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Illinois governor: No delays in birth control prescriptions


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CHICAGO, Illinois (AP) -- Gov. Rod Blagojevich approved an emergency rule Friday requiring pharmacies to fill birth control prescriptions quickly after a Chicago pharmacist refused to fill an order because of moral opposition to the drug.

The emergency rule takes effect immediately for 150 days while the administration seeks a permanent rule.

"Our regulation says that if a woman goes to a pharmacy with a prescription for birth control, the pharmacy or the pharmacist is not allowed to discriminate or to choose who he sells it to," Blagojevich said. "No delays. No hassles. No lectures."

Under the new rule, if a pharmacist does not fill the prescription because of a moral objection, another pharmacist must be available to fill it without delay.

The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation has also filed a formal complaint against the Chicago Osco pharmacy for the February 23 incident.

The pharmacy was cited for "failing to provide appropriate pharmaceutical care to a patient." Penalties could include a fine, reprimand or revocation of the pharmacy's license.

An Osco spokeswoman did not immediately return a call Friday.

Steve Trombley, CEO for Planned Parenthood in Chicago, praised the state's efforts.

"When medical professionals write prescriptions for their patients, they are acting in their patients' best interests," Trombley said. "A pharmacist's personal views cannot intrude on the relationship between a woman and her doctor."

The Chicago pharmacist was not the first to attract attention for refusing to fill a birth control prescription.

In February, a judge recommended that a Roman Catholic pharmacist in Wisconsin be reprimanded and required to attend ethics classes after the pharmacist blocked a woman's attempt to fill a prescription for birth control pills in 2002.


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Ahhh the loopholes.. The art of being tough without toughness.

Under the new rule, if a pharmacist does not fill the prescription because of a moral objection, another pharmacist must be available to fill it without delay.

Don't forget that when a pharm tells you the doctor gave you medication that goes against you other medication and can kill you. The Legislation just said: No lectures, just do it cause the doctor said so with the best wishes of the patient.

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So now we can prevent business owners from running their businesses the way the see fit. What a shame. I have no problem with birth control pills. But, if it is truly against your religion, as a business owner, you shouldn't be forced to sell them. I'm sure there were other pharmacies she could go to.

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Originally posted by stevenaa

So now we can prevent business owners from running their businesses the way the see fit. What a shame. I have no problem with birth control pills. But, if it is truly against your religion, as a business owner, you shouldn't be forced to sell them. I'm sure there were other pharmacies she could go to.

This is a business, a product, not church or sunday school. A pharmacist job is to give a person the product they are perscribed. That's they're job, screw their moral beliefs. Is THEY don't like it, they need another profession.

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its still just a product and still just a business.

The fear that caused the legislation perhaps is based in a one pharm town, and dont want that one pharmacist having moral control over the whole town? Thats all about I can figure out.

I know this, if I was a pharmacist there and all the other pharmacies were opting not to sell birth control devices. I would invest in a huge neon sign flashing "birth control sold here".

Although the guy should have just refused to fill it out right, the article makes it sound like he took the script and just sent it to the circular file. Which is wrong if thats how it happend.

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"This is a business, a product, not church or sunday school. A pharmacist job is to give a person the product they are perscribed. That's they're job, screw their moral beliefs. Is THEY don't like it, they need another profession."

I don't believe in his conviction, but in this country we have the right to our religious beliefs. If I own a convenience store, I can't be forced to sell alcohol if it's against my religious beliefs. This is no different. This isn't a case of someone being denied a health perscription. Birth control is a choice, not a medical necessity. (at least in most cases.)

Maybe you should consider being "tollerant" of his beliefs.

I sure would be nice to see people rant and rave about how we should be tolerant of peoples religious views. Because we are quick to tell the religious to be tolerant of others views. IE. homosexuality, abortion and such. Maybe we should lose the double standard.

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Originally posted by stevenaa

"This is a business, a product, not church or sunday school. A pharmacist job is to give a person the product they are perscribed. That's they're job, screw their moral beliefs. Is THEY don't like it, they need another profession."

I don't believe in his conviction, but in this country we have the right to our religious beliefs. If I own a convenience store, I can't be forced to sell alcohol if it's against my religious beliefs. This is no different. This isn't a case of someone being denied a health perscription. Birth control is a choice, not a medical necessity. (at least in most cases.)

Maybe you should consider being "tollerant" of his beliefs.

I sure would be nice to see people rant and rave about how we should be tolerant of peoples religious views. Because we are quick to tell the religious to be tolerant of others views. IE. homosexuality, abortion and such. Maybe we should lose the double standard.

I don't like that a pharmacists can decide whether or not to give someone a drug that they are perscribed. They don't have to sell alcohol, but when it comes to birth control, I really wish they'd just mind they're own business. As conservative as this country is becoming, I'm glad this situation was squashed quick before it got any bigger.

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It wasnt squished.. notice it says fine or someone else there has to fill it...

I think they should put up a sign that says we don't do "birth control". That way you can go to the other 60 "Rite Aids" / "Giants" / Shoppers / etc. etc...

In a small town that only has ONE shop it shouldnt be an option...

Because then its not an Option.. its a mandate...

See how easy it is to be tolerant of everyones decision...

Where in the law does it say "Rite Aid" has to accept a perscription from xyz? Its a retail business with a pharmacy...

*Im pro birth control, but also pro freedom of speech.* If there is anyway to fix both i'm all for it...

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I ceretainly don't have a problem with it ....at all...when religious freaks try and impose their will on people that is one thing I really hate.....if pharmacy doesn't want to carry birth control pills thats fine with me, that their right but I don't want my girlfriend going into a store to pick up her birth control pills and be berated by some bible thumping idiot.....

FYI this is a bill for a specific purpose....no other......sure you can say what if?...but....thats just an excuse...

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Originally posted by Funkyalligator

I ceretainly don't have a problem with it ....at all...when religious freaks try and impose their will on people that is one thing I really hate.....if pharmacy doesn't want to carry birth control pills thats fine with me, that their right but I don't want my girlfriend going into a store to pick up her birth control pills and be berated by some bible thumping idiot.....

FYI this is a bill for a specific purpose....no other......sure you can say what if?...but....thats just an excuse...

I agree with your idea, but I don't think the government should be making laws forcing businesses to sell a particular thing, even if the religious nutjobs want to berate the would be customers.

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I'm thinking that the correct solution for a pharmacist who refuses to fill a birth controll prescription is a pink slip from the owner of the drug store.

There is a term for people who have the authority to decide who does and doesn't need a prescription. They're called doctors.

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Originally posted by stevenaa

So now we can prevent business owners from running their businesses the way the see fit. What a shame. I have no problem with birth control pills. But, if it is truly against your religion, as a business owner, you shouldn't be forced to sell them. I'm sure there were other pharmacies she could go to.

I remember when business owners were not forced to sell to black or Jewish people, and some claimed it as moral/religious reasons also. AS i recall Jerry Flawell did not allow blacks in his church in the early 60's and he used the bible for his reasoning.

pharmacies are there to fill your prescriptions regardless of their personal beliefs, they should only refuse if there is a conflict in the medications. My wife takes birth control, but she takes it as hormone therapy not to prevent pregnancy

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