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All the News that fits into Print: Redskins sell out?

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Danny boy is simply a marketing genius. This is truly amazing stuff. I thought the rotating billboards at FedEx field were inspired. This takes it several steps further.

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Pretty soon all the Eagles and Cowboys fans are going to talk about how Snyder is a money grubber...well, that's kind of the object of capitalism. I think it's a great idea, because whatever money he makes goes to the 'Skins.

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A lot of people criticize Snyder, but I like him. He will reach into his wallet to get who he wants. He scouts players, eats dinner with them to help lure players over. He is very serious about winning, not just the business side.

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You just have to love this guy if you're a 'skins fan. Invent it, patent it, make the rest of the teams pay the Redskins to use it.

What's next? Sponsor logoed urinal cakes? Whatever will bring in the cash to pay the players is fine by me.

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This is the exact reason why Danny is a muti billionaire at the age of 30.. To make money you have to take risks. All the money he makes he happily puts back into the redskins. Also the only reasons there was an article about this is because it was the skins and all the jealous people out there about a 30 yr old who was able to buy a Great football franchise. If this was the Bengals news conference there would have never been an article written.. SO I say good great grand more advertising money the better. Better to be with the technology curve than behind it Right!!!

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