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What's up Redskins fans!


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I've been perusing this forum for the past couple of weeks trying to get a feel for what it's all about before I dive in head first.

First of all let me give kudo's to whoever designed the layout of the site. MUCH better than any Cowboys forum that I've seen.

OOPS!! Did I say that worst of all words....Cowboys...

Well yes, I'm a Cowboys fan. I was born in Dallas, and have lived here(Dallas) all my life. That's why I'm a Cowboys fan. No Billy Bandwagon here.

I'm what you might call a realistic Cowboys fan, and yes, there is such an animal.

I'm not a Quincy Carter fan AT ALL. I've seen him before, any of y'all remember Steve Pelluer? Same Thing. And other things that I won't go into right now.

I have but one request from anyone who reads this...simply.......PLEASE DON'T LUMP ME IN WITH THAT IDIOT QCARD!!!! That guy is the laughing stock of every forum that he frequents.

I promise not to mention anything about 9 in a row either.

I have noticed that allot of people on this forum seem to be obsessed with the Cowboys, being a Cowboys fan, I guess i just don't get it.

Anyway, I look forward to talking to y'all throughout the season.



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Gotta say - this forum is better than any other forum I've seen (though I'm a bit of a forum virgin - so go easy). Anyway, most of the posters on here seem very intelligent and they make me laugh my Cowboys loving a$$ off while I'm at work. (FYI - if anyone that I work with uses this forum -- this is not Frank Drebin posting and he doesn't use the computer for recreational purposes while I'm - I mean he's - at work).

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Wow, you're a rare one dan...

Not only do you seem intelligent but...a Dallas fan who's actually from Dallas????

I didn't know you people still existed.

I have noticed that allot of people on this forum seem to be obsessed with the Cowboys, being a Cowboys fan, I guess i just don't get it.

That's because your team hasn't lost to a much weaker team 9 frickin' times in a row.

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welcome aboard dan454 and Erwin S. We enjoy this forum very much, and we thank the boys regularly for their efforts in giving us a forum to play.

As for the Cowboys, the venom you sense is due solely on the rivary and the "streak". Most, if not all of us, want the rivalry to regain it's significance, as well as become the best rivalry in the NFL like it was in the 70's and 80's.

Finally, we're civil and respectful, but we can run individuals like Qcard out of here with our devilish tongues. Give your opinion, your "how I see it", but back it with facts and logical trains of thought and you'll get honest posts in return. Act like Qcard and others, get your throat ripped out and eaten by the "moderators".... especially Art. LOL!

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Very cool. We always love to get civil fans from other teams posting here. They are the best source of info, and inject some opposing viewpoints that are appreciated when they are at the very least somewhat realistic.

Welcome aboard, enjoy your stay, etc. etc.

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Welcome Dan and Erwin--

You guys sound too good to be true - reasonable Cowboys fans.

Gotta tell you that the Cowboys drive most of us here nuts, the way they have the Skins number. I go through 6-8 bags of Nachos during Dallas game.

Since you seem like good sports, I'll throw you a bone - why do YOU think Dallas can beat the Skins so consistently?

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"I promise not to mention anything about 9 in a row either." - dan

You just did! :) Welcome to the board guys.

"You guys sound too good to be true - reasonable Cowboys fans. " - Chief

We have had two very civil, reasonable Cowboy fans on this board for quite some time (Joe and Dale). Good to have two more.

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Originally posted by Brave

"You guys sound too good to be true - reasonable Cowboys fans. " - Chief

We have had two very civil, reasonable Cowboy fans on this board for quite some time (Joe and Dale). Good to have two more.

Whoops, my apologies to Joe and Dale, with whom I am not yet acquainted. :cheers:

Any of you guys want a date with my Aunt Josephine? I promise she'll shave her back.

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No worries, Chief. Joe and Dale don't post as often as, say ... NavyDave or bulldog, so it's not surprising that you haven't crossed paths yet. They can, however, often be found to be the voice of reason from the Cowboy camp in the middle of threads with bozos like QCard and 9inarow. :)

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Welcome aboard Dan454 and Erwin now it appears we have 4 knowledgeable and civil cowpoke fans on the board.

I'm looking forward to both teams having winning records but us winning the head to head games so the rivalry is back to mid 80's fervor.

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Hi Redskin fans, I'm new to your board as well. Been lurking for a while but decided to jump in. I am a Buccaneer fan and a Gator for life. Ya gotta love SOS!!!! This season will be very interesting for the Skins and Bucs having new head ball coaches. I'll be rooting for you guys to win every week.

Things are going to be alot different with Chuckie as our coach, but I wish Dungy all the best....we needed a change. Who knows before the season starts we might acquire another Johnson:rolleyes:

Your board and members are first class. Our board is similar only alot brighter/lighter. Come and visit the TBBBB....we have a great front page and the chat rooms are not as serious as the Skins, but it's off season.

Anyone coming down to Tampa for the pre-season game on Sat, Aug 24th? SEE YA AND GOOD LUCK:cool:

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