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Guest fuji869

Very interesting, I was listening to Mark Brunnell on Fox Sports Radio yesterday and he sounded like he was going to stay in Jacksonville but you know you can not say certain things on the Air?????

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The only reason for Brunell to stay there is loyalty to the community. The team is going down the toilet, his best friend is all but gone to another team, and his relationship with Coughlin has never been that great. I don't know what his relationship is with Weaver, but if he's negotiating with some unknown in the organization, it must not be very close.<br /><br />Brunell can easily force the team's hand here. Maybe he's not the type of guy to do that, but I heard him interviewed on the Sports Junkies the other night. He didn't sound like a guy too optimistic about the Jags upcoming future. That team will not be making a Super Bowl in Brunell's career. I would be very surprised if he offered the team cap relief.<br /><br />My hunch he is obtainable for the right offer. Dan/SOS/Joe/Vinnie need to find the right offer.

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whether it comes off or not, at least the media is now focusing attention on legitimate avenues to resolve our quarterback dilemma.<br /><br /> a couple of weeks ago all I was hearing were names like Jim Miller and Jay Fiedler, names that made me shudder and have visions of another 8-8 season with a limited qb that needed to be spoon fed the offense in small doses.

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I dunno, DH, from what I read, everything is still in the "hopeful" stage.<br /><br />As the article states explicitly, Brunnell holds most of the cards. He just has to refuse to re-negotiate and he gets his out.<br /><br />Would he do this? If Boselli stays, absolutely not. If Boselli is in Texas, then he has to look at the kind of team that will be put together (particularly the O-line) and realize that for his own health, there are better places to be.<br /><br />Never underestimate the ability of human beings to feel betrayed, and for their friends to feel empathy for them.<br /><br />Weaver's saying the right things, because it would be murder on his ticket base to admit now that both Brunell and Boselli are going to be gone. He needs spin time.<br /><br />You'll notice, of course, that the spin continued even within this article, with the info on the SuperBowl bid....

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Does it really matter what Weaver says? All Brunnell has to do to get out of there is refuse to play, flat out. That will get you gone in a hurry. I'm sure Weaver is just babbling to avoid totally ruining the franchise. You can't keep a player that doesn't want to be there. Weaver doesn't want him either. He just wants him to save his as*. I feel sorry for that city. A team that was nearly in the SuperBowl just a couple of years ago is now totally screwed due to the cap. Sound familiar?

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Brunell will probably wait to see how the Boselli situation shakes out before he makes any final decisions. Like everything else we've seen from the media, we'll just have to wait and see what's genuine and what's bull$#!t. For now, I fully expect him to say he loves Jacksonville, simply because he's there. If he ends up staying there he doesn't want to alienate the fan base; if he moves, his new fans won't care what he said before. It's just good PR.<br /><br />BTW, did anyone notice that the writer of the Times-Union article was Vito Stellino, the old Redskin-hater supreme from Baltimore? I can remember Joe Gibbs ridiculing him mercilessly at press conferences ("OK everybody, Vito wants to ask a stupid question now..."). When did that idiot leave the Sun?

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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif"> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> Diesel hopefully you meant we avoid a mistake by NOT signing Bledsoe.<br /><br />If we trade for an immobiile fragile 100 million dollar QB I'm gonna pray that we play San Diego in the Preseason so we can experience a Trent Green 1999-2K moment <br /> </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">If the Pats don't get the offer they want.. (2-1st rounders) they will more then likely sit on him this year and release him next. To release or trade Blodsoe will cost them an extra 1 million (6 mil to 7 Mil). Next year i believe he has a huge roster bonus. That gives the Pats the ability to sit on him. Brunnell is our more likely choice. Another possiblity I see is, gasp, Troy Aikman. If Synder tries to find a big name QB, all bets are off.

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QB is one position where Spurrier gets his say.<br /><br />Unless Spurrier wants a veteran like Bledsoe or Brunnell; the Skins aren't going in that direction.<br /><br />I still hold to the belief the Skins sign a vetern caretaker for 1-2 years and the Skins draft a rookie QB to groom to take over.

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RDSKNS2000, I am with you on that, and if we are talking already, at least in minimum to Jeff Blake, we are definitely NOT signing a Bledsoe or a Brunell. I am sure after being on Florida on Sundays, other than golf, Spurrier has seen enough of Brunell and frankly at this point in his career, he's not as interested, as is Cerrato or Mendes.<br /><br />What Spurrier is doing is what you expect in one regard, go a little slow his first season, to introduce his intentions, and the next put the cornerstone's in place, not rush to appease us for a year (knowing we're still hurting and hungry from the lean and dry years, and miscues in the good ones). If he did that, he might as well for tops everything like 2000. No he's working with what he has in place, but he's not making INSTANT COFFEE. This is going to be long drink of truth that bears fruit in the second year maybe more than we could ever have imagined.<br /><br />Spurrier's looking at Grossman for next year and putting the player packages together to get him, if necessary. Shhhh. <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" />

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But this team has the talent to win now. It just needs a few pieces. A Fast WR, DT, G, and a competent QB puts us in the playoffs. Well, a competent QB puts in the playoffs this year. Next year, it's not unforseeable to see Spurrier get the Skins to the playoffs. Not that i'm expecting it, just saying it's a good possiblity with the right Qb.

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But this team has the talent to win now. It just needs a few pieces. A Fast WR, DT, G, and a competent QB puts us in the playoffs. Well, a competent QB puts in the playoffs this year. Next year, it's not unforseeable to see Spurrier get the Skins to the playoffs. Not that i'm expecting it, just saying it's a good possiblity with the right Qb.

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well,,,,,one of my dreams said we would get Brunell, and (dont shoot me plz) George....<br />i just have this feeling that George would be a perfect fit in Spurriers offence ....and i say snatch him up while he is cheap.....and go for a Bledsoe or (hopefully) Brunell....we have to at least give George a tryout with this offence ...<br /><br />Just my thoughts

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