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Kick offs at Redskins Games


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I think they play "Me So Horny" by 2-Live Crew.

Sometimes they play "Me So Horny" right before they play "Who Let the Dogs Out". That's actually rather disturbing, if you think about it.


I just hope the TV networks don't run that stupid commercial where the stupid guy from the stupid Pittsburgh Steelers tries to purchase a copy of "Who Let the Dogs Out" but can't because the store doesn't accept checks. I think I saw that ad 10 million times last season. You know which one I mean????? "Loooooving yoooooou.........."


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They actually started playing "Loooooving You is easy because your so beautiful" last year, toward the end of skins victories.

To tell you the truth, I have never paid attention to the Kick-off song. I am usually too busy trying to lose my voice by the end of the half.

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My God I wanted that submarine so bad when I was a kid, I can STILL taste it. Living in Mexico, however, and back in pre FedEx days (mail, not Field), and $6.98 ($6.98?!) being all the effing money in the world to a 6 year-old, and my parents being the remorselessly cruelest, most profoundly unfeeling, emotionally barren, long-term-trauma-causing, no-submarine-buying, neo-maxi zoondweebies the world has EVER seen ... I never got it.

But I'm over it now.

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Originally posted by joe

They actually started playing "Loooooving You is easy because your so beautiful" last year, toward the end of skins victories.

I remember that from the end of the New York Giants Game when I made my annual pilgrimage back to the D.C. Area last season. They played that song when the game was over and Marty was going to mid field to shake Jim Fassel's Hand.

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Originally posted by Om

My God I wanted that submarine so bad when I was a kid, I can STILL taste it. Living in Mexico, however, and back in pre FedEx days (mail, not Field), and $6.98 ($6.98?!) being all the effing money in the world to a 6 year-old, and my parents being the remorselessly cruelest, most profoundly unfeeling, emotionally barren, long-term-trauma-causing, no-submarine-buying, neo-maxi zoondweebies the world has EVER seen ... I never got it.

But I'm over it now.

Not to add salt to the wound, but if you had the submarine in pristine condition, their are toy collectors who would willingly pay thousands of dollars for it.

These toy soldiers routinely fetch $600+ at auction (in mint condition):


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