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fun and gun = run and shoot offense

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I would suppose that thing are very slow in ny, aren't they?

Strahan wants more money because he's the all time sack leader!!! he should buy Favre at least a dozen rolex watches for each month for that phantom sack, and now Kerry Collins also want more money.... what a dilemma, who to pay?

a dull off-season, a dull draft and dull boards in ny.

Welcome to extremskins, I want to introduce you to Smoot21 real soon. Enjoy it:)

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Ah. Sleep deprivation. That explains it. Now since you're new around these parts, let's just say that S.S.'s offense has been examined alot here. More to come too. :) Though "at times" it "resembles" the run and shoot, it does not equal the run and shoot.

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Dear Admins,

I humbly recommend that the moniker of "New York Registered Sex Offender" be used in place of the presently bestowed "The Cheerleader" for a one ny [giants] state of mind. (BTW, WTF is a "ny," anyway? Is that supposed to be the country in southeast Asia where Kathey Lee Gifford's line of clothing is produced?) Moreover, I recommend that variations on this moniker be applied to all outsiders (e.g. fans of the Cowboys, Eagles, Giants, etc.) who act inappropriately whilst on our board. So, for instance, a Cowboys fan acting the fool on here would be branded as a "Dallas Registered Sex Offender." This practice is already in place on CPND and has worked quite well, I must say... which is to say that said practice never ceases to bring a smile to the face of yours truly. ;)


Glenn X

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Uh let me step in here real quick Glenn. State of mind, I'm just another poster here and don't want to step on any admins toes, but might I redirect you to the visiting teams thread up top and the post Blade made to you earlier? Keep it in mind before going too much further on smoot.

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Your apology has been noted, sir. :)

Strictly speaking, you did not speak the truth when you said that the Fun n' Gun and Run & Shoot were one and the same, which they are not.

Regarding your beef with Smoot21, I don't know anything about that. If you're pissed at him, that's your affair. As Blade, an admin on this board, made clear in another thread, if you want to come here to talk about football and the NFC East in a serious and respectful fashion, that's cool. But if you wanna come in here to try to exact some sort of revenge on Smoot21, that's not cool.

In closing, my recommendation to the admins on the "New York Registered Sex Offender" tag was intended only in jest. Other than you being a Giants fan, I have nothing against you personally, sir.

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Geeeeeeez Glenn. Looks like this dude supporting NY, (you know, the GREATEST city in the world) has come in peace.

Welcome aboard state of mind. Tom [Giantfans] will be glad to have someone on his side for a change.


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IBM computer with Pentium 4 chip and 17 inch monitor=$1495.00

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The feeling smoot21 gets when NY, Philly, and Dallas yokels "hunt" him down and come at him with third grade conversation=Priceless

NY State Of Mind: I have takin dumps on many a Giant board. Infact smoot21 made his debut taking a long stinky one on the original BBWC board. That board is ghetto, just like the Giant fans that I verbally and physicly destroy on a weekly basis. Your nothing but late to the party buddy. Take a seat and watch how I do it. I wish the Giant fans that come to get the man they call smoot21 would be a little more intelligent. You sir are as sharp as a sack of potatoes and are no match fom me. I figure you are coming from the new BBWC board. I don't blame you for coming here and looking for some action, after all your board has no news other than who the Giants lost in free agency. You are no match. Step off!

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AAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH:hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer:

Why does everyone think the Fun & Gun is the same as the Run & Shoot?????

The Fun & Gun relies on, most of the time, a 3 WR, 1 RB, 1 TE formation. The Run & Shoot is...

Ah, nevermind. I'm going to take a dump. See you all later.

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The run and shoot and the fun and gun share the principle of running routes where defenders have left open, but, the two offenses are not very similar. The run and shoot is a shorter passing offense and Spurrier's is an offense that looks deep first before checking shorter.

NY, I understand your fear forces you to categorize things you can not grasp in phrasing you can understand and you deem harmless, but, simply stating there is some equivalence between the run and shoot and the fun and gun does not make it true, and therefore, your safe place isn't so safe.

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