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About Tsailand

  • Birthday 01/01/1980

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    Kirk Cousins
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  1. Opinions on Trump aside, here are the facts: 1. Snyder supports Trump 2. Snyder tried to fund a movie which would make Trump look good. 3. Snyder ended up funding a movie which showed Trump as a horrible rapist. This is the level of competence which the Redskins had running them for almost 25 years.
  2. Yeah because superstar players get traded for a 3rd round pick midseason.
  3. Glad to see Kyle and Trent get another shot in the big game. And a big THANK YOU to Kyle for giving us that third round pick. Good riddance Chase.
  4. Please delete this, housing prices are crazy enough as it is.
  5. Wasn't sure which thread to put this in. But I figured everyone would want to know that one of our previous head coaches is feuding with one of our previous QBs on Twitter over **** that happened a decade ago.
  6. RG3 not making something about himself challenge (IMPOSSIBLE!)
  7. The reason we shouldn't consider Kirk is that we are a very long way from being competitive, both on offense and defense. 2024 needs to be a full reset year. We can draft a QB if the new head coach likes what's available, but otherwise we get a cheap bridge QB just to run the offense for a year.
  8. Since Kirk left, all Redskins passers in all games have combined for 119 TD passes. Since leaving the Redskins, Kirk has 171 TD passes. He missed 11 games along the way, including being injured for half this season.
  9. They were both on the team during the Shanahan era. LaCanfora's hit piece complained that the Slowik Jr. was one of Kyle's unqualified friends dragging the organization down.
  10. Hmmm now where have I heard that name before? I recall a Jason La Canfora article about how this guy sucked and was part of the Redskins dysfunction.
  11. Text message from my brother on who our next coach should be: Hereโ€™s the formula: Look at the top 5 offenses in the NFL. Identify the offensive coordinator who has the most autonomy in playcalling and seems like he can handle head coaching responsibilities. Hire him. No defensive coaches. No washed up โ€œleaders of men.โ€ No college coaches. Itโ€™s a pretty simple formula and itโ€™s worked for nearly every team thatโ€™s competitive right now.
  12. This is almost an achievement. Most every team has had a WR screen go for 40 YAC, if nothing else.
  13. We're allowing 30.4 points per game, which is about the 12th worst in NFL history. Excitingly, we have a chance to set the record for most points allowed in a season. Most of those teams played only 16 games or fewer, but a record is a record. We just need to give up 139 points through the last four games. I think Ron can do it. Who's with me?
  14. We now have the worst points differential in the NFL. We've allowed more points than anyone else by a long shot.
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