they have. So predictable and stupid. Then the AJ and Kane/Punk/Bryan stuff for the main event? Really? For a 3 hour show they could have done that in the first hour. How about having one of the other belts up for grabs as the main event?
  17. if anything, Cole makes it easy for me to flip off WWE. I'm amazed how they don't realize how he's just not a good character heel. Him being annoying has everything to do with bad storylines and now just letting him do what he does best. Just call the match. No good guy/bad guy about it.
  18. The whole thing is garbage. Its like they need to do what comic books do every few years. A full reboot of their characters as if the previous storylines don't matter anymore. My thought is to give each employee a score for different skill sets. #1. Mic Skills #2. In Ring Skills #3. Look #4. Crowd reception and probably a handful more than that. Then you decide that at any given time you need at least a combined score of X points to be on live T.V.. If a wrestler doesn't have the skills on the mic, then you need to add in a manager with those skills to help carry them. That way you get more characters on T.V. at the time, and you have a formula for not allowing somebody like Jack Swagger to have the Mic. They handle him and Dolph well by using Vicki. Meanwhile, Rosa Mendes might be hot, but she can't talk. "Big Johnny" sucks on the Mic, and he's the GM? If he can't perform better like that, then he's a liability. He looks like he's reading a script. Get me a better boss-heel type. The show is about to go 3 hours. They need to use that extra hour to push lesser cared about belts, bring back the cruiser belt for the high flyers, and damnit....fix this awful tag division.
  19. I'm starting to believe that they are just focusing on dumb kids who beg their parents to buy them PPV's and Cena t-shirts. @WWE opening and closing with a DOA Cole storyline? Its like you're begging us to stop watching. Don't bother with the job performance stuff
  20. Hey, I've got a fresh idea. Lets open AND close the show with Michael Cole based storylines. That's something the audience would love.......****crickets***** .
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