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coleman gone


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i for one am not upset coleman is gone--he is 32--he is on the down ward side of his career--our defense is getting younger every day




smith 39








not bad--we are getting younger--

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Not sure if I can agree with you. Coleman was bitten by the injury bug last year and still was able to provide our defensive unit with a lift when he came back to spark last seasons second half rally.

Coleman is a warrior and a leader in the locker room. I think he's got at least two if not three productive years left and I would really hate to see him go.

He's definitely not worth what he's scheduled to make this year, but if he agrees to have his cap number reduced I'm all for keeping him around.

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To me Coleman's value is more in leadership and locker room influence than it is in on the field performance, and at his slated salary, that is too much to pay a man for those qualities when taking the salary cap into consideration. I would love to keep Coleman around, but if he's unwilling to take a paycut, we will be forced to cut him.

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Getting younger and faster is all to the good, but experience counts too. Right now, the younger we have to replace Coleman or Smith or bodies with very little or no experience. Leverette who has good size. A seventh round draft pick who is lighter than our linebackers. I'm not sure about the guy from Baltimore, Powell I think, does he have any interesting qualities. I am wary of getting rid of Coleman. I like some would prefer to cut Smith, but even with Smith our pass rush was pretty anemic last year. WIthout him, it's sort of like quarterback... we're left to hope that we have an undiscovered gem or that the system makes them much better than what their history suggests.

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I would hope we could keep Coleman (at a resonable price of course). He is rock solid, and we need depth on the D line.

What's funny is that he is purported to say he won't take a pay cut, yet if he is cut after June 1 and picked up by another team, he is not going to make that much more money than resigning here.

Teams simply do not want to pay more than veteran minimum for most veterans over 30 this year in general.

Who knows -- could be pre-negotiation posturing.

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I would agree with the 'experience' factor on the DL in relation to Coleman IF the Skins weren't already planning on having 17 year vet Bruce Smith, 9 year vet Dan Wilkinson and 6 year vet Reynaldo Wynn already penciled in to start :)

I think there is room enough on this defense for a younger player to come in and make a contribution. Adams would be nice, but even if he comes it is likely to be a one year deal. So we would have to still make other long-term plans.

Other teams such as the Rams and Patriots successfully integrated rookies or younger vets on their D and made it to the Super Bowl.

The idea that EVERYONE on your defense has to have 3-4 years in the league to be effective or make a contribution is outdated in the era of the salary cap and free agency.

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I'm not too familiar with the cap game but why shouldn't we cut Smith and Coleman now, and just pay the luxury tax or whatever the penalty would be so we can start rebuilding with a lot younger players. That way next season we won't have any real cap problems except for Davis

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Leverette at last check is 6'6 280 which is heavier than B Smith 6'4 261 and Coleman 6'3 270.

He will probably be up to 290 by the time the first preseason game starts.

WTEM also reported that Marco had no plans to renegotiate so....


Free up the money and go with youth.

Locker room inspiration and leadership should be Lavar, Smoot and probably Rock Jansen responsibility

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Originally posted by eselwyn

I'm not too familiar with the cap game but why shouldn't we cut Smith and Coleman now, and just pay the luxury tax or whatever the penalty would be so we can start rebuilding with a lot younger players. That way next season we won't have any real cap problems except for Davis

Hell no! That would count against this year's cap and ensure that we were well over the cap. If we cut them after June 1, then they count against next year's cap, and we have time to work around that during the next offseason.

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the smart moves are to release Marco June 1 and Bruce AFTER next June 1 if he doesn't retire. that would spread each cap hit out over two years.

'luxury tax'????? that is another sport, my friend :)

Coleman knows he is going to get more than $563K on the open market after June 1 so there is little incentive for him to restructure.

I think it is also a sign he sees 2002 as perhaps his last or next to last season and he probably wants to go to the Rams or Packers or 49ers to try and get a ring.

The Skins by most measuring sticks are at least a year away.

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