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About sportjunkie07

  • Birthday 07/18/1985

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  • Washington Football Team Fan Since
  • Favorite Washington Football Team Player
    # 28
  • Location
    Galveston, TX

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  1. Defending people and property.. check. Offering ems help... check. Successfully defending himself from mutiple attacks and cleaning up the garbage rioting in our cities.. check. Doing these needed things when everyone else is scared to.. check. Sounds like a hero to me. I don't know if he is a white supremacist but regardless his actions were commendable here.
  2. Blake fought the police and went to his car to get something against police orders while at gunpoint. Open and shut case. Don't do that and you won't get shot. Put others in danger, violently resist arrest, and try to take it further and these things happen. It's that simple.
  3. Beaumont, port Arthur, lake Charles, and Cameron will be wiped off the map. gonna hit some refineries really hard too. People in those cities will die. These storms all have their own characteristics. This one is a lot different than Harvey or Ike. Its big and mean and all you can really do is get out of the way and pick up the pieces afterwards.
  4. Roger. Economy sucks for sure. didnt trump sign something for 400 extra assistance per week? Now I’m hearing 300.
  5. I mean it’s a large part of the reason. Why work and risk covid when you’ll make more doing nothing? but the economy and job losses are way worse than the trump says for sure.
  6. i disagree with your entire post outside of id being OK with entertaining different types of training. 1.) There is a an exponentially longer list of "follow orders and live" where it simply is the case. 2.) Failing to comply immediately is not a death sentence, but in certain situations it can lead to that. use your brain. Forcefully resisting arrest and committing multiple felonies along the way.. or escalating force with a weapon often results in death. And it should, because the perpetrator is putting the lives of the police officers and others in danger. It's no secret that the media is left controlled, and they only champion the storylines that support the agenda that they are trying to push. Brooks didnt deserve to be shot, right? Just watch this video on how personable brooks is. he has just made mistakes and wants to be a good father, but struggles with having enough time to make money to support his family. it's a relatable struggle that a lot of Americans have. Right? Then in reality we see him wasted in a parking lot on his daughter's birthday. we learn that he has had altercations with police before and he was in jail for beating his wife and abusing his children. Just ask yourself, who has the most to gain from racial division nowadays? The media and democratic party propose that white cops are out to get ya and that it is so difficult for blacks in America due to systemic racism. They pander for this movement and dress up in African garb and kneel for BLM, then turnaround and tell them they arent black if they dont vote democratic! They shine the shoes of black people and give them hugs (i mean wtf). Get on your knees and apologize now for being a superior race and having white privilege!... it's all a lie and reeks of moral superiority. Pushing racism keeps society divided and distracts people from the actual factors that are leading to struggle in black communities (factors that apply to other poorer demographics as well), and keeps blacks feeling inferior to others and indebted to leftist government. There will always be some division among people of different races; in fact it's pretty natural. But we've come a long way in America and systemic racism is practically nonexistent (affirmative action notwithstanding). Someone has to tell the truth about it because everyone is too afraid to offend someone and be called a racist; it's disgusting. Wake up, you're being played!
  7. Almost every time you follow orders you live. There are cases of it not happening both white and black. It is unfortunate, and people make mistakes. It would be nice if we had better training and could hire better police officers but that is not the case. ive been fairly and truthfully discussing this since I first popped into this thread. No one seems to want to discuss the truth though, they want to push a political agenda that black people have it harder than anyone else and that every shooting is race based. what they are doing in reality is hurting their own race, advancing racist groups like BLM, and championing a lack of accountability, which ironically will make it more difficult for the average black person to succeed in the long run. It’s very sad.
  8. And plenty of white people have been shot in such scenarios as well. dylan roof is also a scumbag and should already be in the grave, but he surrendered peacefully while brooks didn’t. it’s that simple.
  9. I’m sorry that the truth hurts your feelings.
  10. So he could be barricaded in a house still desperate to not go to jail, except this time with a firearm and innocent family members and bystanders? great idea. You should be the chief of police.
  11. It doesn't matter. The dude just held his own vs the cops in a 2 on 1 and stole one of their weapons. The weapon isn't supposed to be lethal but it has killed people and can definitely incapacitate. things can turn really ugly really quick with a desperate man not thinking correctly, intoxicated, and not wanting to go to jail. If you don't want to get shot maybe don't do things that make police officers feel they need to increase their use of force.
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