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Could Westy be A Jaguar?!


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Jaguars | WR Next? - posted at KFFL (http://nfl.kffl.com)

21:36 PT: Bart Hubbuch reports for the Florida Times-Union WR may be the next position the Jacksonville Jaguars eye in free agency. Coach Tom Coughlin admits he still wants to upgrade the position. The team will closely look at the list of players released after June 1. The Jaguars also might consider free agent WR Michael Westbrook (Redskins). "We're speculating [about players available after June 1], and I've got a big list, but every year it seems to turn out different," Coughlin said. "Nothing seems to work out the way you draw it up." The team will not consider re-signing WR Keenan McCardell after they release him. He is drawing interest from the Chiefs, Tampa Bay and Cleveland.

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If Westbrook signs with the Jags he SHOULD put up some pretty good numbers considering his 'protection' in the lineup :)

Brunell to throw him the ball.......Jimmy Smith to take away primary coverage..........Fred Taylor to run the ball and present a home run threat from the backfield.........................

yeah, if Jacksonville is productive on offense in 2002 it will be because Westbrook has made the difference :laugh: :laugh:

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There are still possibilities with Westbrook, but his impact will never be what it once was, if any. He has habits that still don't allow seperation and doesn't show up often enough in the really tight games to put the team over the top, when they are looking his way. Sure he got some numbers, TD's, yards, but the W's weren't in the mix to match up with it.

Last year he was excluded, so that is understandable about his delimma. Aside from his one big year, he hasn't been consistant enough cause the defense problems covering him. The #1 receiver simply must make a team at least adjust, so single coverage and weak zones won't keep him away from his appointed duties. The most important moments for the #1 WR were few or none.

He can get open on certain corners, but the Atlanta's, Arizona's, Dallas', San Diego's, , etc weren't the better of the games we needed to win, when the coverage was much tighter. He just couldn't get it done, consistantly. A touchdown or catch when the game is pretty much done, isn't going to get i.

Yes the lessor games you should win, but we also needed to win the BIG games too.

From KFFL: http://nfl.kffl.com/teams/players/WESTBROOKMICHAELWASWR.shtml

Week Opp H/R In? Turf? Att Yrds TDs Rec Yds TDs Yrds Avg Fum Lost Pts

01 SD Road Out Grass 0 0 0 4 28 0 28 7.0 0 0 4

02 GB Road Out Grass 0 0 0 4 23 0 23 5.8 0 0 4

03 KC Home Out Grass 0 0 0 2 17 0 17 8.5 0 0 2

04 NYG Road Out Turf 1 8 0 4 34 0 42 8.5 0 0 5

05 DAL Road Out Turf 0 0 0 1 31 1 31 31.0 0 0 9

06 CAR Home Out Grass 0 0 0 1 19 0 19 19.0 0 0 1

07 NYG Home Out Grass 0 0 0 2 83 1 83 41.5 0 0 15

08 SEA Home Out Grass 0 0 0 2 18 1 18 9.0 0 0 8

10 DEN Road Out Grass 0 0 0 9 104 1 104 11.6 0 0 20

11 PHI Road Out Turf 0 0 0 3 22 0 22 7.3 0 0 3

12 DAL Home Out Grass 0 0 0 2 27 0 27 13.5 0 0 3

13 ARI Road Out Grass 0 0 0 7 82 0 82 11.7 0 0 11

14 PHI Home Out Grass 0 0 0 4 48 0 48 12.0 0 0 6

15 CHI Home Out Grass 0 0 0 7 66 0 66 9.4 0 0 9

16 NO Road In Turf 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

17 ARI Home Out Grass 0 0 0 5 62 0 62 12.4 0 0 8

2001 Totals:

28 catches in his last "7" games (4.5 per game for about 45 yards pg?) NO TD's - nadda. What hurts also is the indecisive Banks and Jimmy Raye presiding over the passing game, clouding the issue. Still seperation wasn't all that and it showed often enough that the #2 also covered, was thrown to. During that stretch, evey game had huge written all over it and he didn't rise to the occassion.

I had always thought he'd at least surpass Gary Clark's level, but he always had excuses for not acheiving at least that.

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Originally posted by cowboykilla

Allllllllright Rellim, I dont like you, and you don't like me. And there's one other thing I do know. WESTBROOK WILL BE A PRO BOWLER NEXT YEAR!!!!!!!!

I don't dislike you, I don't know you. I do, however, disagree with a lot of your posts, and this one is no different.

Westbrook will never go to a pro bowl, mark my words.

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I have no problem with him moving on, especially if its in the AFC. Not sure about the pro bowl. but one thing is for sure, he's not a #1, at least hasn't been for the past seven years. now, put him with a solid qb and a talented wr across from him , and who knows.

All that comes to mind when i think about him these days is the pass he flat out dropped on the 20 yard line against Philly last year.

I have always had the sneaking suspicion that the guy is just a ***** deep down.

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Westbrook and his bag of excuses is headed out of town and that is cause for rejoicing.

You know who Westbrook reminds me of? Nick Van Excel.

the guy has talent but because of a poor attitude early in his career and a 'know it all' mentality he was never able to develop into the player he COULD have been.

the Lakers got rid of Van Excel because he was a locker room cancer.

the Redskins got less production out of Westbrook than the Lakers did out of Nick, but essentially are cutting him loose for the same reason, it is time to move on.

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Once again, Tha Bulldog nails the mark dead center.

My predicition? (Wish I could staple this up somewhere.)

Westbrook will sign with a team (Jags?) that already has an ESTABLISHED #1 threat at WR. (Jimmy Smith?)

So, since teh #1 threat will be drawing the primary coverage, Westbrook will be allowed to abuse #2 and #3 DB's FOR A CHANGE. He will then put up monster #'s, and all these Westbrook lovers (X-Factor, Cowboykilla, etc.) will come back and give us the "I told you so" bit to no end. :D

Oh, and I am not meaning to offend the Westbrook followers. It's just what I think will happen.

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