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OT: Danmark!!!!


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I would just like to give a shout out to the boys from Denmark for doing the world a favor and knocking out those frog leg eating b@stards, the French, in the World Cup. The French gave one of the worst performances of a defending champion in the history of the World Cup. Typical French arrogance...

Tilyyke til Danskerne!!!!!

(Congrats to the Danes) :cheers: :cheers:

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Agreed, the French suck. You can never have too many French bashing threads. I still think it would've been hilarious had Mathis gotten down on all fours like a dog while all the other players pretended to eat him after his goal against South Korea. :pint:

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I was in Copenhagen for the first match against Uruguay. The Danes are a jovial lot. Down in Nyhavn, you could see thousands of young people all dressed up in red and white colors and wearing viking horns and carrying horns, etc......................

The Danes are often overshadowed in soccer by their neighbors Holland and Sweden, but when they go to the World Cup they usually make the most of it by making the round of 16.

I was also rooting for Denmark, but more for them than against the French. The French have had a lot of injuries and have gone around the past 4 years with a big target on their backs. That is not easy to deal with.

Look back in history and see how hard it is to repeat as Champs.

I think only Italy back in the 1930's and Brazil in 58-62 managed the feat.

So, while I did think the French would advance to the final 16 or 8, I didn't see them winning the tournament again.

My top two teams, Argentina and Italy, both lost close games in round 1 but I am hopeful they will advance with wins in their final matches.

As with Germany today and the Portuguese yesterday, when good teams HAVE to win they usually do. :)

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Nyhavn is my favorite part of Copenhagen. Were you on business or pleasure. Copenhagen is VERY good for both. ;) Again, when you consider that there are only five million people in little Denmark, it's pretty impressive how well they do.

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I was in Holland, Denmark and Sweden on VACATION :cheers:

Copenhagen beat Amsterdam and Stockholm by a mile for atmosphere and the warmth of the people.

The Dutch TALK about having fun and being an open society but the Danes are the ones that have really accomplished it :cool:

Nothing like having a Carlsberg at 7am discussing the World Cup on Amagertov. :high:

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Well maybe next time we can poison their best player ala France.

Note for the French- They not only have not won a game on foreign soil in WC play since 1986, they also have not even scored a GOAL since then.

It's not like they were in a tough group.

Senegal and Uruguay were both ranked after 30 and Denmark barely top 20.

This justifies fifa's position starting next cup of not allowing automatic entry for the champs. Make 'em qualify.

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Yes the French helped us in two wars. And we helped them in two wars. It's even.

As for Denmark- I've never been but my father did business there a few years back. He was struck by a couple of things:

- the number of people who speak English, and not just a smattering, but fluently. The Danes' attitude is that they're a small country, so they must learn other languages to do business;

- their cultural humility and dislike of bragging. He humorously recounted to me how a billboard advertising beer there claimed that it was "quite possibly" the best beer in Copenhagen, or something like that - a little different from American advertisers, no?

- their dislike of the Swedes and their liquor regulations, and especially how that seemed to cause Swedes to come over to Copenhagen and get drunk. He saw signs, again in English, saying, "Keep Denmark clean. Escort a Swede to the ferry." :laugh: And that's better than what they have to say about the Germans. :finger:

- and how beautiful so many women are there. He said just walking down the street, you'll hurt your neck turning around to see how many blonde, blue-eyed beauties are walking around.

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The French.... ugh. I have nothing good to say about the issue. For those Francophiles who claim that France helped us win our independence, it was only AFTER victory was inevitable. They aided us as we were poised to unceremoniously dispatch the British invasion force. Sure, the war may have lasted another 3 months, but victory was on the horizon by the time the French actually did anything.

And after the Revolutionary War, they gave us our share of problems just as the British did. But thankfully France is now a rather isolationist, impotent, and voiceless player on the world stage. Just ignore them long enough and they'll wither away in their uncompetitive socialist bureaucracy. :laugh:

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The French won the 2000 European championship so they weren't just lucky winners in 1998 in the World Cup.

Look, I don't like the French team that much per se, but they do have excellent players. What happened here in 2002 was a team that was getting a little older and had some key injuries was finally exposed.

You can't take one of the best midfielders in the world in Zidane away from France for basically the first round and not think that won't have an impact.

Just think about how much better the US team would be right now with Zidane starting at midfield for US :)

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Lemerre didn't have Pires, out with injury, and he would have been *amazing* as the creative complement to Zidane.

Regardless, the French strikers are either hexed or on crack. My guess is both. The only one that looked hungry was Cisse.

Since 1998, Lemerre's policy seemed to be "if it ain't broke, don't fix it",...but by June 2002 it was broken and he didn't fix it. As ever, it sucks to be French!

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as I said, what position would you rather be in, to have just won the Championship and then fall from grace or be praying for a berth in the round of 16?

it all comes down to expectations. For the Lakers winning the championship is what the season is about. For the Wizards finishing .500 is like reaching the promised land. :)

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"Danes Make French Toast"

I am half Danish(father) so of course I have been rooting for Denmark(Danmark) and the US team. Damn, I hope they don't play each other in the Championship game(or any game). I would be torn between them but I will be behind Team USA. Eff the French, them snail eating b@st@rds.

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Denmark are now out of the World Cup beaten comprehensively by the English 3-0. Frankly, it wasn't even close.

France did miss Pires, he was having an excellent season with Arsenal before his knee injury. The thing that hurt the French the most however was missing the back of the net. In the final analysis, you have to score goals to win. They didn't score any, despite having a strikeforce on paper that would have been the envy of most nations. Henry and Tresuguet were (even are) rated in the top 5 strikers in Europe, both scored 20 or more goals for their clubs to prove it.

Still, with the french out and Argentina gone, World Cup fever in England is rampant and contagious. Even my mother-in-law watched the game and 'oh'd and argh'd at the spectacle. Come next friday and the likely match up with Brazil, the whole nation will come to a standstill in what usually is the rushhour. Due to the time difference, it will be a 7.30 am kick off here.

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Ian, that match should be one of the best so far. I think England has a very good shot. As impressive as Brasil has looked so far, we have to remember that this is more or less the same inconsistent team that did crappy in South American qualifying.

BTW, are you a British 'Skins fan or a transplanted American?

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In answer to your question, Chiefhogskin48, I am a British (English) based Skins Fan and have been since 1987. When the Skins made it to the Superbowl after that Season, I stayed up and watched the game until 4am in the morning. Well, after that I was hooked (10 pts down, then 35-10 after an amazing 2nd Qtr-who wouldn't be)

I am currently I have to admit quite hooked on England and their progress in the World Cup. There is a very real groundswell of public feeling that this might be our year over here. I mean, on paper, all we have to do is win our next three matches and we've won the World Cup!!

If only things turned out to be that simple...

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the Irish gave it a good go against a superior Spanish team earlier today............they leave the tournament with their heads held high.

I was hoping Denmark would have a better showing but their side had injuries to Tomasson and Tofting and while they played they weren't very effective. The team also lost Helveg early to an injury on the backline.

That said, the English had a better team than Denmark overall and were without players as well. So a good result for the Danes to make the round of 16 and for England as well.

Brazil has had an impressive run but they haven't played anybody. Beating China and Costa Rica isn't like having to face Argentina and Sweden as England had to. :)

Still, they have the creativity and offensive firepower to win if their traditional achilles in the back isn't exposed.

The Germans are advancing but have not really looked impressive since their first game win over the Saudis.

They have depth and were able to play without 3 starters against Paraguay who gave them a battle with their turtle defense.

I remember that before the Cup some Europeans were complaining about the World Cup schedule and how that put them at a disadvantage. It certainly seemed to have tired out the French.

But Germany, England, Spain, Italy are still in the competition and my guess is we will see one of these teams in the Final.

Senegal is this Cup's Croatia, advancing on despite being counted out in each successive match. I thought Sweden would knock them out and was surprised to see Senegal rebound from an eary 1-0 deficit.

South Korea, Mexico, United States, Japan? I think these teams are in the second round with a deep sigh of relief and in some regard a sense of satisfaction.

You might see one of the home sides come up with a Senegal/France type upset in round 2, but I think all will be headed home before the Final.

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