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Question about Michael Schiavo


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Originally posted by Zen-like Todd

I find it amusing that so many people choose to question Michael Schiavo's motives simply because they themselves embrace a pro-life philosophy and don't want to see her taken off the tube on principle. At least be honest with yourselves, it has nothing to do with the situation, and everything to do with your own personal beliefs.

You including me in this, Todd? Just wondering?

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Hes a sketchy figure....one of schiavos nurses said that he is a very mean man, and seems to have "other priorities".....also the allegations of abuse were rose years ago by the family, not just now....doesnt it seem plausible that Michael perhaps did contribute to Terri's current condition? also it has been reported in the past week that Terri has made SUBSTANTIAL progress...PROGRESS....my mom who works at a hospital said that this vegetable term doesnt apply, shes seen vegetable patients....Terri responds to stimulus in a much more responsive manner, she is NOT a vegetable, if she was she would hardly respond....THIS is why her family is so upset....also Terri can swallow now (reported a while back, just heard it last nite on tv) on her own, albeit not as efficiently as us but its progress.....why wont this HUSBAND let her family take care of HER!?!??!...its cuz theres something dark at work here, nothing can convince me otherwise....oh and to Terri's wishes, how bout Michael being quoted by his testimony that he "doesnt know what Terri would want"......personally i think the man is afraid that she will talk one day (she has made progress through vocal noises and such) by some miracle......its his agenda thats at work here, not Terri's and certainly not her REAL family's

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Originally posted by footballhenry

Hes a sketchy figure....one of schiavos nurses said that he is a very mean man, and seems to have "other priorities".....also the allegations of abuse were rose years ago by the family, not just now....doesnt it seem plausible that Michael perhaps did contribute to Terri's current condition? also it has been reported in the past week that Terri has made SUBSTANTIAL progress...PROGRESS....my mom who works at a hospital said that this vegetable term doesnt apply, shes seen vegetable patients....Terri responds to stimulus in a much more responsive manner, she is NOT a vegetable, if she was she would hardly respond....THIS is why her family is so upset....also Terri can swallow now (reported a while back, just heard it last nite on tv) on her own, albeit not as efficiently as us but its progress.....why wont this HUSBAND let her family take care of HER!?!??!...its cuz theres something dark at work here, nothing can convince me otherwise....oh and to Terri's wishes, how bout Michael being quoted by his testimony that he "doesnt know what Terri would want"......personally i think the man is afraid that she will talk one day (she has made progress through vocal noises and such) by some miracle......its his agenda thats at work here, not Terri's and certainly not her REAL family's

These "reports" are not true. She doesn't respond to anything, she can not swallow, sha has made no progress at all for at least eleven years. None. People are saying this stuff, but it has no basis in reality orther than the fact that it gets repeated.

In short, people are just making thing up right and left, and you are swallowing it all, hook, line and sinker.

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What is to slander??

Two nurses appeared on tv with her brother and brought up the relationships with the other women. The question is will their afidavits be ignored (I say yes).

It is known that he has two kids with the woman he is shacking up with.

It is known that the mother wants to take care of her daughter

It is known that its not costing hubby(?) anything as far as her healthcare.

And it is in your Washington post that he plans on creamating her instead of letting the parents bury her.

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Originally posted by Predicto

These "reports" are not true. She doesn't respond to anything, she can not swallow, sha has made no progress at all for at least eleven years. None. People are saying this stuff, but it has no basis in reality orther than the fact that it gets repeated.

In short, people are just making thing up right and left, and you are swallowing it all, hook, line and sinker.

How do you know they are not true?

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Originally posted by NavyDave

What is to slander??

Two nurses appeared on tv with her brother and brought up the relationships with the other women. The question is will their afidavits be ignored (I say yes).

It is known that he has two kids with the woman he is shacking up with.

It is known that the mother wants to take care of her daughter

It is known that its not costing hubby(?) anything as far as her healthcare.

And it is in your Washington post that he plans on creamating her instead of letting the parents bury her.

You suggested with your "accident" in quotes that Michael Schiavo somehow put her in this vegetative state. That is COMPLETELY unsupported. Nothing you posted supports this, and none of what you posted is remotely convincing of any degradation of character on his part, despite what you may wish to believe. Again, you are letting your personal preference influence your ability to objectively assess a situation. Until you are capable of separating your preference from the actual objective analysis of evidence, you will continue to make flawed judgements.

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Originally posted by Johnny Punani

How do you know they are not true?

Wouldnt the better question be to ask footballhenry to provide some links to support the assertions he made?

Otherwise, I could just say...

"Johnny Punani hangs out with Michael Jackson and little boys at Neverland Ranch, its true. Two of the monkeyhandlers and the guy who tends to the corpse of the Elephant Man told me so".

And someone would say "that's not true"

And Johnny Punani would say.. "how do you know that's not true?"

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Originally posted by Zen-like Todd

Wouldnt the better question be to ask footballhenry to provide some links to support the assertions he made?

Otherwise, I could just say...

"Johnny Punani hangs out with Michael Jackson and little boys at Neverland Ranch, its true. Two of the monkeyhandlers and the guy who tends to the corpse of the Elephant Man told me so".

And someone would say "that's not true"

And Johnny Punani would say.. "how do you know that's not true?"

That's why I asked him the question in the first place asshat.

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Originally posted by Johnny Punani

That's why I asked him the question in the first place asshat.

Thanks for the name calling. Just because you got smacked around in the other thread is no reason to stoop so low.

You made two posts after footballhenry's post. Neither were directed to henry. So, we have pathetic namecalling, and complete fantasy on your part. You are two for two. Nice job.

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Originally posted by Oldskool

what happens to the cash if Terri dies? Michael’s pockets…

He offered in 2000 to donate all remaing funds to charity after her case is resolved, last I heard it was about 40-50,000 in the fund.

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What flawed judgement?

The only ones who knows what actually happened are hubby and and a lady that is slowly and cowardly being killed in a way that would bring outrage from libs if this would happen to terrorist,a guy on deathrow or a beached dolphin.

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Why does Michael care whether or not she has the feeding tube or not? It's not like he is having trouble getting over his WIFE being in this veggie state. Let the parents take over caring for her and let them be. Now if that is not going to happen, don't let her starve to death. At least do it humanely and inject her but regardless on whether or not she feels pian or not, to starve to death is inhumane. You know PETA would be all over this if Terry were an Elephant( not that it has anything to do with this but its just somethin I was thinking about).

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Originally posted by Zen-like Todd

Thanks for the name calling. Just because you got smacked around in the other thread is no reason to stoop so low.

You made two posts after footballhenry's post. Neither were directed to henry. So, we have pathetic namecalling, and complete fantasy on your part. You are two for two. Nice job.

You can also keep your delusions of grandeur to yourself.

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Originally posted by NavyDave

What flawed judgement?

The only ones who knows what actually happened are hubby and and a lady that is slowly and cowardly being killed in a way that would bring outrage from libs if this would happen to terrorist,a guy on deathrow or a beached dolphin.

1) You clearly have not kept up with the case.

2) Feeding tubes are removed around the country every day of the year.

3) Trying to call me a "liberal" just highlights your preference for knee-jerk responses over actual logical consideration. I'm not a "liberal". Not that your incorrect assertion is relevant to the conversation at hand.

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Originally posted by NavyDave

What flawed judgement?

The only ones who knows what actually happened are hubby and and a lady that is slowly and cowardly being killed in a way that would bring outrage from libs if this would happen to terrorist,a guy on deathrow or a beached dolphin.

Thats funnny I didnt even read your post before I posted my Previous. Reffering to my PETA statement and your Liberal statement. Which also makes me wonder where the ACLU is right about now? They will take on anything with a liberal spin , but when conservative veiws are involved they are nowhere to be found. " Well Isn't That Special ?"- Church Lady(SNL)

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Originally posted by Art

He didn't stick around for 15 years, Chomerics. He took another woman and had two kids by her and, had he actually MARRIED her, we wouldn't be having any of this discussion.

Sorry it took a while to get back to you Art, but here is my thoughts on your stance.

First, yes he has been with another woman for 10 years, but he has also never forgotten his wife. He has never given up on her. The easy thing would have been to give custody of her to her parents, the hard thing would be to keep fighting for her.

Second, he tried like hell to get her all the rehabilitation he could for the first seven years of her condition, it was only after this was determined to be ineffective did he fight to remove her feeding tube.

Finally, by keeping up the fight, he IS sticking with his wife. Personally, if I was in Terri's position, I would never expect my wife to be celebate for 15 years, I would expect her to go on with her life. I would want her to do exactly what he is doing.

Just because he has another life does not make him a bad man, it only makes him human. The fact that he is keeping up the fight shows the love he has for his wife.

Sorry if others have posted something similar, I haven't read past your reply.

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Originally posted by NavyDave

What flawed judgement?

The only ones who knows what actually happened are hubby and and a lady that is slowly and cowardly being killed in a way that would bring outrage from libs if this would happen to terrorist,a guy on deathrow or a beached dolphin.

If he wanted her dead in the first place as some people were suggesting- The night she collasped on the floor at thier home. He could have just left her there and then latter claim to wake up and found her dead on the floor.

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Originally posted by chomerics

Second, he tried like hell to get her all the rehabilitation he could for the first seven years of her condition, it was only after this was determined to be ineffective did he fight to remove her feeding tube.


From the reports I have read she was kicked out of one of the Rehad programs because she was not responding to anything- so they declared her no longer a canidate for rehabilitation?

Is that true they can kick you out like that to make room for someone else?

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Originally posted by NavyDave

What is to slander??

Two nurses appeared on tv with her brother and brought up the relationships with the other women. The question is will their afidavits be ignored (I say yes).

It is known that he has two kids with the woman he is shacking up with.

It is known that the mother wants to take care of her daughter

It is known that its not costing hubby(?) anything as far as her healthcare.

And it is in your Washington post that he plans on creamating her instead of letting the parents bury her.

Why is it so shocking that maybe a daughters ideals and beliefs are more in line with her husband's then her parents?

Case in point I, personally don't believe in being kept alive by a machine, nor would I want to put my husband through exactly what this guy is being put through. I also am actually opposed to burials, as I deem it a waste of land. I want to be cremated. My husband fully understands and respects my decisions, probably the reason I married him as we tend to see things very much the same.

But knowing all the laws and actions surrounding living wills, I decided it would be smart to inform my mother of my decisions, in case it should ever be an issue. My mother is a devout Catholic, and basically couldn't understand any of this and didn't want to hear it. I love my mother dearly, but we view a LOT of things very differently. Knowing how strong her feelings were, and how strong mine were, I've taken the step to actually add to my living will an order of Custody that goes 4 people deep and my mother is not on the list. All 4 inidividuals know my intentions clearly and I update the will yearly, so no argument can be made as to my "current" state of mind.

I've tried to ensure my mother can NOT put my husband through hell, because she believes differently then I do.

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Originally posted by SkinsNut73

You make it sound like he's been sitting beside her bedside for 15 years. He didn't even bother showing up the day they removed the tubes. And let's be realistic here...he started the "affair" with this other woman 1 1/2 yrs after the incident. It's not like he sat around for 10 years and then decided to move on...

Umm, he started the affair after 5 years, not 1 1/2. Look at your sources, there is no testimony, only things like "this was taken from the transcript". I'll need to see the transcript before I believe it.

I'm not saying he's the worst husband to ever walk the face of the planet...but there's enough doubt in my mind to question whether or not he is sincere...

No, I have see you call him a scumbag and other things, so your opinion of him should not count in this situation.

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Originally posted by Doozinbrah

Thats funnny I didnt even read your post before I posted my Previous. Reffering to my PETA statement and your Liberal statement. Which also makes me wonder where the ACLU is right about now? They will take on anything with a liberal spin , but when conservative veiws are involved they are nowhere to be found. " Well Isn't That Special ?"- Church Lady(SNL)

Whose civil rights do you want the ACLU to step in and protect?

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