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I cant wait till Gibbs purges this team of all the Coles ME ME ME players. Gibbs did well not going after more big flashes names this summer. At this point, less is more. He is teaching Snyder by showing him what to do and we will be better off in the long run for this. This is a franchise being build for the long term. Snyder growing up as an owner is part of this process. And to be fair, he has made progress.

Here are the type of player you want on your team. All heart and dedication to the team. Not superstars but if you had 52 like this, your the Patriots and you win.

Ray Brown

J Thrash



Shawn Springs

These are the kind of "people" you want.


Im not saying get ride of the following guys now but if they dont start showing a little more humility and maturity, get value for them and send them packing.

Here is my watch list for the next 2 years.

S Taylor


and yes, Portis. Hes been pretty cool so far, but I see the potenital for him to be a pain in the ..... Hes to bling bling for me.

LaVar has been a big baby now for like 2 years. He showed Gibbs no respect when he was annouced as coach. I though LaVar was funny at first but now I think he just cant stand to be out of the spot light. We had the #3 D without him. Remember that.

Portis. He remind me of bling bling Gardenar. He isnt in the mold of the above mentioned quality people.

S Taylor. Its all be said already. To much of a pain for a 2nd year player.

All great talents, but so is TO and who wants that clown around ?


Im not saying you cant have any flavor on a team. We had Dex. Thats all flavor. Clark was always complaining but he played with heart and a chip. Riggins was a nut but he would stay in a hospitol all week in tracksion so he could play on Sunday. Then he would rush 35 times for 120. Ill take that kind of flavor.

I dont know who will stay or who goes. I just think if you get to many of these kind of guys and it doesnt work out. They make to much to be such prema dona's. For that cash I want J Rice, Waltor Payton, Emmit. I want stars. Mature. Never say die. Leaders.

It does help not having Garndar and Coles around. Thats a 40% reduction in ME factor between these 5 players. I think one more of them will go in the next 2 years. Taylor and Portis are real young so they have time to be molded by this new team. Winning will help. LaVar ? I hope he gets it and chills.

We are moving in the right direction. Well get our cap room back for Coles after this year. Thats the nice thing about taking the hurt all at once.

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Originally posted by hands11

Well get our cap room back for Coles after this year. Thats the nice thing about taking the hurt all at once.

If Santana stay around he will have a similar hit, won't he?

Edit: Here is the info on Moss


"According to sources with knowledge of Santana Moss's contract extension -- worth about $31 million over six years -- the wide receiver received a signing bonus of $3 million, meaning that the Redskins theoretically could release him before next season without much of a cap hit. However, Moss has bonuses due by March 2006 worth roughly $8 million -- a $7 million option bonus plus a $910,000 roster bonus -- which will almost certainly be triggered. Those figures can become guaranteed this season if Moss were to suffer a career-threatening injury or reach a minimal level of performance involving playing time, touchdowns and receptions"

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Originally posted by Parlett316

Portis isn't just bling bling. He's a man of style who will rock this kind of gear.

That outfit show that Clinton is a team player.

Bob the Builder? He knows we are BUILDING something good her in DC!


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Winning creates that "team atmosphere". You can't just put a bunch of supposed hard-working guys together and expect chemistry. You have to build from continuity and success, and it's not going to happen by resetting your roster every year to weed out some of the younger, more immature players. They have to grow into being team players and when you when, that's how teams like the Patriots are made.

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Originally posted by hands11

I cant wait till Gibbs purges this team of all the Coles ME ME ME players. Gibbs did well not going after more big flashes names this summer. At this point, less is more. He is teaching Snyder by showing him what to do and we will be better off in the long run for this. This is a franchise being build for the long term. Snyder growing up as an owner is part of this process. And to be fair, he has made progress.

Here are the type of player you want on your team. All heart and dedication to the team. Not superstars but if you had 52 like this, your the Patriots and you win.

Ray Brown

J Thrash



Shawn Springs

These are the kind of "people" you want.


Im not saying get ride of the following guys now but if they dont start showing a little more humility and maturity, get value for them and send them packing.

Here is my watch this for the next 2 years.

S Taylor


and yes, Portis. Hes been pretty cool so far, but I see the potenital for him to be a pain in the ..... Hes to bling bling for me.

LaVar has been a big baby now for like 2 years. He showed Gibbs no respect when he was annouced as coach. I though LaVar was funny at first but now I think he just cant stand to be out of the spot light. We had the #3 D without him. Remember that.

Portis. He remind me of bling bling Gardenar. He isnt in the mold of the above mentioned quality people.

S Taylor. Its all be said already. To much of a pain for a 2nd year player.

All great talents, but so is TO and who wants that clown around ?


Im not saying you cant have any flavor on a team. We had Dex. Thats all flavor. Clark was always complaining but he played with heart and a chip. Riggins was a nut but he would stay in a hospitol all week in tracksion so he could play on Sunday. Then he would rush 35 times for 120. Ill take that kind of flavor.

I dont know who will stay or who goes. I just think if you get to many of these kind of guys and it doesnt work out. They make to much to be such prema dona's. For that cash I want J Rice, Waltor Payton, Emmit. I want stars. Mature. Never say die. Leaders.

It does help not having Garndar and Coles around. Thats a 40% reduction in ME factor between these 5 players. I think one more of them will go in the next 2 years. Taylor and Portis are real young so they have time to be molded by this new team. Winning will help. LaVar ? I hope he gets it and chills.

We are moving in the right direction.

Well get our cap room back for Coles after this year. Thats the nice thing about taking the hurt all at once.

I'm with you hands. Gibbs doesn't change. Do you recall any players from his first stint who criticized the team in public? I don't. His 'family' approach takes into account egos and malcontents, but he has limits...and he's willing to get rid of talent in exchange for harmony (or unlike the Eagles, pass on talent who's known as a malcontent.)

Hopefully, this is one lesson Cerrato and Snyder will learn during JG's second tenure here. Players who forget that it's a team sport need to go elsewhere.

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Originally posted by TODD

Winning creates that "team atmosphere". You can't just put a bunch of supposed hard-working guys together and expect chemistry. You have to build from continuity and success, and it's not going to happen by resetting your roster every year to weed out some of the younger, more immature players. They have to grow into being team players and when you when, that's how teams like the Patriots are made.


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Originally posted by Sebowski

I don't buy it.

Pats had Ty Law and Dillon.

Look at another team that won 3 of 4. That team was all bling and Me-first.

Sounds like you just have a personal problem with their lifestyles.

If thats the personality of your team. It works. Dallas has some flashy players.

Redskins fan always hatted them for being ****y.

The raiders are all rebells. But thats the Raiders.

The skins, the fans and this area dont take to that style. Its not the personality of Gibbs. Like I said, you can have a few players like that, but not to many. Even Dallas had Emmit. Actually they had a good deal of work horse players. It was just Ervins and a few others that were flashy. Newhouse wasnt.

Anyway, folks from around here identify more with a Steelers type team. The Patriots arent flashy. Not as a team. Anyway, it has less to do with how you dress and more to do with how you act. LaVar has been a pain for a few years. Gardnar was a whinner. Coles was unhappy everywhere he went.

So all I said was, I keeping an eye on Taylor, LaVar and Portis. Then all have shown to be tempermental with big egos.

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Originally posted by Sebowski

If Santana stay around he will have a similar hit, won't he?

Edit: Here is the info on Moss


"According to sources with knowledge of Santana Moss's contract extension -- worth about $31 million over six years -- the wide receiver received a signing bonus of $3 million, meaning that the Redskins theoretically could release him before next season without much of a cap hit. However, Moss has bonuses due by March 2006 worth roughly $8 million -- a $7 million option bonus plus a $910,000 roster bonus -- which will almost certainly be triggered. Those figures can become guaranteed this season if Moss were to suffer a career-threatening injury or reach a minimal level of performance involving playing time, touchdowns and receptions"

Sure he will hit the cap.

What I was saying was, if your going to get ride of a bad Apple like Coles, then I guess its best to get it out of the way instead of his cap hit lingering over a few years. You would have to pay the new contract either way. I was just talking about Coles salary hit.

Wow, there are a lot of adviserial posters on this Skins section.

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I would be adverse to trading LA in another yr or so when his cap hit diminishes some...Portis and Taylor are both young, Taylor still has some maturing to do but Portis is on his way...He to is from the"U" but he was here for all of the voluntary workouts so he is slowy but surely buying into Gibbs Philosophy..

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Originally posted by TODD

Winning creates that "team atmosphere". You can't just put a bunch of supposed hard-working guys together and expect chemistry. You have to build from continuity and success, and it's not going to happen by resetting your roster every year to weed out some of the younger, more immature players. They have to grow into being team players and when you when, that's how teams like the Patriots are made.

Sure you have to play together and win but I definally think you have a better chance of building chemistry if you put the right kind of players together. I cant believe you would not agree with that.

You put a bunch of talented mature hardworking players together and they build the core. Then you can sprinkle in some younger less mature players.

The Redskins of old that we loved had a defined pecking order. Young guns had to earn their strips no matter who they were. This is how you set the standard that gives the young players a framwork to grow up in. You can have a few flashy players if your have an established organization and you win. Add those players to a team like the Skins have been and they cause to much caos. There is nothing to keep them in check.

The skins made a lot of the same mistakes the Wiz had. To much turnover. To many young guys, then to many old big contract guys. They didnt have the right talent and maturity to get that base established. Finally they got a GM and keep a good core of young guys together and added a mature A Jamison to glue it all together. Now they have a core. BB is only 12-14 guys so the core is smaller. Only takes 3 or so players. Football is 52 players so it take more. You need some on offense, defence and special teams. Plus a lot more coaches.

The Skins are doing fine. I think we will step it up this year. We are building a core. We have great coaches and some solid players. The O line is coming together. The D is solid with a few players like LaVar and Taylor who we need to watch. The offense is less established but the O line is the ancor there. Hopefully they solidify in the offseason and we the QB and WR rotations worked out. By the end of this year we will look a lot better going in to next season. Much like the Wiz just did.

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Originally posted by PleaseBlitz

So you think we should get rid of Lavar, Taylor, and Portis?

Thaaaat might not be a great idea.

No, that is not what I said.

This is what I said.

Im not saying get ride of the following guys now but if they dont start showing a little more humility and maturity, get value for them and send them packing.

Here is my watch list for the next 2 years.

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Originally posted by hands11

If that the personality of your team. It works. Dallas has some flashy players.

Redskins fan always hatted them for being ****y.

The raiders are all rebells. But that the Raiders.

The skins, the fans and this area dont take to that style. Its not the personality of Gibbs. Like I said, you can have a few players like that, but not to many.

Since when are 3 players more than a few?

Originally posted by hands11

Anyway, folks from around here identify more with a Steelers type team.

DC isn't Pittsburgh. The city doesn't get by on blue collar work like Pitt or the mid-west. Aren't many Mills on Capital Hill. Not many mines in the Virginia suburbs.

Originally posted by hands11

Sure he will hit the cap.

What I was saying was, if your going to get ride of a bad Apple like Coles, then I guess its best to get it out of the way instead of his cap hit lingering over a few years. You would have to pay the new contract either way. I was just talking about Coles salary hit.

Ok. I get that. I thought you meant it Moss was going to free up substantial space we wouldn't have if we kept Coles. Thats what I thought was going to happen before I read about Moss' deal.

Originally posted by hands11

Wow, there are a lot of adviserial posters on this Skins section.

Lots of posters. Period. Just by volume chances are someone won't agree with you. Just trying to add to the Skins talk. All in good faith.

Most of the time.

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Originally posted by Sebowski

Since when are 3 players more than a few?

DC isn't Pittsburgh. The city doesn't get by on blue collar work like Pitt or the mid-west. Aren't many Mills on Capital Hill. Not many mines in the Virginia suburbs.

Ok. I get that. I thought you meant it Moss was going to free up substantial space we wouldn't have if we kept Coles. Thats what I thought was going to happen before I read about Moss' deal.

Lots of posters. Period. Just by volume chances are someone won't agree with you. Just trying to add to the Skins talk. All in good faith.

Most of the time.

Oh, its not people not agreeing that bothers me. Its just how some people comment. They dont try to see the validness of a post but instead try to pick it apart. Lots of time they dont even read when before they write or they blow it out of wack.

Anyway. I dont know what your getting at with the comment. Since when are 3 players more than a few? I think your over analying my words or something.

As for DC not being Pittsburg. I said a Pittsburg type team.

Ive lived here my whole life. I think I have a pretty good idea of what this area is like and the type of organization and football this town apprehiates. And it just so happens there are a tone of people from PA here, not that that was my main point. This is becoming a bigger city but folks here, at least a lot of folks here, dont like the flash and ****ness of the Dallas franchise. Thats what the rivalry was all about.

They claimed to be Americas team and had there flashy silver and blue with the big star. We had the Hogs. They were a Cowboys, we are the Indian. They had coaches like JJ, we had Gibbs. They had an overbarring flashy owner, we had Cooke.

Besides, there are a lot of blue collar people from this area. We had Baltimore and lots of southern states as Skins fans. We had fan all the way down to NC and SC. Now there are the Panthers.

Now some of this had changed but this is who we were last time we won so lots of folks still see that as the model. At least people over 30 something. The fans that remember watching the whole Gibbs era.

Well, Gibbs is back. Im sure he had to same model in his head as he did before. Knowing what I know of him in the past, he will be keeping an eye on team chemisty. Taylor is making a big mistake acting like this. Gibbs will give him some rope because he is young but it wont last forever. He has already shown he will get ride of anyone. Maybe he cant do anything about it right now, but he will file this away for a later day.

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So basically you'd like to get rid of most of our big stars, for lesser talented players who have character.

Wow, I'm sure we'll win tons of games that way.

If character was what it was all about, then NFL GM's would be drafting guys from the military in the first round. That's not how it works.

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