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You mean there's more of us crazies up at 2:30 to watch a game? South Korea is getting some incredible work from their midfield.

As for the PK, I would have called it on us too, but I would also have called the shirt grab in the box against Mcbride (okay no I wouldn't call a PK for the U.S. I'm a defender at heart). Friedel's save was incredible. What was Kilmers comment about a goalie getting hot? I hope Arena told them not to expect much in the way offavorable calls. That's not how it works in the world cup, especially against the host country. There's a reason host countries are 32-6-8 going into today's game.

Mathis: He's a finisher, but he looks terrible on the ball if he's more than 20 yards from goal. I guess every team needs a finisher though.

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I was one of the Keller backers, especially for this game. But DAMMMMMMMM, What a job today by Brad.

After watching both of Polands games, I am confident we can wax them. For good measure they lost a couple of guys to cards today as well.

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So I guess at this point, we want Korea to win against Portugal. Is there anybody who watched this game who thinks we should change keepers? I hope not. Did anyone else laugh at the Korean teams impression of speed skaters when they scored?

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that showing by the Koreans was as disgusting as the ill-timed actions of the US track and field team in Sydney when they started flexing for the cameras after winning the gold.

you have to be a person with not a lot going on in life to take a short-track race from months ago and try to use that as motivation to beat another country's team in another sport.

that is as ridiculous as the US trying to psyche out the Poles because we lost a hammer toss competition to them back in the 1992 Barcelona Olympics :laugh: :laugh:

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I don't know, Bulldog. I laughed at the speed skating thing, but I laughed for just the reason you stated. The World Cup is the biggest spoting event in the world. It just seemed funny to me that they needed speed skating as motivation. Can you imagine football players in the superbowl needing a perceived slight from another sport to get motivated. That funny I felt is kind of tempered by a sense of how sad. I guess the speed skating medal was a much bigger deal to them than it was to us.

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there is no question that short track is more popular in Asia than it is in the United States. and you can factor in that the Koreans were not favored to win any other events at the Winter Olympics, so it was their one chance to shine.

that said, the World Cup is a unique event. it carries its own rivalries and history. the Koreans have not been part of that history for the most part and neither has Japan, which just got its first victory in the Cup against the Poles.

as these countries qualify and progress as national programs their responses to game in the World Cup will be framed more by THAT experience and not that brought over from other sports.

One interesting side note: The US has now qualified for the past 4 World Cups, 1990-1994-1998-2002. While CONCACAF has not produced a Cup winner its teams have had a very nice run here in 2002, with no losses so far from Mexico, the US and Costa Rica.

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I was looking at Mexico. With two wins already, if they draw vs. Italy, they win their bracket. I'm not sure about what happens if they lose as both they and Italy will be 2-1. What are th tie breakers? Does it start off at head to head? Given a choice, I'd rather play Mexico than Italy. So if Mexico finishes first, idealy we'd finish second. Okay, so I'm way ahead of myself here. First we still have to qualify.

The Concaf regeon sure has done well. Through 6 games having 4 wins and 2 ties is pretty impressive.

Regardless of what happens on Friday, the U.S. sure has given a much better showing than we did at the last world cup.

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don't fool yourself. there is no question the US and South Korea or whomever advances from the group wants to AVOID Italy. Italy is perhaps one of 3 or 4 legitimate cup favorites and if you watched their game against Croatia you saw that they got robbed of TWO goals that would have provided the winning margin. Even with the loss they will likely advance to the round of 16.

The US and Mexico know each other quite well, although neither squad had its entire roster together for the qualifying matches or friendlies leading up the the 2002 Cup.

That game would be a war for 90 minutes. Still the talent is more evenly spread between the two teams than a matchup with Italy would provide. The Italians have too much strength up the middle and too good of a striker in Vieri to envision the US coming out on top in that scenario.

Besides, we should not be writing off Portugal. The South Koreans have a very difficult assignment against a team that is hopping mad about losing its first game to the US.

It is probable that the Portuguese will defeat the Koreans decisively and finish at 2-1 with a good goal differential from its 4-0 win over Poland.

The US must get a draw against Poland to advance, but a win to finish first in the group.

The likely scenario now is that the US and Portugal will be the teams to advance.

If the Koreans are able to beat Portugal in a do or die game to make the second round, THAT would be a real achievement for them.

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The scenarios are many, but here goes nothing.

To win top seed:

A) US wins/ Korea wins- the US needs to beat Poland by 1 goal more than Korea beats Portugal to get the top seed while at the same time scoring AT least as many goals as Korea does. (EX US wins 3-0, Korea wins 3-2). This takes it to the 2nd tie breaker. Further, if the US wins by 2 or more goals more than Korea wins by.

B) US wins/ Korea loses or ties

C) US wins and Korea loses to Portugal

To advance as second seed:

A) US wins and Korea wins but US fails to make up Goal differential.

B) US Ties Poland- Regardless of what happens in the other game, the US will have the 2 seed.

C) US loses, here is where it gets interesting (or scary?)

---1) Korea beats Portugal= US advances

---2) Korea and Portugal Tie= US does not advance. There is no scenario where they can advance with a tie in that game if we lose.

---3) Portugal beats Korea by 2 goals more than the US loses to Poland by.

---4) Portugal beats Korea by 1 goal more than the US loses to Poland by AND Korea does NOT score more than 1 goal MORE than the US scores vs Poland.

Got it? There will be a quiz later.

FYI, Head to head is not used in any of the tie breakers above.

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talk about psychedelic?

How about the hair color of the Japanese players!

blonde, brunette, redheads...........what is up with the Japanese?

not one guy wearing a natural 'do' :laugh:

maybe they all got drunk the last night before the World Cup and instead of tattoos ended up with haircuts :D

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Should us sane, but trying to understand you soccer fans, types equate this late night viewing to those geeks who stood in lines for months for the Star Wars movies?

I mean I understand trying to get some american pride behind a sport that makes me :snore: but 3 AM for a 1-1 game better be for the Title and even then I can wait for the rebroadcast like they are doing now for the Portugal poland game.

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You should view us with similar awe/respect/pity to those who would stand in line all night for Redskin playoff tickets.

The only difference is, we get a little nationalism to boost our fan fever.

IN addition, I would guess there are a heck of a lot more people in the world who would stand in line all night for world cup tickets than there are who would stand in line for Skins playoff tickets.

Maybe an apt comparrison would be like we are AZ Cards fans whose team has just made the playoffs. Of course the playoff game isn't at home, so we do what we can to watch because who knows when the next time we'll see our team make it this far will be. Now just imagine if the Cards upset Greenbay in round 1 of the playoffs. Most people in AZ might stay say "you mean we have a football team?" However those few, those proud fans, would be in heaven. That's the U.S. soccer fans story this world cup. We might go out in the next game, but the team has already done so much more than we expected.

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Dave, if every nation on Earth played American football, and every four years there was a tournament for the top 32 teams from around the globe for the true World Championship, and the NFL all-star team qualified from our region, and went to represent the U.S. in the tournament when it was being held on the other side of the world, and say LaVar Arrington and Stephen Davis were starters on the team, and one of their games happened to start at 2 in the morning... would you watch?


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I think exposure at a young age has a lot to do with how yo view certain sports. My father travelled a lot in his engineering business when I was a kid and I lived outside of the US for a time and played soccer first. The rest of the sports came later.

So in that way I don't see anything strange about going crazy for the World Cup, it is bigger than the Olympics in many parts of the globe. Businesses shut down as do stock exchanges and schools.

It is like taking the Super Bowl and World Series and then multiplying it by 5.

What has changed in the past 4-5 years is that for the first time you can talk to people around the world about American soccer and you don't get a laugh or a polite smile.

I just came back from a trip to Europe and watched the 3-2 win over Portugal in a bar full of fans in Denmark who were themselves in the Cup Finals. It was the most shocked room of sports fans I have seen in some time :laugh:

Before the game I said the US was going to have to play its best game but had a chance to hang in there and be competitive against Portugal, but there were no takers.

Afterwards a Danish guy came up to us and shouted 'congratulations Uncle Sam you did it'................:silly:

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Dave, if every nation on Earth played American football, and every four years there was a tournament for the top 32 teams from around the globe for the true World Championship, and the NFL all-star team qualified from our region, and went to represent the U.S. in the tournament when it was being held on the other side of the world, and say LaVar Arrington and Stephen Davis were starters on the team, and one of their games happened to start at 2 in the morning... would you watch?

Om, this would be the absolute $hit. We need to make this happen. I distribute the footballs, you take care of the pamphlets. We should have this rolling by 2k4.

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Hmmm. Considering the.........emotional nature of some of the fas across the oceans, I'm wondering if maybe helmet distribution,(for the fans of course), would be prudent?

Though really haven't watched much of the world cup, yea, I am probably missing something grand, I know some of you are. Here's some stuff from the BBC.


And a fun little piece from our friends at ESPN


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