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The School of Practical Philosophy


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Hey Guys,

Well, I'm back in downtown Boston, and the ex is now a perminant ex, so I have a lot of free time on my hands. I started a thread on freemasonry, and I am meeting the masons at lunch in a few weeks, and I did learn a lot. . . well, I found this add on a subway poster, and it is for classes right outside my building. They offer classes for 10 weeks on philosohpy, and I have signed up for the "introductory course" which is free. I was wondering what you guys thought about this, would it be worth my time? It is something I am definately interested in, as I always think in philosophical terms, but I am a little leary about going to a class that I found on a subway. Just wondering what your thoughts were.


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I took a quick glance:

It is a philosophy of seeing clearly and applying simple principles, in each moment, that will allow you to:

Increase your awareness,

Become more confident and self-assured,

Overcome the limiting effects of negative emotions,

Discover purpose and satisfaction in the world,

Be more productive and, at the same time, be free of stress.

Practical Philosophy takes the master philosophies of East and West and examines how they can be put to immediate use.

It draws on the great teachers of mankind who have always taught about the true nature of man, his purpose in the world, and how to live a happy, content and useful life.

Above all, it is PRACTICAL Philosophy, and so it is easy to test in experience and to apply in daily life."

This is not Socrates and Hegel.

Sounds quasi-religious, or self-help, or something.

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Watch out Chom, we'll end up seeing you at the airport with your head shaved selling flowers. We'll have to do an extremeskins intervention on ya. :)

:laugh: Not that there is anything wrong with that,funny picture in my mind though :D

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If I may be so bold, Chom ... never pass up the opportunity to learn new things and open new doors.

Just keep your hand on your wallet.

Thanks for the advice guys. I wouldn't be taking the class if it wasn't free, but it's something I am definately intrested it (philosophy). And yes, I do have all the same misgivings others have, the "cultish" issue. With that being said, it is not something I am going to follow up on unless I truly feel that the cost/benifit analysis is worth it. I have read quite a few books, but I want to get the prespective of others, something you really can't get a grasp on unless you witness it yourself.


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Discover purpose and satisfaction in the world,


Honest question:

Do you believe there is a purpose for your life in the world for you to discover?

If you believe there isn't, which I think is the answer by other posts of yours I have read, then it probably will be a waste of time for you.

But what the heck, it's free after all...let us know how it went.



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This is not Socrates and Hegel.

Sounds quasi-religious, or self-help, or something.


I wouldn't be taking the class if it wasn't free, but it's something I am definately intrested it (philosophy). And yes, I do have all the same misgivings others have, the "cultish" issue.

If it's cultish or even just a "motivational" kind of thing, then it probably isn't legitimate philosophy and therefore, not what you're seeking. Since it's free I'd say by all means give it a shot, but if this is what it sounds like then you're going to be mistaken if you assume that it accurately represents anything that could be called philosophy.

If you're willing to pay and have a serious interest in philosophy, I'd recommend you take a course(or a few) at a local community college or university as a non-degree seeking student. Probably start with something like an intro to philosohy course.

I also think Liberty's suggestion is excellent-just check some books out from a library on thinkers who interst you. If you're interested, I'm glad to offer some of my favorite names too.

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