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Everything posted by @DCGoldPants

  1. since the storylines are so weak right now, I'm going to help you guys out. For no reason at all.....Layla El
  2. I would drive a truck of money up to Sloan's house with two questions. #1. Will you coach this team? #2. Will you hire and assistant to groom to takeover whenever you're ready?
  3. Ugh, 3 hours? Now they really need to do a better job working on good storylines for all their titles. Better start thinking up some strong long term tag-teams like when they had the Hardy's and Edge/Christian. Not just two guys they slap together.
  4. I agree about Bryan. The problem is they raise guys too fast and then others who might be deserving get stuck. This is also why titles like the Tag, U.S., Inter-Cont, and Cruiser need to be treated like they are really extremely important and not just a stepping stone to the world title. Stables are important because it can give a bunch of people TV time without them performing. Maybe have them do the dark matches. But 2nd Gen DX didn't always have HHH, the Outlaws and X-Pac going the same night....but they'd roll out and cut a promo together, and be at ringside. That's development stuff there. I think they should combine the world titles but in a way that nobody is the champ for a few months and its bracket style all the way to one of the main PPVs.
  5. Going back to the well for guys like Sting or Lesnar or whoever just isn't a formula for sustainable success. I'd be ok with Sting in a manager/leader of a stable type role. But not as a performer. We've gone circles in this thread on what to do, and I think we'd do a better job than Vince's writers with a storyline. #1. Get rid of the brands and combine the two world championship belts. #2. Put real effort into developing tag teams that are together for years. #3. Divas division back to Women's division. #4. Return of the cruiser weight. I could keep going with bigger stables, the end of Cole being a character, getting rid of this tired GM storyline nonsense.....etc.
  6. Very unhappy Ernie will be back. But come on....Vinny is in a league of his own. He never put together a group like Arenas/Jamison/Butler that did work before it melted down. If Ernie were fired, he'd find work in the NBA. Vinny probably won't be hired by an NFL team again.
  7. any alternative uniform should be a throwback. 70th/75th anniversary look, or this
  8. For the past few years HHH has been taking more control of the backstage stuff for shows. I read that he ran a whole European tour that went really well and the talent backstage respects him for the way he handles everything. On Cena....I don't know if you can turn Cena into full heel. Even with Austin I don't think they were able to do that. At best they made him the "F-U" to everybody guy who just didn't care. When they tried to make Austin "evil" siding with the bad guys, it never went over well. Orton, Edge, Jericho, Miz are able to go heel. Cena will just have to say to the crowd "I'm tired of doing this for you.....I'm doing this for me and I don't care if you boo every match". But telling the crowd they suck, or "cheating" to win a match isn't going to work for him.
  9. If they were going to make any long-term changes to the Chief Joseph helmets it wouldn't be to put a different Native American logo on there.
  10. you guys were right. Rock spoke for maybe 15 min today....Cena came out and in 4 min did a better job this time.
  11. I missed the end last night. How did Cena "own" him? I tend to agree that if the Rock isn't going to be all in....then this is stupid and wasting TV time that could be used to develop this insanely weak roster. Oh, and please god end the two GM's thing along with two main champs.
  12. my question is....can she go back to that look and go out without being noticed? I'm not a Gaga hater even if that's not the kind of music I dig. The look and everything is part of the character. I get it. Just weird to see her looking kinda good.
  13. I don't know if he's the guy going forward. I just think that Flip wasn't only the wrong guy for the job coaching very young and immature guys.....and he did some damage during his time here. It takes some damage control to get back on the right path and even if Randy hovers just under .500, its a huge jump from the runaway train that was Flip's tenure.
  14. The past two games it feels like the Bullets are finally un-learning whatever they picked up from Flip. Maybe being held accountable + the right sub's at the right time have made a difference. This is still a bad team, but maybe not the worst in the league. Hats off to Randy.
  15. I heard its going to be Taker vs. Buff Bagwell at WM. Ok, not really....but the whole Kane attacking Ryder thing reminded me of when Buff was in the Wheelchair and was dumped out of it.
  16. Agreed on McGee. Somebody please shut down his twitter account and get him a mentor on how to act like an adult, and study his sport. Being athletically gifted is a waste if you can't use it.
  17. This made my eyes bleed a little. I am open minded to a third "gold" jersey. But, I wouldn't roll that out until the team can post a winning record.
  18. I still think to my eye that the current Jersey is a shade lighter than the one I linked. ALSO, I did say make the one I linked a few shades darker. Make sense?
  19. I'll make this easy. This Uni but in the colors from one of your sonny pictures.....meaning...a few shades darker than what we're using today.
  20. Why can't you use the jersey design/color with the current helmet design but darker?
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