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Criticism of the Redskins IS warranted

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Amen wskin44. Don't forget the other major mistakes. This skins drafted 2 fullbacks late in the draft. They forgot that the offense doesn't feature fullbacks. As I hear it, they had to scramble to make the picks after Danny repeatedly tried to draft the Tampa Bay defense/special teams in the 5th round, but Tags wouldn't let him.

Speaking of wrong positions, they went after a power forward this offseason. How embarassing, everyone knows there are no power forwards in football.


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Originally posted by dfitzo53

I may not find Rustburg's posts any more correct than you do, but maybe it's time to lay off. There's plenty of room on this board for both of you and I'm not sure what you're trying to prove here.

You are right and maybe I am being too tough on him.

I am trying to find some reason to believe he isnt a troll and only here to flame. After reading some of his posts here, he may have convinced me because it finally seemed to tone down.

Unfortunately, I have yet to see one thought out post or even anything good to say about the skins from Rustburg so far, that's why I have read older threads because I felt he deserved the benefit of the doubt. Despitre my effort to do so, I found nothing of merit.

So, Rustburg, please, I implore you to look for something, anything good to say for a while and I'll promise to lay off you. Even if you can find 100% fault with our team's direction, at least use repect and discretion.

I apologize if I came at you a little strong, but I am rapidly getting frustrated with the "doom and Gloom" posts that do not have a basis in facts for the upcoming season.

fitzo53, I actually do appreciate you pointing out where I strayed as well.


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Originally posted by whitejimmy

Amen wskin44. Don't forget the other major mistakes. This skins drafted 2 fullbacks late in the draft. They forgot that the offense doesn't feature fullbacks. As I hear it, they had to scramble to make the picks after Danny repeatedly tried to draft the Tampa Bay defense/special teams in the 5th round, but Tags wouldn't let him.

Speaking of wrong positions, they went after a power forward this offseason. How embarassing, everyone knows there are no power forwards in football.


The fullbacks will be converted to beer vendors and play special teams on their breaks. We will get our moneys' worth.

As for the power forward, it's not offseason for basketball. I hear that Campbell is a pretty fair basketball player too.

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Originally posted by wskin44

I'm very concerned that the Redskins will be overmatched this season because of the turmoil and front office mistakes this offseason. Since we lost Pierce and Smoot and were so inept at how we did it I'm afraid that we will only be allowed to play with 9 players all season on defense. This will create huge matchup problems for us and put huge pressure on the offense to score more points. Of course the offense will have their own problems both with the loss of Coles, allowing them to play with only 10 players, and the frightening depression that Patrick Ramsey will have to endure because of the confidence destroying move of the front office in drafting a QB. I'm in a bit of distress myself because I don't know what to think of the new QB. Some say that he has a bright future and rated him at least the 3rd best QB in the draft and some rated him even higher. Then many of the same folks said that the Redskins blew it by making this loser the 3rd QB drafted, at least 15 picks higher than he was projected. I'm also concerned that this front office is so fouled up that when I arrive for game one that my seats won't be there having been lost in free agency or that my tickets will never arrive having been traded to Kansas City for some steaks for Danny. I do know one thing though, they did cash my check so someone must be on the ball.


WV, Please don't take this the wrong way, but I was very confused over some of the statements in your post.

what did you mean by "only be allowed to play with 9 players on Defence all season"?

Also, "allowing them to play with only 10 players,) on offense with the departure of Coles?

Lastly, It is already officially announced that Ramsey will begin the season as the starter and Brunell as back-up. Plus, Ramsey already said (even before the draft) that he ios cool with competition anyway.


Cambell is not a "loser" he had a perect season at Auburn, and many analysts said he was on par with the other 2 that were drafted in the first round, some even said better?

Again, please don't take ofense to this post, but we really need some clarification on how you determined this information and why it is consuming you so badly.


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Originally posted by kameuh

The 2005 Washington Redskins will/ or will not suck. In case they do suck, its because You should not have blindly trusted Joe Gibbs, he’s old. Again I repeat, He’s too old. Yes, Ugh, this is another Chicken Little thread, though only a portion of it will be. Another reason the Redskins may suck this year, is because lets face it, Dan Snyder is the Devil. You know, the rich, petulant child, whose off-season moves often, brings in yet another prima Donna athlete. He whom likes to make trade proposals that reek of fantasy football thinking? Dan has never heard of the salary cap, and Vinny is screwing everything up by insisting, “Cash creates cap.” Look at me baby! I know it all. BTW this is my 230th post, and Sasquash is still a fat mediot on crack.

Now, on the other hand, the redskins may be the best team in sports in 2005, and I refuse to take off my rose colored glasses, and I am not a Homer! Why do I believe this? You should just trust Joe Gibbs, he’s a HoFer for gods sake. Seriously, if you doubt Gibbs, hater, you might as well root for another team. We have addressed many off-season needs, such as a potential short yardage back, and at first though skeptical, I’m starting to agree with the Redskins decision on this topic. The naysayers point to our previous record and say 6-10 you will suck this year as well. No S!ht Sherlock, “Man lands on Moon”, its old news we sucked last year (record wise, we still have the 3rd ranked defense). BTW did I mention Jabba the Hut is fat?

Well it's possible we are good, or its possible we suck, way such waffling on a simple topic. I hate to say it, but I think Peter King is right, on this method of prediction. Didn’t Peter King mention we were looking to sign a DE after June first cuts? If so lets bring 2 or 3 aboard for an Incentive laden contract with a vet minimum salary. Heard we currently have at least 8 on radar, can either Andyman or Big Al Noga confirm this rumor?

Did I mention this is my 230th post? If not look at my new avatar anyways, since we all got them post draft. Oh speaking of draft, HaHa (karma forgive me here) did you hear KW was injured, well at least he’s not pregnant…. I’m so glad we drafted Sean Taylor instead of Kellen Winslow, Jr. that I bought his jersey, can anyone confirm it’s authentic? Sorry Dustin I bought it on Ebay.

Yeah well apparently this cannot be Super Duper MEGA merged with any thread, as its pretty damn off topic, a bit schizophrenic, and just not right. Sorry I was bored and took an Ad-Lib type challenge with the list above, adding a few of my own in to the Generic Skins forum comment generator.


Edit: Thanks Whitejimmy for the laugh, forgot to credit the inspiration to my lapse of reason ;=)

I disagree.

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Originally posted by Art

When did people here forget that this is a message board designed to foster discussion?

This is NOT a statement board. This is not a place anyone saying anything should feel any statement is above reproach. Every statement written should be written with the underlying knowledge that someone else will see it and that perhaps one of those people might hit reply.

This is not a clearing house for fictional accounts that require a great number of people to suggest they should be allowed to voice their opinion without fear of others voicing theirs.

I'm somewhat perplexed by how this whole thought process not only continues to be expressed, but, embraced by so many, and how those expressing it don't understand how strange it seems.

While calling for people to give room to others to voice their opinions, you're calling for them NOT to voice theirs. Does no one see how odd that is?

Sad but true.


Great points as always, Art.

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Dear Vegas;

My concerns about being undermanned come from reading the Washington Post, other publications and fan reactions. There has been so much said about the loss of 3 players, not to mention that Taylor may hold out, I have become convinced that all of this must be so disasterous because we won't be allowed to replace those losses with other pro football players. Otherwise there wouldn't be such a stink. As for Ramsey I never knew he was so fragile. Watching him take a beating in the pocket and never flinching, I was sure that he was as tough minded as they come, but apparently not.

But whitejimmy may have given me the clue that I needed to see through Danny's grand scheme. We are grabbing power forwards and Campbell is an accomplished basketball player. My new theory is that the real plan is to put a roof over FedEx (which will take some strong fullbacks to carry the load) and convert the team to an NBA franchise. Danny has seen how excited the area is over the Wizards and wants to cash in. Since FedEx is in MD., I predict that he will call the team the Baltimore Bullets!

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Originally posted by wskin44

Dear Vegas;

My concerns about being undermanned come from reading the Washington Post, other publications and fan reactions. There has been so much said about the loss of 3 players, not to mention that Taylor may hold out, I have become convinced that all of this must be so disasterous because we won't be allowed to replace those losses with other pro football players. Otherwise there wouldn't be such a stink. As for Ramsey I never knew he was so fragile. Watching him take a beating in the pocket and never flinching, I was sure that he was as tough minded as they come, but apparently not.

But whitejimmy may have given me the clue that I needed to see through Danny's grand scheme. We are grabbing power forwards and Campbell is an accomplished basketball player. My new theory is that the real plan is to put a roof over FedEx (which will take some strong fullbacks to carry the load) and convert the team to an NBA franchise. Danny has seen how excited the area is over the Wizards and wants to cash in. Since FedEx is in MD., I predict that he will call the team the Baltimore Bullets!

WV, I'm not sure how to respond as I don't entirely know if this is sarcasm or if you are being serious.

If serious, there are a few things we may need to discuss.

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Originally posted by wskin44

Dear Vegas;

My concerns about being undermanned come from reading the Washington Post, other publications and fan reactions. There has been so much said about the loss of 3 players, not to mention that Taylor may hold out, I have become convinced that all of this must be so disasterous because we won't be allowed to replace those losses with other pro football players. Otherwise there wouldn't be such a stink. As for Ramsey I never knew he was so fragile. Watching him take a beating in the pocket and never flinching, I was sure that he was as tough minded as they come, but apparently not.

Glass half empty type.

It's cool, man. Just curious, why do you allow the media and other fans reactions to dictate your convictions?

You do know that you possess your own brain that is capable of constructing your own personal opinion based on true facts, not some other guys biased and usually somewhat venomous attack on the Skins which is usually based on something far more personal than just Wins and Losses......

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Guys, come on. WV is clearly joking.

The sad part is, his ridiculous comments come so close to the comments many who express negative views it's hard to tell a joke post from a joke poster :).

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You see, since Danny is going to convert the Skins to an NBA franchise he was concerned whether Cole's toe could stand up to an 82 game schedule on the hardwood. When it looked like Gibbs had talked Coles into staying (Gibbs doesn't know about the NBA plan) Danny leaked ugly stories to Numbnuts to irritate Coles. Then he engineered a trade for Moss, who not many know is a great 3 point shooter. Moss is holding out because he wants an NBA no cut contract. We let Pierce and Smoot go because everyone knows they can't shoot. It's all becoming clear to me now. I'm calling Carlos Rogers high school coach to find out what position he plays.


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Originally posted by Art

Guys, come on. WV is clearly joking.

The sad part is, his ridiculous comments come so close to the comments many who express negative views it's hard to tell a joke post from a joke poster :).

That's why I didnt go off, because I really wasnt entirely sure!

I'm glad though! There have been some posts here that are similar that were totally serious and I wanted to avoid being insulting.


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Originally posted by skin-n-vegas

That's why I didnt go off, because I really wasnt entirely sure!

I'm glad though! There have been some posts here that are similar that were totally serious and I wanted to avoid being insulting.


Well then I won't be insulting that you couldn't see through my routine. Don't worry about it, Danny's plan is all so clear to me now. Besides, in the NBA he will have fewer players to pay and he will have the largest stadium in the league. Just follow the money and the truth will come out.


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Not losing it at all. I can see the spotlight at the end of the FexEx tunnel: AND NOW FOR YOUR BALTIMORE BULLETS: . . .

Just trying to stay positive. I wonder what Joe is going to do?

Chicken Homer Little

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Originally posted by wskin44

Well then I won't be insulting that you couldn't see through my routine. Don't worry about it, Danny's plan is all so clear to me now. Besides, in the NBA he will have fewer players to pay and he will have the largest stadium in the league. Just follow the money and the truth will come out.


I knew that you were messing around with the NBA stuff, but the actual Skins concern comments were what threw me!

I do feel a little silly though!

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Oh yea, and I might just be poking fun at both the nay sayers and the homers, in case you missed it.

What's really worrys me is what will we talk about in July before camp begins if this is all that anyone can come up with in May?

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Originally posted by footballhenry

First off, I am a huge Redskins fan. I am extremely loyal and passionate, just ask my roomates. I cant even watch games with them (they root for whoever the skins are playing bc they know I dont like it), I usually go to my room and watch alone.

That said, I am extremely dissappointed with this past draft, and this offseason has not been a GREAT one at all on paper. You guys that attack fans that give their viewpoint in a negative light (i.e. chicken little) is not warranted. Now I hate fans that BASH the Redskins. But there is a difference between bashing and criticizing. When Mike Williams wasnt picked at #9 I was irate, and I was dumbfounded with the Campbell pick, still am. I have read the threads trying to rationalize the QB pickup but I just dont buy into it at all. Now that I have time to think about the entire draft, I am extremely pleased with Gibbs later rounds. At first I was very upset at the plethora of FB's, and LB's pickedup but now I am quite happy with it. It seems that Gibbs is getting "tough" character guys to get us that long extra yard (that we so often missed last yr).

However guys, dont be so quick to judge a fellow Redskin fan just because he questions the teams moves. Its natural to do so, to question what the team is doing. Just becaue you criticize doesnt make you a chicken little, criticism is warranted especially when we've made ONE playoff appearance since '92 (i believe). I just see some guys on here get hammered bc they aren't happy with the Campbell pickup, the draft, etc. One thing is for sure, winning cures all!!!! :point2sky :cheers:

:notworthy I've been saying for the longest that I don't agree wih Skins method of doing things. For some reason unknown tome the SKins love to over compensate. I love Gibbs the coach but not the GM. Bobby Beathard has gotten 3 different teams to the Superbowl. Gibbs had say so but it was Beathard mainly who handles the admin duties. The Skins broke the bank again in terms of payroll with all the high priced signings, yet came up short in the win column. Now they're over compensating with draft picks. Campbell has to be a can't miss type of player. You don't give up what they gave up and say we'll see how it pans out. I mean WTF are they doing? I mean being capped out and having minimal draft picks is just bad bad bad management to me.

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Originally posted by skin-n-vegas

fitzo53, I actually do appreciate you pointing out where I strayed as well.

I'm glad you took my comment the way I intended it.

Regardless of what's posted on these boards we all know we're going to be glued to our TVs come August, so let's not get too worked up about whatever gets said here, good or bad.

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