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WP: 5/26/05 Gitmo Guards Accused of Mistreating Koran

Joe Sick

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Originally posted by Larry

Um, we can't read up on who is in there or what they're guilty of.

It's a secret.


its not super specific but it has some good info...

Two Belgians released from Guantanamo

WASHINGTON -- The Defense Department announced Tuesday it transferred two detainees from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to the Belgian government.

So far, 234 detainees have left Guantanamo. In addition to the 18 announced Tuesday, 149 have been released outright and 67 transferred to the control of other governments: 29 to Pakistan, five to Morocco, nine to Great Britain, seven to France, seven to Russia, four to Saudi Arabia, two to Belgium, and one each to Spain, Sweden, Kuwait and Australia.

The Combatant Status Review Tribunal process was conceived by the Pentagon last year in response to a Supreme Court ruling that said prisoners could challenge their detention in court. The Pentagon hopes the tribunals will be accepted by the courts as meeting the Geneva Convention requirement for neutral hearings to determine the status of military prisoners.

The military freed 18 prisoners a week ago without charges -- 17 from Afghanistan and one from Turkey.

There are now approximately 520 prisoners at Guantanamo, which was created to house prisoners taken in the global war on terror. Some prisoners have been held since January 2002.

Click Here for Complete Story

Click Here for more Guantanamo Info

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Originally posted by Thiebear

Please read the Laws of Military Justice (UCMJ). Then bone up on the Geneva Convention (not that anyone follows that).

And then come back with less passion and more thought.

Then read up on who is in there, When and where and how most of them were caught., who was realeased the progression of all of this and what was in the FBI report.

ohh!, half the people your talking to, DO protect you ;)...

Thank you, please try again!

It doesn't matter what the Laws of Military Justice and the Geneva Convention have to say, if you imprison people without charge and trial and torture them, you are a piece of **** and I can do without your protection.

What's more. I'd like to wring your ****ing neck.

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Originally posted by Crazyhorse1

It doesn't matter what the Laws of Military Justice and the Geneva Convention have to say, if you imprison people without charge and trial and torture them, you are a piece of **** and I can do without your protection.

What's more. I'd like to wring your ****ing neck.

See you around dude. Posts like that are going to end your days here quick.

Oh, BTW please leave my country. It makes me want to puke knowing people like you bask in the freedom I bust my balls everyday to provide, and yet you know so little about that of which you speak.

It's people like you that almost brought this country down in the 60's. Maybe you can find that nice little 60's flower child, make love not war, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds utopia somewhere. In all my travels, I have yet to find it.

:finger: :ciao:

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Originally posted by Sarge

You need to read the Law of Armed Conflict, because your ignorance is showing. In short, these guys aren't protected by American law as you believe. They are what's known as "Illegal combatants", meaning they fight for no specific country or organization.

Al Qaeda is not an organization?

Sounds like an interpretation that activist judges like Gonzales would make to justify their preconceived decision.

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Originally posted by Joe Sick

Al Qaeda is not an organization?

Sounds like an interpretation that activist judges like Gonzales would make to justify their preconceived decision.

Recognized organizations, basically armed forces and/or governments. Sorry, should have been more clear

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I'll confess, Joe,

I have a problem with the "The Geneva Convention doesn't apply to you, because I've decided to classify you as 'doesn't apply'" argument. I have a hard time finding a real difference between:

  • The US deciding that the Convention doesn't apply to Al Queda, because AQ isn't a country.
  • North Vietnam deciding that the Convention doesn't apply to US pilots, because the US didn't declare war.

OTOH, let's face it. How many times have you seen a WW2 movie, where the Nazi is telling the hero that "you are out of uniform, and you can be shot as a spy"?

There is a precident for the concept of "if you want to be a POW, wear a uniform".

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Originally posted by Bufford

as disjointed and busted as they are at parts. If they aren't a recognized organization.....even one that we wish didn't exist. Then the people decided who is and is not an organization, should be fired.

Will Rogers: "I am not a member of any organised political party. I, sir, am a Democrat."

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Originally posted by Crazyhorse1

It doesn't matter what the Laws of Military Justice and the Geneva Convention have to say, if you imprison people without charge and trial and torture them, you are a piece of **** and I can do without your protection.

What's more. I'd like to wring your ****ing neck.

Crazyhorse, please lighten up a little on the Crazyhorse. It is obviously messing with your mind a little. If you want to sit back and let terrorists get away because you don't want us to "torture" them to get info out of them, Dude, please do leave our country. Obviously you don't realize that WE are one of the few that go by the Geneva Convention. You know we could do like they do and just blindfold our prisoners, behead them on TV, and go out and kidnap more.

And please Sir, Do not let me see you call another soldier, sailor, marine or airman a piece of ****. They are busting thier A** every day for you to have the freedom that you have today, and if it weren't for them, maybeyou wouldn't be here today. SO sir, please lay off of the crazyhorse and come back to reality.

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Originally posted by Thiebear

Please read the Laws of Military Justice (UCMJ). Then bone up on the Geneva Convention (not that anyone follows that).

And then come back with less passion and more thought.

Then read up on who is in there, When and where and how most of them were caught., who was realeased the progression of all of this and what was in the FBI report.

ohh!, half the people your talking to, DO protect you ...

Thank you, please try again!

quote: Crazyhorse1

It doesn't matter what the Laws of Military Justice and the Geneva Convention have to say, if you imprison people without charge and trial and torture them, you are a piece of **** and I can do without your protection.

What's more. I'd like to wring your ****ing neck.

Your so cute.... Im in alexandria drop on by lil muffin.... (you should at least take it to pm before you get into the F*ng neck wringing call out in public..) but thats just me...

There were 13-16 incidents of Koran abuse amongst 500+ detainees, of that 6 MAY be identifiable.... Doesnt appear to be a Gulag of abuse...

Now i am of the opinion that we protect OUR troops first and YOURS 2nd.. No reason to get your panties in a bunch over the fact your emotional and not logical..

Please provide your definition of torture..

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Originally posted by Crazyhorse1

It doesn't matter what the Laws of Military Justice and the Geneva Convention have to say, if you imprison people without charge and trial and torture them, you are a piece of **** and I can do without your protection.

What's more. I'd like to wring your ****ing neck.

Take a seat. Personal attacks will NOT be tolorated.

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Originally posted by airborneskins

Crazyhorse, please lighten up a little on the Crazyhorse. It is obviously messing with your mind a little. If you want to sit back and let terrorists get away because you don't want us to "torture" them to get info out of them, Dude, please do leave our country. Obviously you don't realize that WE are one of the few that go by the Geneva Convention. You know we could do like they do and just blindfold our prisoners, behead them on TV, and go out and kidnap more.

And please Sir, Do not let me see you call another soldier, sailor, marine or airman a piece of ****. They are busting thier A** every day for you to have the freedom that you have today, and if it weren't for them, maybeyou wouldn't be here today. SO sir, please lay off of the crazyhorse and come back to reality.

I second that Motion.....

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Originally posted by Sarge

See you around dude. Posts like that are going to end your days here quick.

Oh, BTW please leave my country. It makes me want to puke knowing people like you bask in the freedom I bust my balls everyday to provide, and yet you know so little about that of which you speak.

It's people like you that almost brought this country down in the 60's. Maybe you can find that nice little 60's flower child, make love not war, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds utopia somewhere. In all my travels, I have yet to find it.

:finger: :ciao:


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