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WP: Gibbs, Cerrato Disagree


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Fellas, fellas, its all smoke and mirrors baby, smoke and mirrors. The closer the draft the more rumors and speculations will be thrown around. Every team is jockeying for position, the real talk is behind close doors and on the outside their feeding the media something to print.

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Originally posted by budski

Fellas, fellas, its all smoke and mirrors baby, smoke and mirrors. The closer the draft the more rumors and speculations will be thrown around. Every team is jockeying for position, the real talk is behind close doors and on the outside their feeding the media something to print.

Don't tell us, tell the Post. :)

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Originally posted by tr1

Maybe I'm missing something, but it looks like the Redskins did talk to the Raiders and now the possible deal is off.

What is troublesome is the canard by the Post to pit the FO against itself.

Right. The story itself doesn't bother me. The Cerrato vs. Gibbs stuff does.

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The Redskins are just exploring their options. They are just contacting teams and seeing what they can get and developing their draft strategy. I see Gibbs wanting options for Saturday. If they decide to trade down you have to figure they want an idea of who to trade with and what they get to trade down.

The skins are not the only team doing this. Many of the top10 teams including Miami, San Fran, Minn and Tampa are exploring their options about trading up or down.

I like that the skins are testing the market before the draft and continuing to develope their draft strategy.

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Calm down, peoples. Geez. Here's what clearly happened:

1. La Canfora took what he had from sources about the Buchanon thing to Gibbs.

2. Gibbs gave a non-denial answer, where he traditionally gives a denial answer. [This could mean many things - I suspect it means that Oakland called, and the FO hung up]

3. La Canfora goes with the story that this option has been discussed. This story does not say that the Skins are GOING to make that trade - just that it's an option on the table.

4. Cerrato issues a statement saying the Skins aren't going to do anything of the sort, that the option is not on the table.

5. La Canfora and Maske (Snyder's puppy dog) write a piece to cover the bases on the initial story.

So by my count, that brings the official COVERING MY ASS story count to:

La Canfora: 1

Nunyo: 13,452


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Originally posted by BD

Calm down, peoples. Geez. Here's what clearly happened:

1. La Canfora took what he had from sources about the Buchanon thing to Gibbs.

Are those Nunyo's so called "leauge sources" as well? You know how those always pan out for Nunyo.

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Originally posted by TK-IV II I

Are those Nunyo's so called "leauge sources" as well? You know how those always pan out for Nunyo.

Dude, I hope not.

We all prefer La Canfora's stories that actually quote people involved to Nunyo's "league sources... that I pulled off of ESPN message boards" stories.

Gotta nip that. Nip it in the bud.


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Originally posted by Om

Out of curiosity, why? You don't think it bothers them, do you?

It might bother Gibbs a little but maybe not at all. And the reason I say that is that Gibbs has gone to great lengths this offseason to disspell several media reports that were untrue. And he seemed a little bothered by those reports.

It bothers ME, because I think insinuating that the two are at odds or pitting Cerrato vs. Gibbs is a reach, based on what we know. THAT part of the story seems to be more directly tied to the pissing match that the WP and the team have engaged in and less rooted in truth. I would rather have a media outlet like the WP not take such leaps so that I know I can rely on accurate information in the future as I did with Maske.

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Originally posted by TK-IV II I

Are those Nunyo's so called "leauge sources" as well? You know how those always pan out for Nunyo.

But didn't Maske do the same thing? They wouldn't be sources very long if you named them all the time.

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Originally posted by Tulane Skins Fan

will you guys stop kissing the organization's butt so much? please, everyone. the fact that ANYONE in the front office thinks that getting buchanon for anything involving our first pick is just flat out embarassing.

we can't get a third round pick for an underachieving former first rounder, and now we are gonna trade our first round pick for one? thats ridiculous!

And that's the rub, isn't it, Tulane Skins Fan. You believe the organization has considered getting Buchanon for something perhaps involving our first round pick. This is factually untrue. That conversation has never been initiated by the team or considered. Yet, the Post reported it, so, you attach a negative view of our front office for something they never have done simply because you saw it reported as a hypothetical that could happen in discussions that are wide ranging.

That's YOUR problem. No one else is to blame for recognizing the flaws and wondering why the Post is behaving this way. We're not kissing the organization's butt either, though, as fans, that would certainly be the direction we should default to absent clear evidence of error.

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Originally posted by tr1

Maybe I'm missing something, but it looks like the Redskins did talk to the Raiders and now the possible deal is off.

What is troublesome is the canard by the Post to pit the FO against itself.

The Redskins HAVE spoken to the Raiders. About Buchanon even. At no point have the Redskins considered giving up No. 9 in a deal for Buchanon however.

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Great scoop there, Jason and Mark! :thumbsup: (sarcasm)

I sure wish they would start reporting on something useful...say how many toilets are there at Fed Ex?

Which are the most used?

To pit anything against someone who works with/for Joe Gibbs is an exercise in futility. The man always has a plan!

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Originally posted by DB44

Great scoop there, Jason and Mark! :thumbsup: (sarcasm)

I sure wish they would start reporting on something useful...say how many toilets are there at Fed Ex?

Which are the most used?

I want to know how many people actually sit on them, what percentage lay toilet paper on the seat and how many pull a crouching tiger

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Originally posted by Art

The Redskins HAVE spoken to the Raiders. About Buchanon even. At no point have the Redskins considered giving up No. 9 in a deal for Buchanon however.

Thank you for setting the record straight. What do you think would be fair compensation for Buchanon?

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Originally posted by FLSKINSFAN

Thank you for setting the record straight. What do you think would be fair compensation for Buchanon?

You said the same thing earlier. Good work.

Personally, I could live with giving up a third-rounder for Buchanon, but would like to talk it further down if possible.

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Originally posted by Posse81

It might bother Gibbs a little but maybe not at all. And the reason I say that is that Gibbs has gone to great lengths this offseason to disspell several media reports that were untrue. And he seemed a little bothered by those reports.

It bothers ME, because I think insinuating that the two are at odds or pitting Cerrato vs. Gibbs is a reach, based on what we know. THAT part of the story seems to be more directly tied to the pissing match that the WP and the team have engaged in and less rooted in truth. I would rather have a media outlet like the WP not take such leaps so that I know I can rely on accurate information in the future as I did with Maske.

Gibbs has been vocal in the recent past about trying to correct certain reports ... but we've also seen a shift of late where the team is far more proactive in quickly and decisively responding to inaccurate reporting through releases. This shift in approach may well BE the result of Gibbs' earlier annoyance and the decision not to simply allow unchallenged inaccurate reports to rule the airwaves. If so, I think it speaks well to how quickly the organization has mobilized around a new approach.

As to the rest ... we may never know the REAL story behind the Posts' shift in attitude and seeming inability to find the target anymore. What we DO know is that the team is speaking out about it to an extent we've never seen before. Frankly, I find it refreshing as hell ... and I also can't help but think that on some level, there may even be some bunker-mentality aspects of this at the Park actually serving to bring people there together, as opposed to pushing them apart.

Wishful thinking? Maybe .... maybe not. :)

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Personally, I could live with giving up a third-rounder for Buchanon, but would like to talk it further down if possible.

That sounds about right. I'm just looking for educated opinions, considering I haven't seen any of Buchanon since he was drafted by the Raiders.

While at Miami he seemed to have a similar skill set to Pacman, I could see him as a good fit.

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