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The Office - American version of hit TV series from UK


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Anyone catch it last night?

I thought it was pretty good, the American transfer might prove to be worth watching. It was cool seeing how the script was reworked to fit our sense of humor,

the BBC version will always rule though

watch it next week if you missed it, check local listings for day and time

BBC, UK version link:http://www.bbc.co.uk/comedy/theoffice/

our own version:http://www.nbc.com/nbc/The_Office/

I'll add the American version to my DVD collection for sure

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The BBC Office is probably my all time favorite TV series. Watching David operate thru his day was like watching a train wreck....you felt bad for him, but it was too entertaining to not watch :) I tried to explain the appeal of the series to a lot of friends of mine and usually failed miserably. They just didn't seem to get it. I watched about 10 minutes of the American pilot tonight and Tivo'ed the rest. I was kind of surprised that they basically just copied an entire script from the BBS version. I hope it's half as good as the original.

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I did like what I saw last night; but I don't see why NBC doesn't just air the BBC's version of the Office. Are Brits really that hard to understand for the avg. American? (I don't think so)

What's the deal with the ports of shows -- seems like a bit of a flawed concept to me.

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Originally posted by jpillian

I did like what I saw last night; but I don't see why NBC doesn't just air the BBC's version of the Office. Are Brits really that hard to understand for the avg. American? (I don't think so)

What's the deal with the ports of shows -- seems like a bit of a flawed concept to me.

English humor doesn’t translate into the American language very easily. You have to practically rewrite each scene for the pratfalls and jokes so that they are understood by the audience.

Also the average TV viewer in the Midwest isn’t used to hearing a middle class, London based English accent.

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Originally posted by jpillian

I did like what I saw last night; but I don't see why NBC doesn't just air the BBC's version of the Office. Are Brits really that hard to understand for the avg. American? (I don't think so)

I can't imagine the majority of the episode where Gareth is performing his investigation to ferret out who created the picture(s) of David escaping censors in the States post-Janet Jackson. No way no how. They'd have to beep out a good portion of the jokes. Thank goodness that BBCAmerica leaves it alone (so far as I can tell).

Originally posted by unsonny

anyone here pickup "The Young Ones" on dvd?

I did - and I love it madly :)

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